Vancouver burns after cup loss


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Any rioters convicted should be publicly flogged and made to pay the entire bill for damage, clean up and policing. Even if they have to pay for the next 20 years.

I agree, taxslave, but from what I saw last night and on Global this morning, we will be lucky to find that any of these criminals have two pennies to rub together. I want every one of them lined up in front of a camera for all of BC to see. Then I want them shipped to a deserted island and left there to rot. Sorry but I am really in a foul mood this morning as I watch the clean-up going on in Vancouver and have to read stupid mindless posts that blame the riot on Canuck or hockey fans. On another note, there are many real Canuck fans who have turned up this morning to voluntarily help clean up the mess left by the criminals.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Those were regular everyday Canucks fans that did that.

Last time I checked petros, rubber masks and backpacks filled with rocks were not part of any true Canuck fans apparel. But hey, you have an ax to grind about Canuck fans and the city of Vancouver.......... feel free. Many of us who live here in BC are simply heartsick this morning over the loss by our team and the destruction and subsequent costs of the riot. So go ahead and make your snarky comments.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I worked security at PNE Coliseum for a year. What would you like to know about the average Canuck fan? How many people do you think we had to "eject' from the building per game? How many do you think tried smashing **** up trying to get back in. The vast vast vast majority of the people would never act like that anywhere else on the planet. Especially when they have their kids with them.


House Member
May 18, 2010
In my opinion it was a Police responsibility to keep the city safe, the Ploce failed in carrying out their responsibilities.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
In my opinion it was a Police responsibility to keep the city safe, the Ploce failed in carrying out their responsibilities.

The Ploce did a poor job for sure. The Police, on the other hand, did their best.

Ugh! Are you crazy! Don't start liking the Cubs... you'll torture yourself! And PLEASE don't ever become a Yankee fan because then you'll just be an azzhole. ;)

Being from Boston, we can't get away from Red Sox baseball. However a client of mine is from St. Louis and had to buy that baseball package to see his Cardinals.

Oh yes... baseball on TV is better than a lullaby.

I started to like the Cubbies due to Harry Caray, and the 7th inning stretch. Added something, and they aren't the same since he passed. The whole city seemed to have some team spirit, or maybe my imagination was rampant.

No Yankees fan here, no fear.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Re: Major riots in Vancouver after Canuck loss!

It's not the "modern crop".. it's just sports nuts in general.

English riots go back to the 1880s.. It's sports.. it makes people stupid and is an excellent tool to promote blind nationalism as a diversion from reality.

Why else do you think MacKay was plugging the Canucks instead of actually answering questions about bombs being dropped in Libya??

this has nothing to do with sports fans, the truck that was overturned that seemed to start this mess,
was brought into the city by people who had nothing to do with sports, and probably wouldn't know
a puck from football, they had the plan to flip it over and burn it, although some others who were
allready there might have got caught up in the problem, it is not sports fans, and it is a cop out
to suggest that sports has anything to do with this sort of behavior, its just punks and friends.
A person who called into team 1040 last night, was told by a person associated with
that group, what their plan was.
Others who came to the city, brought hammers with them, don't think anyone sitting
at the game was carrying a hammer.


Time Out
Apr 17, 2011
Re: Major riots in Vancouver after Canuck loss!

All this for a Stanley Cup loss? People should wait to do this stuff when it's really important. Like at Woodstock '99.

What a party that was.

what was the protest for Woodstock 99? wasn't it just a bunch of people trying to relive history?


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Re: Major riots in Vancouver after Canuck loss!

A second car was also torched, sending black plumes and acrid smoke into the air.
A group of three young men wearing balaclavas and black clothing were seen high-fiving as they walked away.

Meanwhile, the scene was much different in Surrey with police on the ground saying there was nothing to report following the game.
The throngs of fans who gathered in the fan zone near the Surrey Central SkyTrain stop left quietly after the final whistle and those who did remain were orderly.

Kelly McParland: Lessons to learn from dolts at a hockey game | Full Comment | National Post

• Anyone who thinks such violence is anything but a deliberate criminal act should quit kidding themselves. What took place in Vancouver was deliberate and premeditated, as, clearly, was the outbreak of general lawlessness in Toronto a year ago during the G20 summit. People turned up at both events hoping and planning for an opportunity to riot, smash windows, torch cars and create havoc. Much of the crowd — the much greater part, no doubt — was there to engage in peaceful public acts, either to register protests (in Toronto) or watch a hockey game (in Vancouver), but for some unfathomable reason elected to join in the melee once it began.

• Any large city planning to host a sizeable public event in future has to assume the same type of idiots who set off the troubles in Vancouver and Toronto will try to do so again. They now have a choice: try to contain it, and hope against hope that they do a better job than Toronto or Vancouver, or simply ban large-scale gatherings. The latter would no doubt elicit protests from people upset that their right to assemble in public was being curtailed, but what real choice is there for city officials tasked with keeping order and protecting people from violence and and property from being smashed? Business owners in Toronto only this week have been assured of some compensation from Ottawa, after a year of trying. Lord knows how long it will be before Vancouver’s shops get the same benefit, if at all. In Toronto it was obvious that the federal government was responsible, having imposed the G20 on the city; but in Vancouver who’s to be held to blame? The Canucks? All they did was lose a hockey game. The peabrains? Certainly — but trying to collect damages from peabrains doesn’t sound like a promising task.

• There is something bizarre going on just beneath the surface of our supposedly decent and civilized society. Canada is prosperous and peaceful, and does as much or more than any country to preserve and protect the rights and opportunities of people fortunate enough to live here. There are certainly inequalities and injustices, but anyone who thinks they’ll find a society that tries harder to eliminate them, or is more concerned with trying to spread the benefits equally among all citizens, will have a lengthy search on their hands. It’s doubtful in any case that the dolts who ignited the trouble in Vancouver think that deeply, or have any purpose other than mindless mayhem. They deserve no sympathy, and should be treated by the law as harshly as allowed.

National Post


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Re: Major riots in Vancouver after Canuck loss!

There were about a hundred thousand hockey fans and about a hundred goons who brought along the stuff they needed to break
windows and start fires. I know the headlines have made all Vancouver hockey fans vandals and criminals but that was not the case.
Somehow these events draw idiots. I was dissapointed that the Canucks lost but to do the damage these a-holes did was unacceptable.


Time Out
Apr 17, 2011
Re: Major riots in Vancouver after Canuck loss!

I refuse to imply that this public disgrace reflects on the good sports fans or the people of Vancouver.

Hoodlums will be Hoodlums. Every city has them. They don't need a valid reason to riot, they are more than willing to find a pathetic reason, such as last night.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Re: Major riots in Vancouver after Canuck loss!

A second car was also torched, sending black plumes and acrid smoke into the air.
A group of three young men wearing balaclavas and black clothing were seen high-fiving as they walked away.

And no one lifted a finger to stop nor detain them until the suspiciously absent police arrived.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: Major riots in Vancouver after Canuck loss!

Any large city planning to host a sizeable public event in future has to
assume the same type of idiots who set off the troubles in Vancouver and Toronto
will try to do so again.
Google ; Agent provocateur SPP meeting or Agent provocateur G8 Toronto sometime and we'll talk more about guys in ski masks.

The cops have been caught red handed.


Time Out
Apr 17, 2011
Re: Major riots in Vancouver after Canuck loss!

And no one lifted a finger to stop nor detain them until the suspiciously absent police arrived.

WTF are guys doing downtown Vancouver in June with ski masks? Some years, it barely snows in Vancouver.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: Major riots in Vancouver after Canuck loss!

WTF are guys doing downtown Vancouver in June with ski masks? Some years, it barely snows in Vancouver.
Other than cops how many people do you see wearing black ski masks these days?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: Major riots in Vancouver after Canuck loss!

I guess this guy is a convert to Islam?



Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
Re: Major riots in Vancouver after Canuck loss!

what was the protest for Woodstock 99? wasn't it just a bunch of people trying to relive history?

The last day, a bunch of the concert goers got upset because they had been out in oppressive heat for day and there wasn't enough water. So naturally, they started rioting and burning things. Having songs like "Break Stuff" and "Fire" didn't help matters either.

But it was still fun.


Time Out
Apr 17, 2011
Re: Major riots in Vancouver after Canuck loss!

The last day, a bunch of the concert goers got upset because they had been out in oppressive heat for day and there wasn't enough water. So naturally, they started rioting and burning things. Having songs like "Break Stuff" and "Fire" didn't help matters either.

But it was still fun.

I have mixed feeling about this. I think water should be free and available at events. But I also think that anyone that goes to 'Woodstock Part Deux' ought to understand that there are risks and come prepared.