Kate Middleton confirmed in Church of England ahead of the big day


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Kate Middleton has been confirmed into the Church of England ahead of her wedding to Prince William, according to St James's Palace.

The couple marry in just under a fortnight's time at London's Westminster Abbey in front of an estimated worldwide TV audience of 2 billion.

The ceremony was carried out by the Bishop of London, the Right Rev Richard Chartres, who will give an address when the couple tie the knot.

Kate, 29, was baptised at the age of five months but decided to get it confirmed and had it done on 10th March.

The small service was attended by her parents Michael, 61, Carole, 56, brother James, 23, sister Pippa, 27, who will be one of the bridesmaids at the wedding, and Pippa's boyfriend Alex Loudon, 30.

As a future member of the Royal Family - she will become Princess Catherine and most likely the Duchess of Cambridge upon her marriage and will become Queen when William ascends the Throne - she will need to be Church of England. But sources said Kate wanted to be confirmed 'because of her own personal journey into faith' rather than as a recognition of the royal family’s status in the Church, it is claimed.

Kate Middleton confirmed in Church of England ahead of the big day, Palace says

By Daily Mail Reporter
13th April 2011
Daily Mail

Confirmation: Kate Middleton went through the ceremony in secret, St James's Palace revealed

Kate Middleton has been secretly confirmed in the Church of England ahead of her wedding to Prince William.

The ceremony was carried out by the Bishop of London, the Right Rev Richard Chartres, who will give an address when the couple tie the knot later this month.

Miss Middleton, 29, who had been baptised when she was five months old decided to get confirmed 'as part of her marriage preparations', St James's Palace said.

It marks the point where baptised Christians make a firm commitment to their faith and was held in secret on March 10, it was revealed.

During the service Kate will have had a cross marked on her forehead with oil. It is a symbol that is supposed to show Christians are united with Christ.

A spokesman for St James's Palace said: 'Catherine Middleton was confirmed by the Bishop of London at a private service at St James's Palace attended by her family and Prince William.

'Miss Middleton, who was already baptised, decided to be confirmed as part of her marriage preparations.'

Sources said Miss Middleton wanted to be confirmed 'because of her own personal journey into faith' rather than as a recognition of the royal family’s status in the Church, it is claimed.

In February 2011, a YouGov poll put the British public's support for ending the monarchy after Queen Elizabeth II's death at just 13%

The source said: 'This is a matter of personal choice. It’s something she’s been thinking about.'

When Miss Middleton becomes a member of the Royal Family frequent church services will be a part of her new life.

All monarchs play a central role within the Church of England as they are its head, holding the title Supreme Governor - a position that will one day fall to William.

Once she is confirmed she will be able to receive communion within the church.

No details about the wedding service - and whether there will be a communion service - on April 29 have been released.

Further details are expected to be confirmed ahead of the big day.

The Bishop of London, the Right Reverend Richard Chartres carried out the ceremony in front of Kate's family on March 10

The small service was attended by her parents Michael, 61, Carole, 56, brother James, 23, sister Pippa, 27, and Pippa's boyfriend Alex Loudon, 30.

It is understood that it was Kate's choice to get confirmed after a series of sessions with the Bishop of London ahead of her wedding on April 29.

William was also confirmed by the Bishop of London during a ceremony held at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, in March 1997 when he was 14.

It was one of the last times the Prince and Princess of Wales were seen together in public before Diana was killed in a car crash in August that year.

Kate's parents had her christened when she was five months old in St Andrew's Church close to her home in Bradfield, Berkshire, in June 1982.

Meanwhile, Kate Middleton was rumoured to have ordered three gowns for her wedding.

With just two weeks to go until the big day, speculation suggests Alexander McQueen designer Sarah Burton, has created an outfit for Kate - but the newest name to be thrown into the mix is veteran couturier Jasper Conran.

Conran, who created Princess Margaret's daughter Lady Sarah Chatto's gown in 1994, denied the rumours but it is expected that all those involved will remain tight-lipped until the big day.

Writer Anne Chertoff said: 'FashionEtc has learned that Jasper Conran may have landed the plum assignment; however, he is not alone.

'Sources tell us that Middleton has commissioned three wedding dresses from three different designers.'

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Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
blah blah blah, she has to be on the right page with Jebus since he's personally appointed her as the Prince's concubine.

Did they confirm that she's a virgin, or do they still have to do that?

That's my job.... forceps and KY pls.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Good thing Ms. Middleton's "personal journey into faith" arrived at Confirmation Corner in time for the wedding. What a fortuitous coincidence that is!