Freedom, Justice and Democracy RE:Egypt

Which person or group supports freedom, justice and democracy in Egypt

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Time Out
Jun 1, 2007
I see EAO have got you little girls running scared and grasping for straws again. *lmao*

Sure you do. You LOVE the possibilities. You can tell by the excitement in your posts.

Paraphrasing you...

"A new Egyptian Govt. that won't stand by and watch Israeli atrocities."

You are bubbly that the 30 year peace may come to an end and that Israel and Egypt can get down to business in the Sinai.

IF... IF... there is a new hostile Egyptian government that breaks the Peace Treaty and moves into the Sinai you may have some of your dream realized. There will be war and the results will be the same as they always were over there. Total Israeli dominance and tens of thousands of dead Egyptian men rotting in the desert.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
And of course between the liberal pro war American media and the war mongering President Obama ;-) who are discussing with Mubarak and his aids now about how soon his departure can be. Where is Briton, Canada or any other country for that matter, diplomats all sleeping? Don't want to get hit in the head with a bricks, they will fit.. The Muslim Brotherhood is staying in the background till the replacement government trips up.

Reuters - The Obama administration is discussing with Egyptian officials the immediate resignation of President Hosni Mubarak as one of several scenarios for a transition of power, a U.S. official said.

Is that why you have been supporting, training and financing vicious dictators and their death squads for almost, if not more than, 100 years all over the globe? Sorry, but the Patriot Act supersedes any freedoms you thought you had and in case you haven't noticed, your country is broke from all this war mongering.

We could get the military industry up and running again, creating jobs, creating taxes to run the economy, just have to stop this clean energy stuff for a while. Be back producing in no time. Some positions have opened up in Northrop Grumman in Coco Beach, Florida having a job fair later this month.
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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
And of course between the liberal pro war American media and the war mongering President Obama ;-) who are discussing with Mubarak and his aids now about how soon his departure can be. Where is Briton, Canada or any other country for that matter, diplomats all sleeping? Don't want to get hit in the head with a bricks, they will fit.. The Muslim Brotherhood is staying in the background till the replacement government trips up.

We could get the military industry up and running again, creating jobs, creating taxes to run the economy, just have to stop this clean energy stuff for a while. Be back producing in no time. Some positions have opened up in Northrop Grumman in Coco Beach, Florida having a job fair later this month.
And how many thousands of poor third world schmucks are going to pay with their lives so a few Yanks can have a job creating death and destruction? I know it may come as surprise to you, but the USA is not the center of the universe.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
And how many thousands of poor third world schmucks are going to pay with their lives so a few Yanks can have a job creating death and destruction? I know it may come as surprise to you, but the USA is not the center of the universe.

Of course not, the USA is to big to be the center, the center of the Universe is New York City.:) But at this level of the economic slump it wouldn't take to much to get the factories running at 100% again.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Of course not, the USA is to big to be the center, the center of the Universe is New York City.:) But at this level of the economic slump it wouldn't take to much to get the factories running at 100% again.
Perhaps they should try turning tanks into plow shares. They world needs more food. Just think how grateful the world would be if the US started feeding people instead of blowing them up.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Guess you haven't heard the expression "America first" . It is well know that what ever is best for America would be best for the world. Why shouldn't the world have the same freedoms and wealth we have. There is no logical reason you would want to deprive them of that. We have not gotten involved in what is happening in Egypt so far.

Wrong! The US is involved in Egypt to the tune of $50B since 1975.
$50 billion later, taking stock of US aid to Egypt / The Christian Science Monitor -

This is an historic opportunity for Americans to demand their government stop supporting oppression and injustice in Egypt and around the world.

To bring down this brutal dictator today, the American government need only threaten to stop the gravy train. No false justifications regarding WMDs, no false allegation about links to 9/11, no need to sacrifice American soldiers and no need to start an unprovoked war resulting in hundreds of thousands of violent deaths. The price Americans would pay to over throw this dictator is just a threat to stop borrowing $1.3B a year to finance Mubarak's oppressive regime and a clear statement in support of the will of millions of Egyptians.

And of course between the liberal pro war American media and the war mongering President Obama ;-) who are discussing with Mubarak and his aids now about how soon his departure can be. Where is Briton, Canada or any other country for that matter, diplomats all sleeping? Don't want to get hit in the head with a bricks, they will fit.. The Muslim Brotherhood is staying in the background till the replacement government trips up.

Reuters - The Obama administration is discussing with Egyptian officials the immediate resignation of President Hosni Mubarak as one of several scenarios for a transition of power, a U.S. official said.

We could get the military industry up and running again, creating jobs, creating taxes to run the economy, just have to stop this clean energy stuff for a while. Be back producing in no time. Some positions have opened up in Northrop Grumman in Coco Beach, Florida having a job fair later this month.

Your criticism of Canada and our leaders is warranted. At least the President of the United States has acknowledged the will of the Egyptian people and called for Mubarak's departure.

Canada's leaders are towing the line of Mubarak's supporters and calling for Mubarak to stay in power for now and step down at some unspecified time in the future. That's code for giving Mubarak time to track down, torture and execute protesters while rigging the system in favor of one of his cronies.

Now is your chance to criticize Canada IS. I suggest you take the opportunity to give Canada a good roasting for siding with a brutal oppressive dictator against the will of the Egyptian people.

This is disgraceful:
In break with U.S., Ottawa backs gradual handover in Egypt

The Harper government has endorsed the go-slow transition plan set out by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s regime, signalling that Mideast stability and peace with Israel are its paramount concerns while other Western nations push for faster change...
In break with U.S., Ottawa backs gradual handover in Egypt - The Globe and Mail
I hope Canadians remember on election day that when crunch time came in Egypt, Harper, Ignatieff and Layton sided with Mubarak's supporters against the will of the Egyptian people.
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Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I know it may come as surprise to you, but the USA is not the center of the universe.

We know that... but it seems the whole world is wondering what we think or commenting on our responses to this uprising, for better or worse. That must make you sad. :)

Perhaps they should try turning tanks into plow shares. They world needs more food. Just think how grateful the world would be if the US started feeding people instead of blowing them up.

We do feed them. More than you'll ever admit to.

Wrong! The US is involved in Egypt to the tune of $50B since 1975.
$50 billion later, taking stock of US aid to Egypt / The Christian Science Monitor -

This is an historic opportunity for Americans to demand their government stop supporting oppression and injustice in Egypt and around the world.


No this is a historic opportunity for the US Govt. to stay the BLEEP out of it.

However that has not happened and the Administration has indeed come out in favor of a change in government and on the side of the protestors. Just look at what the President is saying almost daily.

We should have stayed out of it and when the dust settled... THEN decide if they are going to get their funds.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
According to the US, the US is the world's most generous donor nation.

However once subtract the billions in "aid" in the form of arms to support pro-American dictators and tyrants like Mubarak and factor in donations as a % of GDP rather than in absolute terms, the US ranks further down, depending on what you define as aid.
Pro-science: Is USA the biggest foreign aid donor?

..No this is a historic opportunity for the US Govt. to stay the BLEEP out of it.

However that has not happened and the Administration has indeed come out in favor of a change in government and on the side of the protestors. Just look at what the President is saying almost daily.

We should have stayed out of it and when the dust settled... THEN decide if they are going to get their funds.

The US still ships Egypt arms and props up Mubarak's government economically. That's hardly staying the BLEEP out of it.

Since the US government is running a deficit, that means you have to borrow the money to support Mubarak's oppressive dictatorship. Eventually Americans won't be able to borrow any more money and your government will have to raise taxes to keep supporting Mubarak.

As an American taxpayer, please explain why you believe country should continue borrowing money and eventually raise taxes to support Mubarak's oppressive dictatorship.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
According to the US, the US is the world's most generous donor nation.

However once subtract the billions in "aid" in the form of arms to support pro-American dictators and tyrants like Mubarak and factor in donations as a % of GDP rather than in absolute terms, the US ranks further down, depending on what you define as aid.
Pro-science: Is USA the biggest foreign aid donor?

Oh please. Yes, the Nation/village of Luxemborg is a greater contributor than the US I've heard. lol

Get real.

The US still ships Egypt arms and props up Mubarak's government economically. That's hardly staying the BLEEP out of it.

Are you that dense to not know the difference?

The US has supported Egypt. However there is an uprising and a change going on and WE SHOULD STAY OUT OF IT! Is that clear?

Since the US government is running a deficit, that means you have to borrow the money to support Mubarak's oppressive dictatorship. Eventually Americans won't be able to borrow any more money and your government will have to raise taxes to keep supporting Mubarak.

As an American taxpayer, please explain why you believe country should continue borrowing money and eventually raise taxes to support Mubarak's oppressive dictatorship.

As an American Taxpayer I believe the gravy train should end for MANY countries. As an American Taxpayer I believe US Aid should be drastically reduced to ALL countries. Let that digest.


Time Out
Jun 1, 2007
...grasps for

Oh please. Yes, the Nation/village of Luxemborg is a greater contributor than the US I've heard. lol

Get real.

Are you that dense to not know the difference?

The US has supported Egypt. However there is an uprising and a change going on and WE SHOULD STAY OUT OF IT! Is that clear?

As an American Taxpayer I believe the gravy train should end for MANY countries. As an American Taxpayer I believe US Aid should be drastically reduced to ALL countries. Let that digest.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
We know that... but it seems the whole world is wondering what we think or commenting on our responses to this uprising, for better or worse. That must make you sad. :)

We do feed them. More than you'll ever admit to.

No this is a historic opportunity for the US Govt. to stay the BLEEP out of it.

However that has not happened and the Administration has indeed come out in favor of a change in government and on the side of the protestors. Just look at what the President is saying almost daily.

We should have stayed out of it and when the dust settled... THEN decide if they are going to get their funds.
A friend was saying yesterday that they heard on CBC that Marmaduke has stashed away 70 billion in his personal accounts. That would be a healthy chunk of the US aid sent to prop up his dictatorship. How much of your aid actually made it to those in need? This sounds very familiar, like every other despotic government that the US has supported. The aid that the US sends to countries is not to help the poor but to prop up the oppression of the poor. There is nothing wrong with aid, just the reasons it is given.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
A friend was saying yesterday that they heard on CBC that Marmaduke has stashed away 70 billion in his personal accounts. That would be a healthy chunk of the US aid sent to prop up his dictatorship. How much of your aid actually made it to those in need? This sounds very familiar, like every other despotic government that the US has supported. The aid that the US sends to countries is not to help the poor but to prop up the oppression of the poor. There is nothing wrong with aid, just the reasons it is given.

Feed the dictator until an eruption. Then kill the dictator and you get to be heroes!

The repeal of the emergency law is obviously what needs to be done to settle this mess. But it's pathetic that the West is trying to make themselves look like saviours. As if we enjoy our healthy doses of freedom over here, lol.

Anyone who somehow feels proud to be American, Canadian, British, German or from whatever other democratic nation while seeing this mess is seriously deluded. We can barely solve our own civil issues, so don't expect any serious attempt on our Governments' parts to legitimately resolve this Egyptian corruption.

We'd much rather turn Egypt's turmoil into our own economic benefit because we're such a caring and empathetic country. Seems like the "ethical oil" is fueling our response to this mess, lol
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Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
...The US has supported Egypt. However there is an uprising and a change going on and WE SHOULD STAY OUT OF IT! Is that clear?....

You really don't get it.

The US government supports Mubarak. Present tense. Your government gives (present tense) the Mubarak dictatorship $3.5US million in arms and economic support per day, every day, including today. Tomorrow your government will give Mubarak another $3.5US million. The day after that, your government will give Mubarak another $3.5US million. The US government will continue giving Mubarak money and arms into the foreseeable future.

Meanwhile the US has not given the Egyptian pro-democracy a single penny. You aren't giving the protesters any cash or arms today and you aren't going to give the pro-democracy movement any cash or arms tomorrow or any day in the near future.

That activity is not "staying out of it". That activity is direct support for a brutal oppressive dictator. Staying out of it would be if the US government stopped giving Mubarak $3.5 million per day.

Is that clear enough? Do you get it now?

Regarding American generosity.
Oh please. Yes, the Nation/village of Luxemborg is a greater contributor than the US I've

As an American Taxpayer I believe the gravy train should end for MANY countries. As an American Taxpayer I believe US Aid should be drastically reduced to ALL countries. Let that digest.

I was living in northern Canada during the Feed the World campaign. Millions of people were starving in Ethiopia.

The City of Toronto raised about $100 million. (population 2.5 million = $4 per person)
The Town of Rankin Inlet raised about $1 million (population 2000 = $500 per person)

Which group of people were more charitable?
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Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
You really don't get it.

Oh I do get it... you don't.

The US government supports Mubarak. Present tense.

The US Govt supports Egypt... present tense.

Your government gives (present tense) the Mubarak dictatorship $3.5US million in arms and economic support per day, every day, including today. Tomorrow your government will give Mubarak another $3.5US million. The day after that, your government will give Mubarak another $3.5US million. The US government will continue giving Mubarak money and arms into the foreseeable future.

The US Govt is supporting Egypt.

Meanwhile the US has not given the Egyptian pro-democracy a single penny.

How silly.

Ok. So should we fly C-5's overhead and push out bales of money?

You aren't giving the protesters any cash or arms today

Nor should we.

Is Canada? No... I guess you must be supporting an oppressive regime then eh?

and you aren't going to give the pro-democracy movement any cash or arms tomorrow or any day in the near future.

Not so sure about that. But if we do end up giving a pro-democracy movement in Egypt cash or arms I am sure you will be the first person in here complaining. ;)

That activity is not "staying out of it". That activity is direct support for a brutal oppressive dictator. Staying out of it would be if the US government stopped giving Mubarak $3.5 million per day.

Is that clear enough? Do you get it now?

It is very clear that you are unaware of how financial aid between nations works.

Regarding American generosity.

I was living in northern Canada during the Feed the World campaign. Millions of people were starving in Ethiopia.

The City of Toronto raised about $100 million. (population 2.5 million = $4 per person)
The Town of Rankin Inlet raised about $1 million (population 2000 = $500 per person)

Which group of people were more charitable?

A person walks up to you and says...

"What would be more beneficial... $100 Million to your cause... or $1 Million to your cause?"

Your answer is?

Here is a hint...

$100 Million > $1 Million

Have a nice day!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Caution, caution....Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood.......

True, they have never been in office. But they have a political program and a vision not only until the next elections, but, in their view, until the Hereafter. And they are very good at reminding Egyptians of why the other party’s policies will be ungodly and therefore catastrophic for Egypt. Above all, they have succeeded in embedding themselves in Egyptian society in ways that could prove crucial.

When I was 15 and considered myself a member of the Muslim Brotherhood movement, there were secular political groups in the diasporas of Pakistanis, Yemenis and Somalis, who lived in exile in Nairobi like my family. These loosely organized groups had vague plans for building their countries into peaceful, prosperous nations. These were dreams they never realized.

The Muslim Brotherhood did more than dream. With the help of money from Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich countries, they established cells in my school and functioning institutions in my neighborhood. There were extracurricular activities for all age groups. There were prayer and chant hours, as well as communal Koran readings. We were encouraged to become volunteers, to help the indigent, to spread Allah’s message. They established charities to which we could tithe, which then provided health and educational centers.

The Brotherhood also provided the only functioning banking networks, based on trust. They rescued teenagers from lives of drug addiction and excited them about a purposeful future for justice. Each of us was expected to recruit more people. Most importantly, their message transcended ethnicity, social class and even educational levels.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
''Israel does not use torture''

look again



Note also that this ''brotherhood'' {sic} cult only has a membership of 100,000 whereas Egypt has a population of 80 million. Such a small cult is not a serious threat to the majority unless they get money and weaponry from the USA.