Why is the south pole colder than the north pole on Earth and on Mars?


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
The Sun is not on the same plane with the planets

I together with some of my friends have discussed this, and this may be only personal opinion (of my friend and mine); it is not written in the book The Universe and the Quran and which is not told by the late interpreter; it is only our deduction: it may be right then it is right, and it may be wrong: then it is our mistake.

The deduction came from "the interpretation of the Quran 84: 16-19

فَلَا أُقْسِمُ بِالشَّفَقِ . وَاللَّيْلِ وَمَا وَسَقَ . وَالْقَمَرِ إِذَا اتَّسَقَ . لَتَرْكَبُنَّ طَبَقًا عَن طَبَقٍ

The explanation:
(But no, I swear by the twilight [zone: the zone intermediate between the day zone and the night zone!]

And by the night and [by] all [the beasts] that it will round up!*

And the moon, when it will be at the full!

[That] you [people] shall traverse a plane after another.)

The interpretation:
[* It means: That everlasting night will round up or collect the living creatures; because they will run away from the heat of the day-side.]

When these signs will take place, like the occurrence of the evening-glow and the everlasting night and what beasts it will round up; at that time you will ride up the planes or layers of the atmosphere: a layer after another, so that you will rise up and get nearer to the sun;
i.e. Earth will take you: mounting the layers of the sky: one layer after another."

The earth approaches the sun

From this sentence, it is obvious that the Earth will ascend up the layers of the sky and by doing so, it will get nearer to the Sun.

Our deduction:
It appears from this description and the interpretation of the Quran ayat here, that: the sun is not on the same level as the planets;

i.e. the Sun and the planets are not on the same plane and level: the Sun is higher than the level of the rest of the planets, and it may be that each planet has its own plane.

As in the drawing that I am giving as attachment to this post.
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Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
So as in the diagram no. 1, the Sun is higher in level than the planets.
The planets orbit around it in lower planes or levels; but not to the extent as in the diagram which I draw only for explaining the idea.
Anyhow the Sun is higher in plane: the planets arrange according to their sizes away from the Sun and they circle around it each in its own plane.

Therefore, the North Pole is relatively more exposed to receive sun heat and light than is the South Pole.

And from this diagram, it is evident and obvious: that the Earth is getting near to the Sun gradually by time: so it traverses the planes of the sky as it ascends up the planes and levels; and by this it becomes clearly obvious the meaning of the aya and its explanation:
( [That] you [people] shall traverse a plane after another.)

and its interpretation: "Earth will take you: mounting the layers of the sky: one layer after another."

And it is more evident why the global warming because of the Earth getting nearer to the Sun, has its effect on the heat on the Earth globe in general, and on the North Pole more than the South Pole, and this may explain also as does my friend say the errors that Astronomers make in their calcuations to reach the planets: i.e. some errors occur then they correct that practically; because of this difference in planes of the planets and they are not on the same plane or level.


Electoral Member
Nov 10, 2009
salisbury's tavern
Eanassir, you should have stopped at your original post, while you were ahead. Now its just devolving another Mohammed {(praise be his name) Can I say that as a nonbeliever?} ghost story round the campfire.


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
Santa Clause and his workshop is located at the North Pole and building toys require a lot of energy.

In the South Pole all you have is useless scientists that hardly do any work and all they do is just complain that's it is so cold so they make up stories of global warming just to get out of there.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Santa Clause and his workshop is located at the North Pole and building toys require a lot of energy.

In the South Pole all you have is useless scientists that hardly do any work and all they do is just complain that's it is so cold so they make up stories of global warming just to get out of there.

Liberlman, is Santa Clause liberal also? :lol:

Eanassir, you should have stopped at your original post, while you were ahead. Now its just devolving another Mohammed {(praise be his name) Can I say that as a nonbeliever?} ghost story round the campfire.

Glory be to God, and Salam be to His servants: the prophets

About Mohammed, we say (Salam be to him) which is only a salutation, to Prophet Mohammed and to all other prophets: Salam be to them.

While about God, we say: Praise be to Him or Glory be to His name ...etc.

So you should differentiate between the name and position of God and the position of Mohammed and other prophets: the servants of God.

I said if the idea is wrong, it is our opinion; and if it is correct, then ok.
We deduced that from the Quran and the book of the interpreter The Universe and the Quran
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Earth's South Pole is colder because it sits on a thick ice sheet which itself sits on a continent, whereas the North Pole actually sits in the middle of the Arctic Ocean.

The ice sheet at the South Pole rises to more than a mile and a half above sea level (Antarctica is the highest continent on Earth) whereas the North Pole is on a surface of floating ice which rides only a foot or so above the surrounding sea. The ocean acts as a heat reservoir.

Also, the North Pole is getting warmer and the South Pole is getting colder.

On Mars, the South Pole is colder than the North Pole because of the presence of dry ice. Both of the Martian poles, which consist mainly of water ice like on Earth, also have some dry ice present, but it's only present at the North Pole in the winter months only and disappears completely in the summer. At the South Pole the dry ice is permanent. This is because the South Pole is at a higher elevation than the North Pole.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Earth's South Pole is colder because it sits on a thick ice sheet which itself sits on a continent, whereas the North Pole actually sits in the middle of the Arctic Ocean.

The ice sheet at the South Pole rises to more than a mile and a half above sea level (Antarctica is the highest continent on Earth) whereas the North Pole is on a surface of floating ice which rides only a foot or so above the surrounding sea. The ocean acts as a heat reservoir.

Also, the North Pole is getting warmer and the South Pole is getting colder.

These are true factors also.

On Mars, the South Pole is colder than the North Pole because of the presence of dry ice. Both of the Martian poles, which consist mainly of water ice like on Earth, also have some dry ice present, but it's only present at the North Pole in the winter months only and disappears completely in the summer. At the South Pole the dry ice is permanent. This is because the South Pole is at a higher elevation than the North Pole.

Such dry ice is doubtful and Mars is similar to Earth from many many aspects;
at the start they said: frozen CO2 and no water;
then later they said: there is water ice in addition to frozen CO2;
the next step may be: No frozen CO2, only frozen water and liquid water.

The journey to Mars is successful


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
What do you mean such dry ice is doubtful? There are satellite images of it. There's also differences in albedo between the North and South hemispheres on Mars due to the dust storms.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
What do you mean such dry ice is doubtful? There are satellite images of it. There's also differences in albedo between the North and South hemispheres on Mars due to the dust storms.

What I mean is clear.

At first they said: No water, only frozen CO2
Then they said: there is water ice in addition to the frozen CO2.

I expect they will later on say: no frozen CO2; only there is frozen water and liquid water.

Who said about the sand storm on Mars? I did not say anything of that.

The emigration to Mars


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
What I mean is clear.

At first they said: No water, only frozen CO2
Then they said: there is water ice in addition to the frozen CO2.

I expect they will later on say: no frozen CO2; only there is frozen water and liquid water.
That's the wonderful thing about exploration and education, you get to learn new things.

You should try it sometimes.