AGW Denial, The Greatest Scam in History?


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
When the Germans give up on AGW you really do know it's all over
No people on earth are more righteously Green than the Germans. They built the foundations and set the tone of the modern Green movement in, ahem, the 1930s. They invented the phrase Atomkraft Nein Danke. They were the first country to allow nasty, dangerous Sixties eco-radicals to reinvent themselves as respectable politicians. They were the first place to buy, wholesale, into the solar power con, which is why so many of their rooves – especially on churches – shimmer and glow like reflective-coated crusties at a mid-Nineties rave, while the German taxpayer is ruing the day his government ever chose to subsidise (Achtung Herr Cameron!) this fantastically pointless scheme… (Hat tip: Robert Groezinger, et al)
So when the Germans say “Auf Wiedersehn AGW” it really is time for the rest of the world to sit up and take notice. And that’s exactly what they just have said. See for yourself in this tear-inducing glorious feature in one of their leading newspapers.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Um, sorry, Ironsides, but I clicked the link and the first thing I saw after what the link is about, I saw this
James Delingpole is a writer, journalist and broadcaster who is right about everything. He is the author of numerous fantastically entertaining books ...
and I have to mention that anyone who says they are right about everything make me suspicious.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Get a grip people, if you want to convince anyone about anything, don't post editorials from journalists. They are no more expert about climate than you, me, or Daffy Duck.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Fox News' Ed Barnes Tries To Re-Ignite Attacks on Climate
Scientist Exonerated byPenn State

In his “exclusive” story, titled “Top Climate Scientist's Exoneration Won't Be the Last Word,” Fox News’ Ed Barnes suggests that the Penn State investigation that cleared Dr. Michael Mann of any wrong-doing was a “whitewash” designed to protect the “millions of dollars in grant money it gets by having Mann on the faculty.”

Barnes claims that Penn State’s decision to exonerate Mann generated “a storm of controversy” and “came under severe attack.” Reading his inflammatory language, you might think that a whole lot of academics and scientists ridiculed the inquiry. Who is this angry mob that generated such a “storm of controversy?”

Actually, the Barnes storm is comprised of only three people - a mining executive, the wealthiest member of Congress, and a former columnist.

The former contributor, Steve “The Junkman” Milloy, is better known for his role as apologist and shill for the tobacco, chemical, mining and oil industries than for his expertise critiquing university review boards. What are Milloy’s qualifications to serve as judge and jury in denouncing a highly-regarded university’s review process? Milloy runs, a website that defies all manner of scientific realities, arguing that everything from DDT to secondhand smoke to asbestos is perfectly healthy for you.

The second is blogger Steve McIntyre, creator of and 30-year veteran of the mining business. Some may consider McIntyre qualified to attack Michael Mann, since he's gone to great lengths along with Ross McKitrick to attack Dr. Mann. Both of their Mann-eater papers were re-published and distributed by the ExxonMobil-funded George C. Marshall Institute. McIntyre says he’s more interested in mining these days than climate science, unless it’s about Michael Mann of course.

The third is the wealthiest member of Congress, Republican Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), whose net worth is north of $250 million thanks to his success as CEO of Directed Electronics and its “Viper” car alarm. (That’s actually Issa’s voice barking ''please step away from the car.”) But how exactly is this successful former CEO, Army veteran and holder of a bachelor’s degree in business administration qualified to question the work of a highly-regarded climate scientist?

Though certainly known for stormy behavior and severe attacks, do these three men really constitute a “storm of controversy?”

I suppose when you throw in a dash of the right-wing Commonwealth Foundation (which released a 12-page policy brief ripping Penn State for exonerating Mann), and a sprinkle of the right-wing-on-training-wheels Young Americans for Freedom (which launched a petition to re-investigate Mann), then in Ed Barnes’ world you can safely forecast a raging storm with a 100% chance of severe attacks.

Barnes even slapped an “Exclusive” tag on his new piece, hoping to catch new readers, even though the content is largely rehashed from his two-month-old article from February, featuring the same quote from Steve Milloy and same argument from Steve McIntyre. That’s pretty exclusive, indeed.

Barnes and others at Fox News have played a central role in the “Climategate” echo chamber, providing a megaphone for skeptics trying to spin the stolen CRU emails into scandal every which way, and continuing the long smear campaign against Michael Mann.

Despite all their rants, the inquiries into Mann and the CRU scientists have found no evidence of the data tampering or interference with information requests that FOX and friends hoped would emerge from their “ClimateGate” dud. They can’t tolerate the fact that Dr. Mann and Phil Jones and others have been largely vindicated. So they resort back to spin. And when that doesn’t pan out, they spin again.

It’s dizzying just trying to follow it, really.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Response by the University of East Anglia to the Report by Lord Oxburgh’s Science Assessment Panel

Wed, 14 Apr 2010
UEA welcomes the Report by the Lord Oxburgh’s Independent Panel, both in respect of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) being cleared of any scientific impropriety and dishonesty, and the suggestions made for improvement in some other areas.
The Oxburgh findings are the result of the latest scrutiny of CRU’s research. The first was the original peer review which led to publication in some of the world’s leading international science journals; the second was the Inquiry by the Parliamentary Science and Technology Committee. Taken together, these must represent one of the most searching examinations of any body of scientific research. The veracity of CRU’s research remains intact after this examination.

It is gratifying to us that the Oxburgh Report points out that CRU has done a public service of great value by carrying out meticulous work on temperature records when it was unfashionable and attracted little scientific interest, and that the Unit has been amongst the leaders in international efforts to determine the overall uncertainty in the derived temperature records. Similarly, the Report emphasises that all of CRU’s published research on the global land-based instrumental temperature record included detailed descriptions of uncertainties and appropriate caveats. We also welcome the confirmation that, although some have accused CRU of trying to mislead, the Unit’s published research emphasises the late 20th Century discrepancy between tree-based proxy reconstructions of temperature and instrumental observations.

The Report points out where things might have been done better. One is to engage more with professional statisticians in the analysis of data. Another, related, point is that more efficacious statistical techniques might have been employed in some instances (although it was pointed out that different methods may not have produced different results). Specialists in many areas of research acquire and develop the statistical skills pertinent to their own particular data analysis requirements. However, we do see the sense in engaging more fully with the wider statistics community to ensure that the most effective and up-to-date statistical techniques are adopted and will now consider further how best to achieve this.

Another area for suggested improvement is in the archiving of data and algorithms, and in recording exactly what was done. Although no-one predicted the import of this pioneering research when it started in the mid-1980’s, it is now clear that more effort needs to be put into this activity. CRU, and other parts of the climate science community, are already making improvements in these regards, and the University will continue to ensure that these imperatives are maintained.

The Independent Climate Change E-mail Review investigation is underway, and therefore some important issues are still under active consideration. This document is our immediate written response to the Oxburgh Report. In the coming weeks we shall be considering precisely how we act upon the detailed findings of the Oxburgh Report, together with the findings of the parliamentary select committee and, in due course, the Independent Muir Russell review report.

We are grateful to Lord Oxburgh, and his international expert team, for the fair, efficient and prompt way in which they conducted their Assessment.

Use this link to read the Science Assessment Panel Report.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Tim Ball concert: Battered by the facts.

Canadian denier-in-chief, the retired geographer Dr. Tim Ball, got seriously (though not physically) roughed up last week in a presentation to the University of Victoria Young Conservatives Club.
Apparently expecting a room full of docile Stephen Harper fans, Ball found himself instead in front of a group of burgeoning climate scientists - young people who were quick to challenge him when he said things that were pointedly untrue.
For example, after describing the effect of Milankovitch cycles on climate, Ball told the students that these predictable changes in Earth's orbit and tilt are not included in modern climate models.
"None of this is included in the computer models that are used to tell you that the climate is changing.56:24 It’s not even included. The models they’re doing here on campus. They’re not in there. Sorry."
But at 1:01:25, a student responds: "We do include it, though. I am with the UVic climate lab and we do include it in our models. It’s a standard parameter."
The conversation, and the attached recording (NB: With my apologies, the record exceeds the DSB capacity; I will convene with the tech experts tomorrow and try to get it posted), went on for two-and-a-half painful hours, with Ball dismissing all climate science as a fiction promulgated by a small group of ideologues and the students - laptops in hand - challenging and dismissing his arguments on the basis of ready information.
At times, though, it ground down to the typical denier debate, with Ball saying things that aren't true, being correcting, but refusing to acknowledge his inaccuracy.

For example, beginning at 1:21:20, he launches into a whole disquisition about how real scientists have been hamstrung by the IPCC because the politicians involved drew terms of reference that were ruinously restrictive:
"When it appears that the politicians are doing the honorable thing and having an arms length not political investigation, well they’re not doing that at all," Ball began.
"Here’s what Maurice Strong did with the IPCC: he defined a changing climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity. Don’t look at what nature’s doing, only at what the human causes are."
Student: (unintelligible)
Ball: "Yes, but they don’t look at the natural climate variability."
Student sotto voce “not true, we look at natural variation”
Ball, offering a new slide: "This is the definition produced by the United Nations Environment Program which was then adopted by the IPCC. This is the definition of what they’re directed to look at. They’re directed to only look at climate change that is due to human activity."
Student: “What about that whole second half (of the definition printed on the slide): ‘in addition to natural climate variability.’”
Ball: "Yeah, but they don’t do that."
Student: "But it just says to do it."
Ball: "You look at the list of forcings they have; it’s only those forcings caused by human activity."
Student: "You’re saying that volcanoes are caused by humans?"
Ball: "Well exactly. The volcanoes is one and look at the thing I showed you with Milankovich."
Student: "Yeah, but the IPCC accounts for volcanic activity AND Milankovich cycles."

Ball: "They identify them, but they do not consider them in their models …."
Student: "They certainly do …."
Ball: "No then don’t …."
Student: "Yes they do: I run models … ((interrupted)"
It's worth noting that Dr. Andrew Weaver, who is the Canada Research Chair in Climate Modelling and Analysis and whose models is one of the best in the world, works and teaches at UVic and employs some of his students to help run his models. If Tim Ball wanted to make up information about what is considered in computer models, he was doing it in the wrong venue."
Ball said many other silly things during the course of the "lecture." And many things that have previously been proved untrue. For instance, he said that it is "simply not true" that he has been paid by oil companies, regardless that time and again, people have tracked the source of his income to oil and gas companies or energy industry lobby groups.
But the most offensive moments come when Ball accuses OTHER people of irresponsibility.
"Don’t get me wrong, if you want to play with your models in the lab, that’s fine. But you have a scientific responsibility which I happen to think you’re not fulfilling. But when you go public with your models and say your model works and you have to base your whole policy for the world on this, that’s a whole different responsibility."
So, Tim Ball thinks it's okay to make public policy on the basis of uninformed criticism of models he has never studied. He argues that 17th century paintings are all the evidence he needs to demonstrate that current warming is natural and not a problem. He says things that are not true and then refuses to acknowledge his error when corrected. And he yet he feels confident to criticize the ethics of the best scientists currently working in the field.
It's appalling.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Media Outlets Falsely Reporting Scientific Fraud Should Make Corrections

Ideologically motivated and often well-funded operatives were quick to broadcast the hacked East Anglia emails in November as ‘the biggest scandal of the century.’ Thanks to a UK parliamentary investigation, and an earlier Penn State investigation, we are reminded that the emails revealed no such scandal.

We can expect that the industry-funded think tanks would go all out to spread any story that fits into their narrative of denying climate science. More alarming are the reporters that swallowed the bait and reported on the manufactured scandal in a fake debate.

We should be expecting apologies and corrections from these reporters for taking the hints of ‘scandal’ and ‘fraud’ and reporting on them as fact:

  • Bret Stephen in the WSJ hinted that global warming scientists were “closet Stalinists”? (The seems to have been removed, but did he apologise for it?) 12/8/2009
  • Andrew Bolt in the Melbourne Herald Sun: “Climategate: Warmist conspiracy exposed?” 11/20/2009
  • James Dellingpole in the Telegraph: “The Final Nail in the Coffin of Anthropogenic Global Warming” 11/20/2009
  • Leo Hickman and James Randerson in The Guardian: “Files stolen. Evidence of collusion among scientists”
  • Lauren Morello writing for Climatewire and picked up in the NYTimes: “Stolen E-Mails Sharpen a Brawl Between Climate Scientists and Skeptics” 11/24/2009
  • The Freakonomics blog on the NYTimes: “Phil Jones, the scientist at the center of the Climategate scandal, answers questions from the BBC.” 2/18/2010
  • Fred Guteri in Newsweek: “Climate scientists who play fast and loose with the facts are imperiling not just their profession but the planet.” 2/19/2010
Even though it generates lots of web-views, taking quotes out of context from illegally obtained information and then implying global implications is irresponsible. Calmly investigating the claims, as the UK House of Commons Science and Technology Committee has done, and finding the science sound is to be applauded.

The imputation of fraud was so powerful that environmental reporters who should have known better were caught up in it.

  • Andy Revkin in the NYTimes says “Hacked E-Mail Is New Fodder for Climate Dispute” even though he knows the ‘climate dispute’ only exists as part of the big-oil PR campaign.
  • George Monbiot was correctly advocating for a louder and more aggressive response on the part of scientists to affirm the established understanding of global warming during the scandal. But he was also calling for Phil Jones resignation and expressing dismay over the practices of the research unit.
Legitimate news organizations have standards of accuracy to uphold and should correct the record. Fossil-fuel industry funded organizations don't, so we're not holding our breath waiting for the paid deniers to retract their statements and report on the scientific consensus:
  • CEI’s Chris Horner salivated over the supposed ‘blue dress moment’ of the stolen emails, even writing on thanksgiving how thankful he was for the hackers ‘exposing’ the nefarious plot to solve global warming. Surely his thanksgiving memories must taste a bit sour as he find out how conclusive the science on climate change is.
  • Perhaps the oh-so-royal Lord Monckton will apologize for stating so bluntly in an op-ed “They are criminals” referring to the climate scientists who were victims of the email theft.
  • Senator James Inhofe will need his imaginary crowbar to pull out the imaginary nails in the coffin. He wrote in a Wall Street Journal Op-ed that "Ninety-five percent of the nails were in the coffin prior to this week. Now they are all in."
  • Myron Ebell of CEI wrote on Pajamas Media that “It is clear that the tip-top scientists implicated in the burgeoning Climategate scandal have no honor, but it is also becoming apparent that they have no sense of shame either.”
  • Nick Lorris of the Heritage Foundation desperately wishes it was true that the “Global warming debate heats up” on the Heritage blog after the scandal.
  • Pat Michaels of the CATO institute glowed every time he was reminded that some climate scientists joked about beating him up. See his big smile as he’s given a megaphone on Fox News (video here).
No, instead of retracting their statements, the Competitive Enterprise Institute is trying to build another fake-scandal on the imaginary foundations of the first.

For the past two months CEI has repeatedly tried to ‘break’ the story that NASA data they obtained through a FOIA request is just as damning and scandalous. They obtained the files on Dec 31st of 2009 and since have
madethreeattempts to create a media story. The third one has picked up a little steam, finally getting into Fox News with the headline “NASA Data Worse Than Climategate Data, Space Agency Admits”. It’s ironic that they would pin their story on the East Anglia data that was thoroughly exonerated today by the UK Parliament's report.
Lastly, some outlets today chose to highlight the problems in the report, which finds fault with how the University of East Anglia handled the FOIA requests, and recommends solutions. See headlines in the New Scientist "Climategate Inquiry Points Finger at University," Financial Times "Phil Jones, but not Climate Science Practices Exonerated" and the Mail Online "Climategate University Condemned for Unacceptable Culture of Secrecy."


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
lol Is AGW denial the biggest scam in history? I don't think so. Doesn't something have to be fraudulent to be a scam? I think there really are people around who really deny AGW. lol


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Second expert panel shows "ClimateGate" was a ClimateSham

An independent panel of experts in the United Kingdom has released a report finding there to be, "no evidence of any deliberate scientific malpractice in any of the work of the Climatic Research Unit and had it been there we believe that it is likely that we would have detected it."
The inquiry was headed by former Chair of the House of Lords science and technology select committee, Lord Oxburgh.
As reported in the Economist today, "The scientists in 'climategate' did not fudge the data."
The Wall Street Journal writes on the matter that:
"An independent academic panel said Wednesday that the U.K. climate researchers at the center of a scandal over hacked emails didn't commit any deliberate scientific malpractice."​
This is the second inquiry out of the UK in the last month finding no wrongdoing around the so-called "climategate" incident involving the theft of private emails from top climate researchers at the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit.
An inquiry last month led by a bi-partisan UK government committee found the claims made around the stolen emails to be without merit.
The bi-partisan committee found that “the focus on CRU and Professor Phil Jones, Director of CRU, in particular, has largely been misplaced,” and that Dr. Jones’s actions were “in line with common practice in the climate science community,” and the CRU’s “analyses have been repeated and the conclusions have been verified.”
You can download that report here: “The disclosure of climate data from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia.”


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Second expert panel shows "ClimateGate" was a ClimateSham

An independent panel of experts in the United Kingdom has released a report finding there to be, "no evidence of any deliberate scientific malpractice in any of the work of the Climatic Research Unit and had it been there we believe that it is likely that we would have detected it."
The inquiry was headed by former Chair of the House of Lords science and technology select committee, Lord Oxburgh.
As reported in the Economist today, "The scientists in 'climategate' did not fudge the data."
The Wall Street Journal writes on the matter that:
"An independent academic panel said Wednesday that the U.K. climate researchers at the center of a scandal over hacked emails didn't commit any deliberate scientific malpractice."​
This is the second inquiry out of the UK in the last month finding no wrongdoing around the so-called "climategate" incident involving the theft of private emails from top climate researchers at the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit.
An inquiry last month led by a bi-partisan UK government committee found the claims made around the stolen emails to be without merit.
The bi-partisan committee found that “the focus on CRU and Professor Phil Jones, Director of CRU, in particular, has largely been misplaced,” and that Dr. Jones’s actions were “in line with common practice in the climate science community,” and the CRU’s “analyses have been repeated and the conclusions have been verified.”
You can download that report here: “The disclosure of climate data from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia.”
lol Oh, but the expert panel was rigged. ;)