Canada is too dangerous for Dick Cheney

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
No....the problem is that those who are privileged enough to live in the culture that has made more people rich and free than any other civilization on earth are too stupid and lazy to understand that there is a REASON we are better fact, several reasons.
Yeah, I agree. The rich are quite free. It's the rest of us that are slaves to gov'ts.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
If he won't go to Canada, let him and Bush both go to Iraq so that they can get a first hand report of the gratitude shown by Iraqis for the good those two bestowed on them.



Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
His last visit to Iraq became a popular web game:

Sock and Awe: Your chance to whack George Bush
Well that's the rest of the day accounted for, then. Alex Tew, him of the MillionDollarHomepage fame, has quickly knocked up SockAndAwe - a web game where the object is to hit George Bush with as many shoes as possible. It's notched up half a million users so far and, at the time of writing, 7,396,241 shoes have hit Bush in the face.
What are you waiting for?

Yell "This is a farewell kiss, you dog" in Arabic with every throw to be authentic.
Last edited:


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Thank you for proving my point.

Harper is the ELECTED Prime Minister of Canada.

Harper is a psychotic, fukkbrain who apparently stole the election a la Bush, and is now working hard to strip Canadians of their rights, spending us further into the poorhouse, while babbling on about fiscal responsibility. Elected by what - 35% of voters. ?

They could run a chimp, and if it wore blue, you'd vote for it.

You looking for a job as a camp guard when the gulags go up.?


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
What you believe is immaterial.

Evidence may exist but have the appropriate authorities designated him or Bush for that matter war criminals? For rule of law to prevail isn't it necessary to have warrant existant before you ASSUME he's a war criminal and arrest him?

Only asking because all of the bellicose protestations about a presumption of ASSUMED guilt by a morally outraged bunch of armchair critics amount to zip is it's just an opinion. Till the warrant is issued perhaps we'd be better served by maintaining our principles intact and actually follow the rule of law?

Indeed. These people went around avoiding the rule of law for basically eight years. My statement is also a matter of the public record. We are better people then them, however, and there is more than enough evidence to have a warrant issued:

1. Maher Arar was sent to Syria and tortured.
2. The CIA were running programs to send people to countries to be tortured.
3. Arar was questioned by US agents in Syria.
4. Cheney and Bush control the CIA.

All are matters of the public record. What isn't known is to what extent Bush/Cheney knew about the CIA rendition flights or to what extent they approved them. And whether or not the flight to Syria was ordered by the CIA.

Those are questions that extraditions are supposed to be used to answer so that justice can be served. On top of that, we are following the rule of law. Cheney is allowed to come, protestors are allowed to protest, and people that assault others publicly are charged with crimes.

Calling these people "armchair critics" when they are leaving the comfort of their armchair to actively try to raise awareness and try to get a case opened just shows bad faith. These people are doing a hell of a lot more than you or I to support their beliefs.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Someone is responsible for starting an unprovoked war which cost hundreds of billions, killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and turned millions more into refugees. A thorough investigation has never been done as to how and why the Iraq war happened.
I've only said this to you, at least a dozen times.

It was the Germans.

The US was following intel, from a credible source, and an ally.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
The Germans didn't start an unprovoked war against Iraq, the Americans did. That would make the Americans responsible, not the Germans.

Besides the most credible intel which has been proven to be 100% accurate was Iraq's declaration. The next most accurate intel came from Hans Blix and the UN weapon inspectors, who claimed their were a few months away from resolving all key disarmament issues just two weeks before Bush declared war. Even US intel sources indicated that Iraq no longer had a WMD capability. The Bus administration ignored all these accurate sources including the UN inspectors and instead used unsupported allegations by Iraqi dissidents (most of whom were awarded positions of power by the US Iraqi occupation authority), Israel (who wanted the Americans to invade Iraq and impose regime change).


UNMOVIC progress report two weeks before the invasion indicating all key disarmament issues would be resolved within a few months:
Security Council 7 March 2003

Deliberate manipulations of intelligence reports to support the case for war:
Annals of National Security: Selective Intelligence : The New Yorker

Israel linked to Iraq intelligence failure, general says
By Molly Moore
December 6, 2003

Israel was a "full partner" in American and British intelligence failures that exaggerated former president Saddam Hussein's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs before the US-led invasion of Iraq, a report by an Israeli military research centre has alleged. "The failures of this war indicate weaknesses and inherent flaws within Israeli intelligence and among Israeli decision-makers," Brigadier-General Shlomo Brom wrote in an analysis for Tel Aviv University's Jaffee Centre for Strategic Studies. Israeli intelligence services and political leaders provided "an exaggerated assessment of Iraqi capabilities", raising "the possibility that the intelligence picture was manipulated", wrote General Brom, former deputy commander of the Israeli military's planning division.
Study Faults Israel For Misinformation - Sun Sentinel

The Trail of Disinformation
Let's start with a simple fact. The United States invaded and conquered Iraq on the basis of lies. Even the official report of the United States Senate admits as much. So, where did all this bad information come from?
Iraq - The Trail of Disinformation


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
We have found some common ground with this post.

While the U.N. was founded with the best of intentions, it has now morphed into a dysfunctional organization that allows for the foxes to sit in the security council's hen-house and connot be relied upon to act diligently to adjudicate these many insurrections that percolate on what seem to be daily basis. Too many hidden agendas in that room.

I rely heavily on Canada's government of the day, in the absence of any common sense issuing from that august body of the U.N., to base any decision of joining any military action on it's testing the Canadian public's reaction and willingness to commit to whatever comes along.

In other words; we the citizens have to get darn vocal when someone starts beating the drums of war using what walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and smells like a lie as justification. WE need and owe it to ourselves to keep informed through means other than Faux News or CBC.

If you are referring to the fact that Canada did not join the invasion of Iraq led by our American friends south of the border you will have to remember how the Canadian Alliance leader the official opposition led by Stephan Harper our present Prime Minister ran down to the United States apologizing profusely to the American president George Bush Jr. for on the behalf of Canada for not supporting their invasion.

Since the Conservatives became the government they changed Afghanistan involvement to a combat mission, which effectively destroyed the peacekeeping mission that Canada was praised for.

The Liberal government originally committed the Canadian military to a rebuilding mission in Afghanistan.

At the time of the invasion, the Canadian Liberal government defined Canada's reasons for participating in the mission Afghanistan as follows:'s_role_in_the_Afghanistan_War
  1. Defend Canada's national interests;
  2. Ensure Canadian leadership in world affairs; and
  3. Help Afghanistan rebuild.
So BruSan one can say that this Conservative government lost their common sense side a long time ago and they were the ones that threw away Canada’s seat at the UN Security Council.


Electoral Member
Jul 5, 2011
Indeed. These people went around avoiding the rule of law for basically eight years. My statement is also a matter of the public record. We are better people then them, however, and there is more than enough evidence to have a warrant issued:

1. Maher Arar was sent to Syria and tortured.
2. The CIA were running programs to send people to countries to be tortured.
3. Arar was questioned by US agents in Syria.
4. Cheney and Bush control the CIA.

All are matters of the public record. What isn't known is to what extent Bush/Cheney knew about the CIA rendition flights or to what extent they approved them. And whether or not the flight to Syria was ordered by the CIA.

Those are questions that extraditions are supposed to be used to answer so that justice can be served. On top of that, we are following the rule of law. Cheney is allowed to come, protestors are allowed to protest, and people that assault others publicly are charged with crimes.

Calling these people "armchair critics" when they are leaving the comfort of their armchair to actively try to raise awareness and try to get a case opened just shows bad faith. These people are doing a hell of a lot more than you or I to support their beliefs.

Again; I'm in agreement with some content of your post but take umbrage with your "these people" being the ones I called armchair critics. My reference was to people posting their outrage on here from the comfort of their armchair and NOT the actual protestors who march in protest in an orderly and peaceful fashion.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Your reading and comprehension skills faltering this morning Pete?

Gullibility falls on your shoulders not mine.

It's all true. It was in print.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
The Americans started an unprovoked war with Iraq. Ultimately that makes them responsible.

Most of the evidence supported Iraq's declaration that they no longer possessed a WMD capability. Two weeks before Bush declared war, UNMOVIC declared that all remaining WMD issues were within a few months of being fully resolved:

UNMOVIC's March 2003 report to the UNSC
Blix: UNMOVIC within months of resolving all key remaining disarmament tasks.

Blix Says Iraq's Weapons Declaration May Have Been True
Iraq's December 7, 2002 declaration: 12,000 pages that said there were no WMD programs

Selective Intelligence
by Seymour M. Hersh May 12, 2003
Annals of National Security: Selective Intelligence : The New Yorker

The Trail of Disinformation
Let's start with a simple fact. The United States invaded and conquered Iraq on the basis of lies. Even the official report of the United States Senate admits as much. So, where did all this bad information come from?
Iraq - The Trail of Disinformation

Global Misinformation Campaign was Used to Build Case for War
former Iraqi exile group gave the Bush administration exaggerated and fabricated intelligence on Iraq

Israel linked to Iraq intelligence failure, general says
By Molly Moore
December 6, 2003

Israel was a "full partner" in American and British intelligence failures that exaggerated former president Saddam Hussein's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs before the US-led invasion of Iraq, a report by an Israeli military research centre has alleged. "The failures of this war indicate weaknesses and inherent flaws within Israeli intelligence and among Israeli decision-makers," Brigadier-General Shlomo Brom wrote in an analysis for Tel Aviv University's Jaffee Centre for Strategic Studies. Israeli intelligence services and political leaders provided "an exaggerated assessment of Iraqi capabilities", raising "the possibility that the intelligence picture was manipulated", wrote General Brom, former deputy commander of the Israeli military's planning division....

Israel linked to Iraq intelligence failure, general says -


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Gullibility falls on your shoulders not mine.

It's all true. It was in print.
Hmmm, I'll take that as a yes then.

The Americans started an unprovoked war with Iraq. Ultimately that makes them responsible.
I never said they weren't. I just pointed out that they were using evidence, from a reliable ally.

I know that doesn't bode well with the anti American crowd.


Electoral Member
Jul 5, 2011
If you are referring to the fact that Canada did not join the invasion of Iraq led by our American friends south of the border you will have to remember how the Canadian Alliance leader the official opposition led by Stephan Harper our present Prime Minister ran down to the United States apologizing profusely to the American president George Bush Jr. for on the behalf of Canada for not supporting their invasion.

Since the Conservatives became the government they changed Afghanistan involvement to a combat mission, which effectively destroyed the peacekeeping mission that Canada was praised for.

The Liberal government originally committed the Canadian military to a rebuilding mission in Afghanistan.

At the time of the invasion, the Canadian Liberal government defined Canada's reasons for participating in the mission Afghanistan as follows:'s_role_in_the_Afghanistan_War
  1. Defend Canada's national interests;
  2. Ensure Canadian leadership in world affairs; and
  3. Help Afghanistan rebuild.
So BruSan one can say that this Conservative government lost their common sense side a long time ago and they were the ones that threw away Canada’s seat at the UN Security Council.

Not going to buy into your red agaisnt blue crap! I just don't differentiate them to the same extent as you apparently need to.

Please re-read my post and pay particular attention to the part where I refer to the "government of the day" with no specific party mentioned.

I'm sorry but I don't see one iota of difference between ANY of them and have complete faith that were it in the interests of a Liberal government to kiss ass at any particular time they'd grab their ankles just as quickly as a Conservative, NDP or Bloc for that matter!

Any one of them, from Bobby Rae to the useless maroon running the NDP at this moment would sell their soul and yours if it advanced their little ego-driven power trip. NONE of these parties maintains a party platform with any integrity in todays clusterflop that passes for Canadian politics.