CDN Election 2019


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
didn't you spend a year predicting Trudeau would never be prime minister #judtnotready?



Our idiot Boy Justin is prime minister in name only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In all other ways he is merely a figure head for the civil service union Hogs and Black Lives Matter Bigots and drunken Idle No More native thieves and a batch of illegals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The public rage is growing ever louder and the time of LIE-berals in the sun is melting away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AS for suggestions that poor Cdns- with LIE-BERALS SNEERING and meaning un-intelligent- vote Conservative.................................

and rich Cdns- which LIE-berals foolishly boast are more intelligent - vote LIE-beral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THAT IS a typical LIE-beral LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals always start out with some logical fact -such as LIE-beral supporters generally having more money than Conservative supporters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But then LIE-berals SPIN that lone fact off INTO HUGE DELUSIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral supporters generally HAVE MORE MONEY BECAUSE THEY GET GOVT GRAVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LIE-beral GREED is destroying our economy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-beral greed is KILLING LIE-beral re-election chances too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
BERNIER: People’s Party set up in 338 ridings ahead of 2019 election
Canadian Press
December 23, 2018
December 23, 2018 7:34 PM EST
People's Party leader Maxime Bernier is seen in Montreal on Friday, December 14, 2018.Paul Chiasson / THE CANADIAN PRESS
OTTAWA — The People’s Party of Canada says it has reached its goal of setting up 338 riding associations as it sets its sights on being a competitive force in the upcoming federal election.
In an email to supporters, leader Maxime Bernier says the move amounts to a “gift of hope” for Canadians seeking to bring back freedom, responsibility, fairness and respect to the country.
Bernier was a Conservative MP for more than a decade before he announced in August he was leaving the fold to launch his own party.
Maxime Bernier’s new political party: The People’s Party of Canada
Maxime Bernier declares he’s leaving ‘intellectually and morally corrupt’ Conservative Party
Tories planned to ‘belittle’ Maxime Bernier in meeting
Maxime Bernier should decide if he wants Tories or Liberals to win, Michelle Rempel says
The party’s platform is still being finalized, but its website says positions taken by Bernier in the Conservative leadership race — such as a pitch to phase out supply management for the dairy sector — will form the basis for its policies.
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer defeated Bernier for the federal Tory leadership by a slim margin in May 2017.
Bernier has accused the Tories of abandoning conservatives, adding the party has “nothing of substance” to offer Canadians seeking a political alternative.
“I have one wish for Christmas: That you and each one of our party’s 33,800 members bring even more hope by contributing $3.38 or $33.80 today to help us spread this good news,” Bernier said to supporters on Sunday.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
338 riding associations set up prior to having a party platform.

Sounds legit


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
338 riding associations set up prior to having a party platform.

Sounds legit

POOR foolish HOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He has turned his mouth into a super charged LIE-BERAL manure spreader yet again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider the racist crap that LIE-berals HAVE ALREADY BEEN FORCED TO APOLOGIZE FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating the toxic political environment that LIE-berals are creating! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Toxic 'privilege' debate rears its head on Parliament Hill

By Anthony Furey

Published: March 6, 2018, Updated: March 6, 2018 5:55 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Canada

It’s the sort of antics you’d expect to witness on campus from first-year university students. The last place you’d hope to hear accusations of toxic terms like white privilege, male privilege and so on being tossed about is on Parliament Hill.

Yet, that’s just what one Liberal MP did in a recent Twitter exchange with a Conservative counterpart, which she’s now apologizing for following public blowback.

(Caersar- Chavannes- call her CC for short- represents a Whitby riding that is generally and traditionally Conservative- with occasional exceptions! Several years back- the Whitby area had Conservative finance minister Jim Flaherty as MP and his wife Christine Elliot as MPP!)

(CC is apparently venting her spleen over the probability that the area is SLIDING BACK into Conservative settings! She fears for her job since being a LIE-beral politician is the best gig she will ever hold!)

Liberal MP Celina Caesar-Chavannes took a run at Conservative MP Maxime Bernier over the weekend for comments he made about the budget. “Please check your privilege and be quiet,” Caesar-Chavannes posted after telling him he was contributing to racism.

Liberal MP apologizes for telling Bernier to ‘be quiet’ on race issues.

(Yes- LIE-berals have a GREAT DEAL of racial crap to apologize for! From Caribbean born Hedy Fry screaming about KKK “crosses burning in Prince George as we speak”!!!!)

(Over to Iranian born Maryam Monseff- PRETENDING to be an Afghan apparently because she figured being Afghan was more politically acceptable in Canada - and having her very public melt down in the middle of our parliament and screaming insults at us - simply because an all party committee insisted that the LIE-beral electoral reform garbage should be put to a national referendum!)

(Or we could talk about Muslim Iqra Khalid who is convinced that we are all Islamophobes because we are worried about Muslim terrorists settingt up shop in Canada!)

(Or we could talk about the rank and file of LIE-berals who are willing to call us ALL “systemic racists” simply because we don’t like how LIE-berals are handling various things like the Deluge of illegals that LIE-berals are gathering up with no more care than crazy cat ladies rounding up stray kitties!)

(Strangely, these anti white bigots cannot explain how they got elected in a country that they claim inhabited entirely by “systemic racists”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Bernier, a former Conservative leadership candidate and well-known free-market advocate, was initially responding to comments posted by Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen, who himself celebrated the budget as “a historic budget for racialized Canadians.” Hussen went on to applaud budget additions that included $19 million for black youth and mental health and $31.8 million for racialized newcomer women.

“I thought the ultimate goal of fighting discrimination was to create a colour-blind society where everyone is treated the same,” wrote Bernier. “Not to set some Canadians as being ‘racialized.’ What’s the purpose of this awful jargon? To create more division for the Liberals to exploit?”

(Well - YES! LIE-berals know very well that their racially charged crap and their planned economic disasters are NOT ACCEPTABLE to main stream Canada so singling out select groups for special vote buying privileges is standard LIE-beral policy! Sadly for LIE-berals - they are becoming aware that the silent majority of Cdns- that 55 plus percent of Cdns who do not normally vote- have been so goaded and provoked by LIE-beral greed that there is a real danger that voter rage will sweep LIE-berals back out of office as suddenly as they arrived!)

It was these remarks that set Caesar-Chavannes off and veered the exchange into toxic territory. She called on Bernier to “do some research, or a Google search, as to why stating colour blindness as a defence actually contributes to racism. Please check your privilege and be quiet.”

(Yes- being “colour blind” IS DEEMED RACIST by LIE-beral definition since actually forcing govt to SERVE ALL CDNS rather than a select few would destroy the LIE-beral vote buying program- and ENDANGER the plum job CC now holds!!)

@MaximeBernier do some research, or a Google search, as to why stating colour blindness as a defence actually contributes to racism. Please check your privilege and be quiet. Since our gvt’t like research , here is some evidence:
— Celina C-C (@MPCelina) March 3, 2018

She then linked to a column on race issues from The Guardian, a U.K. publication routinely mocked by critics for it’s divisive far-left editorials.

Bernier didn’t take kindly to being told to pipe down, responding on Twitter to say: “You are aware we live in a democracy with free speech as one of its building blocks, right?”

Edifying comments from a distinguished member of the HoC.

“Please check your privilege and be quiet.”

You are aware we live in a democracy with free speech as one of its building blocks, right?
— Maxime Bernier (@MaximeBernier) March 5, 2018

(Ah yes- that PESKY FREE SPEECH CRAP- that LIE-berals so DESPERATELY WANT TO LIMIT! As we have seen from the LIE-beral M-103 Islamophobia motion- LIE-berals are seeking to use our LIE-beral dominated Human Rights Kangaroo Courts with their dangerously slack rules of evidence and LIE-beral friendly legal procedure to SILENCE any critic of any LIE-beral policy on trumped up legal grounds better suited to a Soviet Show Trial than to a law court in a DEMOCRATIC country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-beral Human Rights Kangaroo Courts are so dangerously bigoted that they actually hauled writer W.C. Kinsella into court for “expropriating the voice of native Cdns” by virtue of his having written half a dozen books about life on a fictional native reserve!)

(No matter that Kinsella books were made into a main stream movie called “Dance Me Outside” or that CBC actually based a tv series called “The Rez” on Kinsella stories! And Kinsella is best known for the Hollywood film “Field of Dreams” starring Kevin Costner, Amy Madigan and James Earl Jones!)

(During Human Rights Kangaroo Court testimony it came to light that at the time the principle complainant had laid the charge against Kinsella- HE HAD NOT ACTUALLY READ any of the Kinsella books! The complainant then went on to admit that life on the fictional reserve Kinsella called Ermineskin actually made native reserve life SOUND BETTER AND HAPPIER than life on a REAL RESERVE”!)

(Kinsella is a big hearted guy and so he did not sue for damages or harassment after the charges were dropped! Besides, the trial publicity actually goosed sales of his books! OOPSIE! Score a BIG one against the LIE-beral bigots!!!!!!!!!!)

Clearly feeling the heat online, Caesar-Chavannes offered something of an apology, posting early Tuesday morning: “I am not too big to admit when I am wrong. Limiting discussion on this issue by telling you to be quiet was not cool. If you are willing, let’s chat when back in Ottawa. We are miles apart on this important issue and it is possible to come a little closer.”

(Oh how sad- being a LIE-beral means ALWAYS BEING WRONG- with only a few GRUDGING admissions of the truth and reality!)

@MaximeBernier I am not too big to admit when I am wrong. Limiting discussion on this important issue by telling you to be quiet was not cool. If you are willing, let’s chat when back in Ottawa. We are miles apart on this important issue and it is possible to come a little closer
— Celina C-C (@MPCelina) March 6, 2018

(Oh I doubt that there is ANY COMMON GROUND between Bernier and C-C! LIE-berals will ONLY COMPROMISE if they are forced to choose between HALF a loaf and NO loaf! LIE-berals will grudgingly accept half a loaf and then devote their lives to snatching the other half they THINK was unfairly denied them!)

Some apology. It seems she’s apologizing for telling him to shut it but not for hurling the privilege accusation, then sanctimoniously implying that she’d be willing to educate him out of his ignorant ways “if you are willing.”

It’s unclear which alleged privilege she was specifically referring to, but Bernier is a Caucasian male.

(THIS IS the heart of the LIE-beral problem- that they are seeking ways to ENSURE that only they get to speak on any issue! LIE-berals follow the Noam Chomksy school of debate - “to encourage vigorous debate within a strictly LIMITED framework”)

(It is LIE-beral attention to that limited debate concept that persuaded them to create the #MyDemocracy web site to offer Cdns the chance to either “like” or to “love” the proposed LIE-beral electoral reforms! With the web site offering Cdns NO CHANCE to state: “I hate your reforms”!!!!!!!!!!!)

(That same desire to encourage limited debate has inspired LIE-berals to create a web site where Cdns can comment on gun control! And the site displays the usual LIE-beral manipulation of truth! They DO NOT offer any controls on how many times a person may comment on gun issues- meaning a small group may make MANY anonymous comments in an effort to pretend to be a large main street opinion group!)

(Nor have LIE-berals made any effort to restrict comment on gun control exclusively to Cdns! The site and its comment board are WIDE OPEN to anybody on planet Earth! The options for manipulating the web site results are obvious!)

(But then Our idiot Boy Justin has told us that he thinks native born Cdns are inferior to immigrants who actually CHOSE to come here! Yes- Our idiot Boy apparently thinks that being an illegal who comes here demanding Cdn charity is a morally superior condition to being Cdn BORN!)

Caesar-Chavannes generated headlines in December when she complained that working in the House of Commons was like “death by a thousand cuts” due to the constant racist “microaggressions” she routinely faces as a black woman. One example she cited is how a woman in the washroom jokingly told her not to steal her purse, a comment Caesar-Chavannes took to be racially motivated.

For Bernier’s part, he wasn’t too charmed by her non-apology.

“Thank you for recognizing my right to air an opinion. I don’t think we can find much common ground beyond that however. You and Min Hussen implied I’m a racist because I want to live in a society where everyone is treated equally and not defined by race.”

(OH DEAR! POOR SILLY Bernier! He actually thinks that quoting values formerly espoused by Reverend Martin Luther King will keep him SAFE from LIE-beral bigotry and racist poison? How utterly Naive!)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Wang wins Liberal nomination in Burnaby South

I think Singh is in tough in this byelection She is the perfect Lib. with her top 3 priorities, the CPC candidate I think has a good chance.
I think it is between Singh and the conservative . The Chinese population in Burnaby is not as robust as other riding in the lower mainland. Time will tell .


House Member
May 18, 2010
Subject: Heaven save us from Trudeau!!

It is hard to stay out of the political realm but this guy has made
that impossible. Here is a short list to remind Canada why we should
have never elected a cute rich kid who has never really worked in his

-At the G7 he pledged $400 Million to Education around the world along
with another $180 Million to the Global Partnership for Education in
Europe. None of it is going to fix our messed up school systems here
at home. Meanwhile education cost are skyrocketing for our youth
making university a mountain too high for many to climb.

-He pledged $241 Million to Family Planning around the world including
a $20 Million donation to the Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation
(cause they have integrity!). This all happened while he told vets
that they were asking too much.

-He pledged $2.65 Billion to climate change at the Commonwealth
Leaders Summit and now he is trying to bully the provinces into new
taxes to pay for this pledge.

-He pledged $300 Million to the Rohingya Refugee crisis while we have
a refugee crisis of our own flooding into Quebec that he won't

-He pledged $125 Million to Caribbean Reconstruction while our own
infrastructure in cities is falling apart.

-He pledged $650 million to Sexual and Reproductive health in Haiti
and around the globe wanting safer abortions for woman while many
woman in our own country are left without a family doctor.

-He has pledged $50 million to Palestine for flood relief when NB had
some of the worst flooding in decades this past spring.

-He pledged $840 million to Syria for Humanitarian Assistance when
half the native reserves in our country don't have clean drinking

-He gave $10.5 Million to a convicted...CONVICTED terrorist in a
backroom deal that has lead to another $30.8 Million payed out for
three other fellers who say they were wrongfully detained.

-And just recently he spent $4.5 Billion on a pipeline
and now the courts have ruled it shut down. Good investment for Canada he said.

THAT IS OVER $10 BILLION DOLLARS...and none of it stays in our
country. None. Excuse me...except the 4.5 Billion dollar pipeline that
cannot be built And he isn't even done? We have another year of this.

Please Canada...Don't re-elect this selfie obsessed picture hound. I
really can't take much more of it.( The law abiding Gun owners that he
is going after and the mess that will take place on our roads when he
legalizes weed.)

He has made a mess in three years...and we still has a year to go.
Please Canada..don't get it wrong again in 2019!

( Don’t forget about the $50 M he gave away to Trevor Noah in a Tweet ...even if it was for a good cause..while he ignores our Vets!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Subject: Heaven save us from Trudeau!!

It is hard to stay out of the political realm but this guy has made
that impossible. Here is a short list to remind Canada why we should
have never elected a cute rich kid who has never really worked in his

-At the G7 he pledged $400 Million to Education around the world along
with another $180 Million to the Global Partnership for Education in
Europe. None of it is going to fix our messed up school systems here
at home. Meanwhile education cost are skyrocketing for our youth
making university a mountain too high for many to climb.

-He pledged $241 Million to Family Planning around the world including
a $20 Million donation to the Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation
(cause they have integrity!). This all happened while he told vets
that they were asking too much.

-He pledged $2.65 Billion to climate change at the Commonwealth
Leaders Summit and now he is trying to bully the provinces into new
taxes to pay for this pledge.

-He pledged $300 Million to the Rohingya Refugee crisis while we have
a refugee crisis of our own flooding into Quebec that he won't

-He pledged $125 Million to Caribbean Reconstruction while our own
infrastructure in cities is falling apart.

-He pledged $650 million to Sexual and Reproductive health in Haiti
and around the globe wanting safer abortions for woman while many
woman in our own country are left without a family doctor.

-He has pledged $50 million to Palestine for flood relief when NB had
some of the worst flooding in decades this past spring.

-He pledged $840 million to Syria for Humanitarian Assistance when
half the native reserves in our country don't have clean drinking

-He gave $10.5 Million to a convicted...CONVICTED terrorist in a
backroom deal that has lead to another $30.8 Million payed out for
three other fellers who say they were wrongfully detained.

-And just recently he spent $4.5 Billion on a pipeline
and now the courts have ruled it shut down. Good investment for Canada he said.

THAT IS OVER $10 BILLION DOLLARS...and none of it stays in our
country. None. Excuse me...except the 4.5 Billion dollar pipeline that
cannot be built And he isn't even done? We have another year of this.

Please Canada...Don't re-elect this selfie obsessed picture hound. I
really can't take much more of it.( The law abiding Gun owners that he
is going after and the mess that will take place on our roads when he
legalizes weed.)

He has made a mess in three years...and we still has a year to go.
Please Canada..don't get it wrong again in 2019!

( Don’t forget about the $50 M he gave away to Trevor Noah in a Tweet ...even if it was for a good cause..while he ignores our Vets!)

Actually that $50 million he offered to Noah MAY have been part of a previously announced package - so claims our civil service union Hogs and would they ever LIE to us to protect their IDIOT BOSS??????????????????????????????

And maybe it is even true- we do know that LIE-berals do like to REPEAT announcements for effect repeating old news as if it was new gravy on offer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No matter the Trever Noah truth - Thank you Durry for explaining in such accurate detail why Our idiot Boy is RUNNING those HUGE economy crippling deficits!!!!!!!!!!!

Just think- a $32 billion dollar deficit in 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A $20 billion dollar deficit in 2017!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another $20 billion dollar deficit in 2018!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And God ALONE KNOWS how much he will waste in 2019 as we head for the election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He has BORROWED $70 billion dollars in 3 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With at least another $20 billion to be borrowed in 2019- AND HE STILL CANNOT BUY ENOUGH FRIENDS TO ENSURE HIS ELECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a NATIONAL DISGRACE Our idiot Boy is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
ANALYSIS: This election year, volatile electorate could bedevil Trudeau’s Liberals, Scheer’s Conservatives

An opinion piece that is pretty balanced


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Wang wins Liberal nomination in Burnaby South

I think Singh is in tough in this byelection She is the perfect Lib. with her top 3 priorities, the CPC candidate I think has a good chance.


Jag Singh is nothing more than a Justin Trudeau wanna-be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jag leads a party of NDPer losers who LACK THE LOW GUILE AND CUNNING TO BE PROPER LIE-BERALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Jag ever becomes prime minister- or even merely gets the chance to prop up a LIE-beral minority govt- our deficits will go through the roof!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It has been a number of years since StatsCanada told us that PIerre Trudeau ran the second most costly govt in Cdnv history!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Our idiot Boy Justin is running the MOST COSTLY govt in our history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The most costly govts below the Trudeau record are ALL LIE-BERAL/ NDP MINORITY GOVTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


StatsCan tells us that if you take Pierre and Justin out of the equation- then the most costly govts in Cdn history- with the greatest

DEBTS are the minority govts of the sort we may be heading for in October 2019!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE live in "interesting" times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jagmeet is really just dead meat- now that he has told us we are racists for asking him about his support for Sikh terrorsists such as the Air India bomber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When Justin Trudeau was elected- he immediately started sending "foreign aid" to Muslim terror group Hamas- to the dismay of many of our former allies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Jag Singh gets power in our parliament- it is quite likely he will offend our allies further by expressing his support for Sikh terrorists fighting Indians in Kashmir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Getting into an argument over Kashmir is a merely a REPLAY of the kind of arguments that often broke out over Ireland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fighting in Kashmir will continue until the moderates on both sides get sick of the blood shed and give the extremists on both sides the boot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just as happened in Ireland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Neither Hamas nor the Sikhs should get a penny of our "aid" since it is only prolonging the fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I can't believe this writer is from Alberta seeing how far out of touch she really is

OPINION: Threats of Alberta separation are mostly an elitist game

Any citizen with an ounce of sense will know that Alberta separatism is a FOOLS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AS it stands right now, Alberta economy is being CRIPPLED by LIE-beral refusal to allow Kinder Morgan pipeline to be completed!!!!!!!!!!!

No pipeline means no Alberta oil exports to new markets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alberta currently cannot get cooperation from British Columbia in spite of both groups being CANADIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How much HARDER WILL IT BE for land locked Alberta to persuade foolish citizens OF A FOREIGN COUNTRY to allow Alberta to export its oil across their land?????????????????????????????


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
You do know that you give the rest of us Conservatives a bad name with your inane anti Liberal rants?

You must realize that you sound like a broken record..

This is what people should post after every one of your posts...............


Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Threats of Alberta separation are just that - threats. It will never come to fruition. It's basically the frustration Albertans are feeling and a way to vent.

What some of the ROC don't realize is that fossil fuels are here to stay in the long term; all this fancy talk about "green" energy and the use of solar panels and windmills are disingenuous. Yes, they'll provide SOME energy but not nearly enough to power what we have today and will require in the future. (Think electric cars - where is the electricity going to come from if everyone suddenly decides to purchase one? Not solar panels; not windmills).

The positive part of this is that our oil is extremely "safe" and efficient and will get even better as the years go by and technology improves - its already the best there is in the world insofar as being produced efficiently . But, for the foreseeable future, green energy will not be sufficient in any way shape or form. It will, however, be more expensive and a lot less reliable.



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
You do know that you give the rest of us Conservatives a bad name with your inane anti Liberal rants?

You must realize that you sound like a broken record..

This is what people should post after every one of your posts...............


Da Sleeper is not sleeping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Da Sleeper IS UNCONSCIOUS if he thinks that PRETENDING to be a concerned Conservative will affect the FOUL FATE of wretched LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE ONLY PEOPLE who think I am giving Conservatives a bad name with my CAREFUL ANALYSIS of FAILED LIE-beral policy are LIE-berals and their civil service union Hog allies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Da Sleeper is PRETENDING to be a Conservative in a desperate attempt to save his place on the govt gravy train!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AS for my being a broken record- if you dont like my songs then STOP CREATING SO VERY MANY SHAMELESS LIE-BERAL SCANDALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You simply CANNOT destroy the country with LIE-beral racist crap and huge amounts of COSTLY LIE-beral BRIBERY of special interest groups and not expect to hear some HARSH SONGS about the MESSES you are making!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Some peolpe hate other opinions and sometimes the speech that expresses them...but they get upset when its all on their speech.

Its like not being a palistinian hater (a hate which is fine in apartheidville) means you automatically hate israelis ( which is not OK according to are only allowed to hate what they hate).

...unless you are like trudie's pal the Jew George Soros ( who, as he himself admits on 60 minutes) put just some jews on the trains for Hitlary's adult work camps to get their money to the Rothschilds to use to create israel.
Last edited:


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Some peolpe hate other opinions and sometimes the speech that expresses them...but they get upset when its all on their speech.

Its like not being a palistinian hater (a hate which is fine in apartheidville) means you automatically hate israelis ( which is not OK according to are only allowed to hate what they hate).

...unless you are like trudie's pal the Jew George Soros ( who, as he himself admits on 60 minutes) put just some jews on the trains for Hitlary's adult work camps to get their money to the Rothschilds to use to create israel.

WHAT IN HELL ARE YOU BLATHERING ABOUT?????????????????????????????????????????

"Hitlarys adult work camps?????????????????????????????

"providing money to Rothchilds"?????????????????????????????????

"To create Israel"?????????????????????????????????????????????

You are WAY TO HIGH to be posting at this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Andrew Scheer begins new year with warning of skyrocketing carbon taxes

As the federal government's carbon tax took effect on the first day of 2019, Conservative Party leader Andrew Scheer slammed what he described as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's "signature tax hike."

Speaking before a crowd of reporters at a Giant Tiger store in Regina, Scheer described the carbon tax as a punitive one that will continue to rise, hurting struggling Canadians.
"Whether it's heating your home in the winter or stocking your fridge ... these everyday essentials will become more expensive because of the carbon tax," he said.
Scheer promised the Conservatives would release their own comprehensive environmental plan "in plenty of time for the next election." He said the Liberals' carbon tax is not effective environmental policy.
"They do not have a plan that will reduce emissions. This is a tax plan. The Liberal carbon tax is just about raising revenue for government."

Tax ceiling will rise higher, says Scheer

He warned that the carbon tax, which starts at $20 a tonne and rises $10 annually until 2022, will increase indefinitely. The federal environment ministry has provided briefings that the carbon tax will need to rise to $300 per tonne to be effective, he said.
"So we know Justin Trudeau will raise the carbon tax higher. His experts are telling him to. His own government departments are telling him to," Scheer said.
Instead of the tax, he said the Conservatives would offer incentives to industry to improve "efficiencies."
An output-based carbon tax will apply to industrial emitters on Jan. 1. Provinces like Saskatchewan, Ontario, Manitoba and New Brunswick that do not have their own carbon pricing in place will have a carbon tax imposed by the federal government in April, which is expected to increase gas prices at the pumps.
Provincial opposition grows
Scheer said it was heartening to see more provincial leaders, such as Ontario Premier Doug Ford, opposing the tax. Saskatchewan premiers Brad Wall and Scott Moe had originally faced a lonely battle opposing the tax, he noted.
"Now they've got reinforcements and my message to Canadians is that come 2019, the battle will be won," he said. "Provinces won't have to go to court to stop the carbon tax because a Conservative government will repeal it."
Saskatchewan has launched legal action against the tax, asking its Court of Appeal to rule on whether the carbon tax is unconstitutional
Shoppers at the discount store stopped to listen to Scheer's speech, with many applauding his critique of the carbon tax.
Not everyone shared the same enthusiasm.
Jim Elliott, chairperson for the Regina chapter of the Council of Canadians activist group, described it as an empty speech, devoid on details about what the Conservatives would do to reduce emissions.
"Mr. Scheer continued to sidestep and and not answer the question about what his government would do if elected next October," said Elliott in a statement issued after Scheer's talk. "All he gave us today was a lot of smoke and mirrors."
Canada's former parliamentary budget officer predicted in a report in April that the federal government's carbon tax will cut economic growth by 0.5 per cent or $10 billion when it's fully implemented in 2022, and would generate significant revenues.
However, Jean-Denis Frechette's report noted the impact on the economy will depend on how those revenues are used.
Trudeau said Ottawa will return 90 per cent of the money it collects from a carbon tax to Canadians.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Fourth federal riding falls vacant

OTTAWA - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is poised to call byelections in three federal ridings within days and now he has a fourth vacant riding he may choose to fill at the same time.
Sheila Malcolmson has officially resigned as the New Democrat MP for the British Columbia riding of Nanaimo-Ladysmith.
She is leaving the federal stage to run in a provincial byelection, called Wednesday by Premier John Horgan for Jan. 30.
Malcolmson says she sent a letter to House of Commons Speaker Geoff Regan on Nov. 27, informing him that her resignation would take effect on Jan. 2.
In addition to Nanaimo-Ladysmith, there are three other vacant ridings: the B.C. riding of Burnaby South, where NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh is hoping to win a seat in the Commons, the Ontario riding of York-Simcoe, left open by the resignation of Conservative MP Peter Van Loan, and the Montreal riding of Outremont, where former NDP leader Tom Mulcair has resigned.
Trudeau's office has confirmed the prime minister intends to call byelections in those three ridings early this month, with the votes taking place in early February.
He could now add Nanaimo-Ladysmith to the roster, although he's shown little inclination in the past to rush into byelections. Indeed, he faced criticism last October when he called a Dec. 3 byelection in a vacant eastern Ontario riding while leaving Burnaby South, York-Simcoe and Outremont to a later date.
Trudeau argued at the time that the other three ridings had been vacant for "mere weeks" and he pointed out that the prime minister is legally entitled to wait up to six months after a vacancy occurs before calling a byelection.
However, the situation in Nanaimo-Ladysmith is somewhat different. If Trudeau does not call a byelection there quickly, it will remain without representation until the next general election on Oct. 21.
Under an omnibus bill reforming Canada's election laws that went into effect just before Christmas, byelections can no longer be called within nine months of the day fixed for a general election. That makes Jan. 20 the last day Trudeau can schedule any byelections.
The new law means the Montreal riding of Saint-Leonard—Saint-Michel, due to be vacated by Liberal MP Nicola Di Iorio on Jan. 22, will be left without an MP for nine months.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

An NDPer has deserted the federal fold and has instead chosen to run as a provincial mpp???????????

Oh that IS a comfort!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It means NDPers are looking ahead and counting the odds that anti white bigot and supporter of Sikh terrorists Jagmeet Singh can lead them to something resembling victory in the October 2019 election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And fed NDPers DO NOT LIKE THE ODDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On the other hand. NDPers seem to have a nice hold on British Columbia so jumping ship looks like a good idea??????????

This IS NOT good news for federal NDpers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nor is it good news for our mouldy Green Party airheads since they use a party policy made up of CRAP heavily spiced with a mix of socialist garbage that would even embarrass some NDPers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Green Party airheads season their policy salad with STALE OLD IDEAS stolen from Pierre Trudeau era speeches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If there is any political progress made by Greens in the 2019 election - it WILL NOT be because of public acceptance of Green socialist dogma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any political success enjoyed by Greens in the next federal election will be on a par with the NDP "success" in Quebec under Tom Mulcaire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mulcaire and his NDP had some time in the sun because of a PROTEST VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing more than that- and Greens may capitalize on the same wave of socialist frustration by stealing votes from LIE-berals and NDP!!!!!!!!!!!!

But what of our federal LIE-berals?????????????????

What ship can THEY JUMP TO in order to escape enraged voters?????????????????????????

Oh dear- there seems to be a SHORTAGE of life boats able to carry fleeing LIE-berals away from the not so good ship TRUDEAU!!!!!!
