the master race ain't what it used to be


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
One thing I've never understood about Nazis is how they can believe they're the superior race and at the same time believe the Jews secretly run the world. If the Jews can pull off such an amazing conspiracy and actually run the world in secret wouldn't that make Jews the superior race?

Since when do nut cases ever think rationally? :lol:


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
I have read Mein Kampf and it clearly outlined Hitlers position regarding the Jews.
The west knew more about what was going to happen within the boarders of
Germany as well. There were a number of very anti Jewish folks in America as
well. Henry Ford, Joe Kennedy and a number of others were waiting for the
cleansing to take place in Europe. Kennedy Senior once said Hitler was the
brightest young man in Europe. Hitler was Time's Man of the Year in 1936 as well.
Hitler had some very qualified people around him as well. Some were senior
politicians and military officers like the Desert Fox. Science almost turned the
balance of war in his favor as well. The Germans had the first Jet aircraft, they
had the V1 and V2 rockets that bombed London.
After the war the scientific community was divided between the east and west
and the missile programs and space race was greatly advanced from the benefit
of German Science. I am in no way supporting the German Nazi machine, but it
should be looked at for what it is. WE damn near lost the war in the west because
we did not take the threats of a murdering bully seriously until it was nearly to late.

These clown in Calgary are just that, a bunch of punks who are too stupid to know
the buses in that town are never on time. They are nothing more than ignorant
punks and the law should make an example of them.

The problem of anti semitism goes back centuries and show no signs of abating.
Even during the middle ages the Jews were blamed for the black plague that killed
so many people. The Jews have been a target for ruthless leaders throughout
European History, even in America, there is considerable anti Jewish feeling.
It goes to show no matter how much education is made available ignorance is never
completely conquered.


Council Member
Nov 29, 2009
Nova Scotia
If only the Nazis hated the jews,how come,when they were trying to flee Germany,nobody would take them,boatloads were turned back from Halifax.As for the americans,they were quite content to sit back and make money selling to both sides,I don't think they would have gotten involved if it had'nt been for those sneaky Jappenese.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Is that why the Planned Parenthood euegenics killing web is so successful? If they get the the moderate Muzzies going and supportive things will be perfect.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Do you think the third generation of Hatfields and McCoys knew what the feud was about?

I didn't think there would have been a third generation.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
A banana shaped like a pear would be odd but it wouldn't indicate conspiracy. Do you have an opinion about the mindless spontaneous ancient anti semitism?

I do, but I won't give it away so easily. I'll tell you what I know if you tell me why in a thread about how pathetic Neo-Nazis are do you feel compelled to hate on Jews? You see a thread mentioning "master race" and think "hmm, this might be worth a read" and then conclude "hmm, this would be a good place to blame Jews for the Nazis." It's very curious.


Nominee Member
Jan 7, 2011
As pathetic as this little band of Bozos may be it is still an indicator and telling symptom of the Canadian political psyche. Arising in Alberta, Canada's fundamentalist bible-belt and compost heap of right-wing American ex-pats it is also the home town field of the Reform Party of Canada and Stevie Harpers Conservatives.

They are birds of a feather with our latest national edition of these sentiments better financed by BIG OIL and more adept at deception and disguise.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
. Arising in Alberta, Canada's fundamentalist bible-belt and compost heap of right-wing American ex-pats it is also the home town field of the Reform Party of Canada and Stevie Harpers Conservatives.

They are birds of a feather with our latest national edition of these sentiments better financed by BIG OIL and more adept at deception and disguise.
Don't worry. By now Harper's riding is full of immigrant Muslims and Hindus.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
As pathetic as this little band of Bozos may be it is still an indicator and telling symptom of the Canadian political psyche. Arising in Alberta, Canada's fundamentalist bible-belt and compost heap of right-wing American ex-pats it is also the home town field of the Reform Party of Canada and Stevie Harpers Conservatives.

They are birds of a feather with our latest national edition of these sentiments better financed by BIG OIL and more adept at deception and disguise.

mmm...and you just can't stand it that the Reformers re-united with the PCs, and now are doing a competent job of running the country, can you??


And the Natural Governing Party is no more.

Rant, rage, shake your fists at the uncaring sky, it changes nothing. The Conservatives are in power, and are expected to stay there for quite some time.

All your impotent