NDP Criticises Canada's involvement in ww1


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
OTTAWA -- A New Democrat MP's writings that praise communist activists and criticize Canada's participation in the First World War have sparked outrage.
Writing on a left-wing Quebec blog, Alexandre Boulerice mocked the conflict as "a purely capitalist war on the backs of the workers and peasants."
"The only ones to have refused this butchery, to have rejected the call of the 'sacred union' within each nation, were communist activists," Boulerice wrote in an April 10, 2007 posting on Presse-toi à gauche (Hurry to the left).
Boulerice also sniped at Canadian soldiers involved in the Battle of Vimy Ridge with his claim that "thousands of poor wretches were slaughtered to take possession of a hill."
Almost 3,600 Canadians died in the battle to take the strategic Vimy Ridge from heavily entrenched German forces on April 9, 1917.
The costly but successful capture of the ridge is widely considered the moment Canada came of age on the international stage.
Following the 96th anniversary commemorations of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, Veterans Affairs Minister Steven Blaney reacted angrily to Boulerice's posting.
"On such an important day of remembrance, I denounce these statements and call on Thomas Mulcair and Alexandre Boulerice of the NDP to immediately retract these inflammatory and inappropriate comments and to formally apologize to the Canadians and veterans they have insulted," he said in a statement.

More......Sun News : NDP MP slammed Canada's role in First World War

I'ts to be expected from a communist:roll:


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
I wouldnt be praising the communists but as far as wars go WW1 was one of the worst. I dont mean worst in body count, but worst in that it was a waste. Not just for us but nearly all involved.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
The costly but successful capture of the ridge is widely considered the moment Canada came of age on the international stage.

Although completely true, it's a sentiment that doesn't sit well with Liberals (They feel that that happened when Trudeau came to power) and of course to those in the NDP that sit to the left of Stalin.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Kind of ironic considering how the NDP caught the Conservatives reversing their decision to support danger pay for our troops in Afghanistan today.

But hey, look over there!

To a blog from 2007, lol.

They should take this time to actually, you know, celebrate the anniversary instead of using it as an opportunity to attack the opposition.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
I wouldnt be praising the communists but as far as wars go WW1 was one of the worst. I dont mean worst in body count, but worst in that it was a waste. Not just for us but nearly all involved.

Another worst was the Treaty of Versailles which later gave Hitler the impetus he needed to rouse Germany once again.