POTUS (Donald) many legal issues cornering him

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
This is a little closer to my style!
I'll bet that you like both kinds of music!

Country AND Western!

p.s. I like most music and I'll give everything a listen. You may find the Brandenburg Concertos, Led Zepplin 4, Howling Wolf, Stan Rogers or Hank Snow in my car CD player, on any given day this week.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I'll bet that you like both kinds of music!

Country AND Western!

p.s. I like most music and I'll give everything a listen. You may find the Brandenburg Concertos, Led Zepplin 4, Howling Wolf, Stan Rogers or Hank Snow in my car CD player, on any given day this week.

I like Irish music. (that's a country)

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Not sure I can place you.......but my goodness, that is just wonderful. Virtually goose flesh rendering.
I'm wearing the Tux!

I've sung that several times, each as a Tenor and as a Bass. I was a Tenor in that video. I have trouble singing it that high now and if I don't "mouth" the Halleluia Chorus, Millie Vanilli style, my voice quits during the "Amens" at the end of the piece ...they're loud, high and sustained. I'm a Baritone and I do damage to myself if I sing loud, high and sustained, these days.

(Besides, the Bass part is easier!)


Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
I'm wearing the Tux!

I've sung that several times, each as a Tenor and as a Bass. I was a Tenor in that video. I have trouble singing it that high now and if I don't "mouth" the Halleluia Chorus, Millie Vanilli style, my voice quits during the "Amens" at the end of the piece ...they're loud, high and sustained. I'm a Baritone and I do damage to myself if I sing loud, high and sustained, these days.

(Besides, the Bass part is easier!)

VERY very impressive. I won't be seeing Oakville in the same light again;-)

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
VERY very impressive. I won't be seeing Oakville in the same light again;-)
It supports a couple of groups like us, and all sorts of other artsy stuff. The numbers of people with post-secondary educations are quite high here and a lot of arts organizations are self-sustaining. We run on private sponsorship these days and the last time we performed the Messiah, we sold out three concerts and filled our coffers. The higher population densities in this part of the country has it's rewards. It's pretty much impossible to carry out that sort of activity in small town, although it has been known to happen.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I'll bet that you like both kinds of music!

Country AND Western!

p.s. I like most music and I'll give everything a listen. You may find the Brandenburg Concertos, Led Zepplin 4, Howling Wolf, Stan Rogers or Hank Snow in my car CD player, on any given day this week.

Pretty hard to beat Hank Snow's voice!

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
At our wedding reception (in a winery!) our only music was a Welsh harpist in the corner as people ate, drank, chilled. It was magic.
A friend of mine in Scotland...got married this spring .....and his (their) reception followed a very similar format. Got some videos of it and it too was magical.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
A friend of mine in Scotland...got married this spring .....and his (their) reception followed a very similar format. Got some videos of it and it too was magical.
The wine doesn't hurt either except some of my dour Presbyterian family members took a while longer to loosen up.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Seems every wedding-family has a group like that ;-)
Oh, they're okay ... 16th century Calvinists, is all. They are nothing like Evangelicals, though and they still have a strong sense of "right and wrong", not a selective TV Evangelist's one.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
19 states and D.C. sue Trump administration over family detention rule


POOR DELUDED Ocean KreskinHOID Blowhard Breezy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She wants to fuss over Trump..................................................

in a DESPERATE HOPE............................................

that we will not look at the INSANE immigration policies.......................................

of Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating just who it is that is running the prison system. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Inmate who did 18 months in solitary sues Ottawa jail

By Gary Dimmock. First posted: Wednesday, July 05, 2017 08:41 PM EDT | Updated: Wednesday, July 05, 2017 09:45 PM EDT

A convicted killer who spent a staggering 18 months in solitary confinement is suing the Ottawa jail for “degrading and inhuman” treatment that, for a time, cost him his mind, according to a $500,000 lawsuit filed Wednesday.

The case of Mutuir Rehman, first brought to light by Postmedia last year, “epitomizes the reason why the whole system of solitary confinement is under review at the current time,” said his lawyer, Lawrence Greenspon.

(Uh- Mutuir Rehman? So he is not likely to be Caucasian- in which case we can expect that LIE-berals will give him Khadr Krap style Kompensation?)

Rehman was 22 when he found himself in jail after his arrest on murder charges in the 2013 killing of Andre Boisclair.

He’d had a chaotic childhood. By the age of 10, he was getting high. Once good with numbers, he eventually dropped out of school and started selling crack. But no matter his hardened street life, nothing had prepared him for his time at the jail on Innes Road, where he was shown a solitary confinement cell as punishment for fighting with inmates and guards.

(Oh- he got sent to the lockup that the other bad kids call “Holiday Innis”? So he is a messed up, drug addled crazy man. And I guess his life on the streets did not prepare him well for the working world- other than as a drug dealer?)

He would spend 23 hours a day for 18 months in isolation at the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre, with no access to newspapers, TV or radio. They fed him through a hatch, and beyond the odd 20-minute visit with a relative, he spent his days absent of human interaction.

Rehman started hallucinating in his lonely cell and, in the end, might have lost his mind.

(So the clown got moved out of light jail time Holiday Innis and over to hard time Ottawa-Carlton because he is a trouble maker? And of course part of the idea of solitary confinement is to prompt the criminal to consider his mis- spent life....but having time to think versus time to go insane is typical LIE-beral NO PLANNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(A violent guy like Rehman is often better off away from guards and other inmates so there will be no fighting as there was in this case- but nothing to read or look at for 23.5 hours a day is LIE-beral Krap! Why not give the guy some magazines or a tv????????? LIE-berals REALLY NEED to decide what our jails should be doing- and then getting on with it!!!!!!)

Should there be Punishment to deter more crime, or rehabilitation to persuade better behaviour, or quarantine to prevent more trouble because a guy who is locked up cannot make trouble out on the street- these are the ONLY 3 options open. But LIE-berals seem willing to wait till hell freezes over in case somebody comes up with a 4th option -such as SUING THE STATE - since they have so little apparent interest in the obvious 3 solutions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Or, perhaps we shoudl accept the behaviour of LIE-beral hug a thug judges at face value and recognize THEY think it is unfair to jail any thug for any reason? They certainly come up with some novel reasons to release criminals- such as- “we don’t have the resources for a trial any time soon so turn the killers loose!)

“He looks like he’s losing his brains,” his father, Habib Rehman, told Postmedia at the time.

The lawsuit alleges that nobody at the jail recognized or reported the deteriorating mental health of Rehman, now 24. It was his then-lawyer Dominic Lamb, alone, who flagged it.
(The guy is a raging drug addled maniac so how would any lay person judge his level of sanity? And drugs are reportedly easier to get in jail than on the street!! Thank you LIE-berals for this LEGAL MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

At the request of Lamb, Rehman was transferred for treatment at Royal Ottawa, where he was diagnosed with an acute episode of schizophrenia. According to a mental status examination at the hospital, Rehman expressed some delusion and smiled and grinned while talking about serious matters such as the murder case against him.

A forensic psychiatrist found Rehman unfit for trial and said his mental health worsened in his 18 months in solitary confinement.

(IN other words the guy was a nut BEFORE being arrested- so it`s the usual LIE-beral krap- letting any loon stay in Canada?)

After being removed from the jail and receiving treatment at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre, Rehman‘s mental state improved enough for him to plead guilty to manslaughter in the 2013 death of ex-con Boisclair. Rehman was subjected to what the hospital calls chemical restraining, in which patients are restrained and administered drugs to ease aggression.

(But why was he not tranquilized in jail if he was such a problem? Why set him up for a lawsuit unless LIE-berals have some ulterior motive for screwing up how our jails work? They certainly have made it clear they want to change everything else about all of us “Islamophobes”!)

His trial lawyer argued that there should be a legal remedy for Rehman’s claimed charter violations while in solitary, but the judge said it was a case for civil court.

(OH GREAT!! It’s a civil matter- meaning LEGAL AID!! And meaning WE PAY for BOTH SIDES of the argument -prosecutor and defendant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

And that’s where the case is now.

According to the statement of claim, the jail failed Rehman miserably and:

Deprived him of his right to life, liberty and security, to be free from arbitrary detention, and the right not to be subjected to cruel and unusual treatment or punishment;

(The drug addled guy in jail accused of- and eventually convicted of murder does NOT have a lot of rights to violate- not until a slow as molasses in winter- LIE-beral court gets around to dealing with him! LIE-berals are so busy screwing around with Khadr style Krap that REAL cases are being neglected! Such as the SEVEN accused murderers recently released because LIE-berals could not try their cases in reasonable time. Or the guy accused of stealing 30 million dollars in an Ontari-owe Ponzi scheme and LIE-berals did not have the time or money to try him either so he was simply ordered to leave Ontari-owe and never come back! With 30 million dollars tax free in your pocket and the world open to you, would you come back to Ontari-owe?????????????????)

The jail owed him a duty of care for his mental and physical health while in custody;

(And the jail gurads and inmates owed the guy a BREATING for making so much trouble FOR EVERYBODY INVOLVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals drop the ball on mental health issues on a regular basis. Rehman should be happy that he was not shot by poorly equipped cops during his arrest. Cops really do need Tazers and bean bag guns if they are to have any hope of dealing with mentally ill people without resorting to lethal force- as the inquest into the death of Andrew Loku PROVED yet again!)

The jail failed to properly monitor damaging effects of solitary confinement;

(IT is alleged that 25 percent of prison inmates have mental health issues developed BEFORE going to jail- with LIE-berals totally un-concerned about the matter so why would guards- with NO authority to change anything- be blamed for ignoring Rehman? It is Our idiot Boy and his judges that have dropped the ball here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The jail failed to have a regular system of assessment of the impact of lengthy solitary confinement;

(Why assess anything when jail guards have no means of dealing with the guy OTHER THAN solitary confinement where he cannot fight with guards or other prisoners? He needed mental health treatment that LIE-berals would NOT supply!)

The jail failed to follow, let alone be aware of, internationally recognized and accepted time limits of solitary confinement that say more than 15 days can cause brain damage;

(Back to LIE-berals yet again who ignore reports from prison psychiatrists re the condition of those in the system- but this assumes the `experts` are actually telling LIE-berals anything? Is there a culture of silence- demanded of experts: don’t rock the boat or make govt look bad or you wont keep[ your job?)

That he suffered pain, loss of enjoyment of life and extreme psychological harm.

(Blame his rotten parents and bad DNA for drug addictions and criminal behaviour for that!)

None of the allegations has been proven in court and the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services has yet to file a statement of defense. Spokesman Brent Ross said it would be inappropriate to comment on a case before the courts.

(When Our idiot Boy Justin ran in the 2015 election, he said he would create lots of jobs and support the middle class- I guess he thinks lawyers are in need of work since LIE-berals make so much work for them! And Omar Khadr is now very definitely UPPER middle class courtesy of LIE-berals- assuming the lawyers and the Yankee widow don’t get at his ill gotten cash!)

Rehman’s parents have said they have no family history of mental illness.

(Oh sure.....and we can believe AND TRUST a Muslim family that is looking at a big fat Khadr Krap payment from LIE-berals? They came here FOR MONEY - nd it looks like they may get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The statement of claim is also seeking damages and legal fees. Rehman is now serving eight years at Millhaven Institution, a maximum-security prison in Bath, Ont.

(The guy is no saint and he apparently DOES have mental health issues- or at least maybe he has troubles stemming from long drug use and a carefully edited version of his life makes him a figure of some modest sympathy but paying him anything because he is unhappy about being in jail for committing a crime is something only a LIE-beral would consider!)

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005

Congressional Democrats plan to launch inquiry into Trump��s alleged role in scheme to silence affair accusations

The House Judiciary Committee is preparing to hold hearings and call witnesses involved in hush-money payments to ex-Playboy model Karen McDougal and adult-film star Stormy Daniels as soon as October, according to people familiar with the plans who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal discussions.

The new congressional inquiry will reopen questions about the extent of President Trump��s involvement in the episode �� and whether he would have been charged if not for Justice Department opinions that a sitting president cannot be indicted.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

Congressional Democrats plan to launch inquiry into Trump��s alleged role in scheme to silence affair accusations

The House Judiciary Committee is preparing to hold hearings and call witnesses involved in hush-money payments to ex-Playboy model Karen McDougal and adult-film star Stormy Daniels as soon as October, according to people familiar with the plans who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal discussions.

The new congressional inquiry will reopen questions about the extent of President Trump��s involvement in the episode �� and whether he would have been charged if not for Justice Department opinions that a sitting president cannot be indicted.

Well this is just terrible , another smoking gun .


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
did everyone think that you can just pay off porn stars and that's that?

of course they are going to investigate it

Trump really should have put a little more effort into the darned 2018 election thing.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
did everyone think that you can just pay off porn stars and that's that?

of course they are going to investigate it

Trump really should have put a little more effort into the darned 2018 election thing.
I’m shocked.