Harper's disturbing narcissism on display in Parliament

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Harper gallery leaves MPs speechless

Citizens who really want a national portrait gallery in Ottawa can rest easy. The government already has one.

All you need to get in is a Commons security pass, a Conservative party membership and a keen desire to view exclusive pictures of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, exclusively.

Conservative MPs confirmed yesterday what Green party leader Elizabeth May and Macleans.ca blogger Kady O'Malley reported on their cyberspace sites.Photographs of Mr. Harper in various poses, at various sites, are hung throughout the private and cosy government lobby of the House of Commons.

Ms. May and Ms. O'Malley were surprised and a bit speechless when they saw the exhibit recently as guest Commons Speakers during a youth Parliament.

"When you walk in the door, all you see are pictures of Stephen Harper," said Ms. May

"I'd say between every window, in every available space of the wall, at eye level, every available space has a photo of Stephen Harper."

"You've got photos of Stephen Harper, but not of previous prime ministers," she added. "Photos of Stephen Harper in different costumes, in different settings, dressed as a fireman, in Hudson Bay looking for polar bears, meeting the Dalai Lama, even the portrait of the Queen had to have Stephen Harper, but in a candid, behind her."

A press aide to Mr. Harper said he would get back with an explanation, but didn't.

The exposition might not be too surprising, though.

The prime minister's official Christmas card last December portrayed Mr. Harper looking out a living room window adorned with 24 photographs, small to large, of Mr. Harper in various poses.

When the party last year unveiled its election campaign war room, Mr. Harper stared out from campaign posters on every wall.

NDP MP Paul Dewar, who has never seen the interior of the Conservative lobby room, made a joke based on Mr. Harper's admitted preference for running a tight ship and keeping an eye on things. "If you're ever wondering who's in charge, just look at the wall," said Mr. Dewar.

Liberal MP Mauril Bélanger said the Liberal lobby has always displayed portraits of previous prime ministers, even cabinet ministers.

One Conservative said the Harper photos have been up for at least three months.

Another, Calgary MP Deepak Obhrai, was a bit reluctant after question period to talk about the exhibit, possibly because another Tory, Secretary of State Jason Kenney, happened to be walking by just at that moment.

"Well, this is the Harper government," said Mr. Obhrai.

Harper gallery leaves MPs speechless

A politician being narcissistic? Nahhhh

Maybe Harper is a vampire and can't see himself in mirrors so he uses photos.

Seriously, this is a big issue?

8O...........Harper gallery leaves MPs speechless

MP's speechless..........too much to hope for.
Really! Sensible maxim: if it sounds too good to be true, it most likely is.


Council Member
Apr 24, 2012
It is from 2008, Mf, but it is still relevant. I have included this in my writings for a few years but it does not seem to get throguh. It is not just photographs: the portraits of previous Prime Ministers were removed to make way for Harper.

As for him being a psychopath! There is little doubt of that and I have been saying it for twenty years but few are listening. I have told him so and several of his ministers and bum boys.

Several of our Prime Ministers have had mental quirks and a degree of narcissism but there has been none like Harper. He is the only one we have had who has set out to destroy the Canada we know or to prevent its progressive development.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
It is from 2008, Mf, but it is still relevant. I have included this in my writings for a few years but it does not seem to get throguh. It is not just photographs: the portraits of previous Prime Ministers were removed to make way for Harper.

As for him being a psychopath! There is little doubt of that and I have been saying it for twenty years but few are listening. I have told him so and several of his ministers and bum boys.

Several of our Prime Ministers have had mental quirks and a degree of narcissism but there has been none like Harper. He is the only one we have had who has set out to destroy the Canada we know or to prevent its progressive development.
Ok, c'mon, you're really a CPC shill, trying to make people distance themselves from the left, right?


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
The antics of a provincial NDP government doesn't in any way excuse the abuses of power by the federal Conservatives.
Just like the abuses of power by previous Federal Gov'ts, does not in any way excuse the abuses of the present Federal Gov't.

It does however negate the silliness of posts claiming that they're somehow new to Canadian politics.


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
It is from 2008, Mf, but it is still relevant. I have included this in my writings for a few years but it does not seem to get throguh. It is not just photographs: the portraits of previous Prime Ministers were removed to make way for Harper.

As for him being a psychopath! There is little doubt of that and I have been saying it for twenty years but few are listening. I have told him so and several of his ministers and bum boys.

Several of our Prime Ministers have had mental quirks and a degree of narcissism but there has been none like Harper. He is the only one we have had who has set out to destroy the Canada we know or to prevent its progressive development.

Excellent post.

It's in the nature of psychopaths who have no real emotions of their own to take from the community around them, even as they perform convincing acts of being positive members of that community.

We've already been left with a rump of a democracy, we can't even look critically into the PMO anymore, we just get staged performances by "our" PM. The Conservatives violate Canadian election laws seemingly at will, they lie about some of the most important issues facing us and act to prevent the healthy funtioning of Parliament.

These things are all consistent with steven Harper having a psychopathic personality, and it's pointless expecting him to recover and get better, if he's physically incapable of experiencing genuine emotions then he's probably the most dangerous PM we've ever had.
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Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
I have to ask at how bad the opposition leaders/parties are if a phsycopath (accepting for the moment he is) is the choice of leader?

Steven Harper took advantage of a House and a nation deeply divided, mostly by the Quebec sovereignty issue. He didn't create the deep divisions in this nation, he just used them to catapult himself into a position where he can reek as much havoc as possible.

We needed a leader to bring us together after the war fought between the Liberals and the Bloq in our House, instead we probably got a psychopath who only really understands how to manipulate, control and ultimately how to betray people.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Steven Harper took advantage of a House and a nation deeply divided, mostly by the Quebec sovereignty issue. He didn't create the deep divisions in this nation, he just used them to catapult himself into a position where he can reek as much havoc as possible.

We needed a leader to bring us together after the war fought between the Liberals and the Bloq in our House, instead we probably got a psychopath who only really understands how to manipulate, control and ultimately how to betray people.

Seems the simple solution is to find somebody competent as an alternative.

Alas, we are still waiting.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Steven Harper took advantage of a House and a nation deeply divided, mostly by the Quebec sovereignty issue. He didn't create the deep divisions in this nation, he just used them to catapult himself into a position where he can reek as much havoc as possible.

We needed a leader to bring us together after the war fought between the Liberals and the Bloq in our House, instead we probably got a psychopath who only really understands how to manipulate, control and ultimately how to betray people.
Can you in any way back up any of that conjecture?


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
Seems the simple solution is to find somebody competent as an alternative.

Alas, we are still waiting.

If it were only that simple.

We've already lost much of the already weakened democratic system we had under the last Liberal government, Steven Harper has set some pretty disturbing precedents that other PMs will try and take advantage of, just look at how eager Conservatives always seem to be to justify their actions by blaming their predecessors.

It's going to take powerful grassroots movements and possibly the creation of new parties that are willing to create the kind of political system that our traditions, history and culture would indicate we desire to inherit. And the whole time the Conservatives will still be busy trying to solidly brand this nation as their own.

Even the NDP has a long way to go IMO, but they're the best and possibly only option now.
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Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
If it were only that simple.

We've already lost much of the already weakened democratic system we had under the last Liberal government, Steven Harper has set some pretty disturbing precedents that other PMs will try and take advantage of, just look at how eager Conservatives always seem to be to justify their actions by blaming their predecessors.
Is it blame? Or is it pointing out to those that falsely claim that the present Gov't is doing things never done before, that these things have been done before?

It's going to take poweful grassroots movements and possibly the creation of new parties that are willing to create the kind of political system that our traditions, history and culture would indicate we desire to inherit.
Given the fact that Don Jean Chretien was repeatedly elected, then his financial bag man elected to run the country, says we keep getting the gov't we deserve.

And the whole time the Conservatives will still be busy trying to solidly brand this nation as their own.
As apposed to the naturally ruling party?

Even the NDP has a long way to go IMO, but they're the best and possibly only option now.
No they're not. Mulcair has proven that succinctly.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
If it were only that simple.

We've already lost much of the already weakened democratic system we had under the last Liberal government, Steven Harper has set some pretty disturbing precedents that other PMs will try and take advantage of, just look at how eager Conservatives always seem to be to justify their actions by blaming their predecessors.

It's going to take poweful grassroots movements and possibly the creation of new parties that are willing to create the kind of political system that our traditions, history and culture would indicate we desire to inherit. And the whole time the Conservatives will still be busy trying to solidly brand this nation as their own.

Even the NDP has a long way to go IMO, but they're the best and possibly only option now.
I split my sides reading your posts. Keep it up, it's very entertaining.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
If it were only that simple.

It IS that simple.

It's going to take powerful grassroots movements and possibly the creation of new parties that are willing to create the kind of political system that our traditions, history and culture would indicate we desire to inherit. .

You mean, a system of corruption and patronage? Heavily mixed with a belief that if you are a well-connected businessman, the law doesn't apply to you? 'Cause based on our traditions, history, and culture, that would be it. That's what you want?