Some thoughts and observations


Nominee Member
Mar 31, 2007
Friendship is not a deal and sincere friends do not consider advantages and disadvantages of their relationship and, sincerity has no agreements or laws.

A person not having a desire to own something is actually just like the owner of that
thing. A person not desiring a kingdom is actually a king or queen in reality though apparently he/she may not be having much.

Wisdom is ignorance in an unwise society.

Do not blame the God if any one claiming His attorney has some personal weaknesses or any book attributed to Him contains some flaws. He blessed you with human values and, all good is Godly and all bad un-Godly.

Be quick to ask forgiveness from the weak even for minor wrongs, the God likes it. To ask forgiveness from mighty is a different matter.

No doubt truth is good but a lie which saves innocence from cruelty is better than a heartless truth though such occasions are very rare.

Contentment is a state of soul which material possessions or achievements can not provide how great they may be.

A loving heart is essential and only eligibility to have faith in the God. Those who do not qualify need not seek it in books or prayers.

Wisdom is ability and ignorance inability to acknowledge and accept the truth.

Religions consist of allowed or not allowed and not necessarily good or truth while faith in the God naturally recognizes universal good and truth.

Who so ever seeks finds the God but religions deny this inborn equal right of humans and each one of them claims to be an exclusive permit holder.

The God is the God of universe, the God of mankind: not of religions, communities or groups.

Unlike religions faith in the God is neither a heritage nor an inheritance.

Just as sincere friends share joys and sorrows believers thank the God for blessings and ask for relief in sufferings for themselves and others. People call it prayers.

Very strange but people often wish other’s deprivation to feel lucky though it does not benefit them.

Why humans do not become inhuman? Why care for principle and sacrifice pleasures for others? Why care for any change after death how great that may be if there isn’t any soul?

Free your thoughts and you are, “Out of religion”. Meditate on universe and nature and you are, “In spirituality”.

Mostly people are inclined to believe what they like to believe and are not inclined to believe what they do not like to believe. This is also bigotry.

Pray the God in sad and glad in a peaceful state of mind but anger, impatience, elevation, pride and depression damage the inner peace of soul and prayers also.

The creator equally loves all humans but when they become selfish to claim preferences over each other and do not recognize him as the common creator of all, they create hatred.

Broken heart calls at difficult times by believers are most likely to get prompt response as their intensity attracts the kindness and mercy of the God with much depth of passions.

The God likes those who realize others good more than self but analyze self weaknesses more than others.

Realizing and analyzing self weaknesses, failures and mistakes surely make humans wise but unwise do not have the flexibility to undergo such process.

Good is universal but selfish people create personal, regional and communal goods and their so called goods clash with other’s goods while good never differs from good.

Though it is odd but people do not wish to grow old and wish their babies grow young.

Fear the God but have faith in His love and mercy.

The land you live on has taken in your innumerable generations but do not loose heart and feel the eternity in yourself.

Have faith in the God but without meditation and understanding it is superfluous.

Help those who ask for but some not asking may deserve priority.

Aggression is bad but not defending the just and innocent having capability to do so is worse.

Be not impatient for any achievement as its invisible bad may be greater than visible good.
Thank the God for His blessings upon you and do not be ungrateful by comparing them with others.

Love your land and people but be willing to leave for any just or noble cause.

Be ever ready to discuss, rethink, and reconsider your faith with full flexibility if you are confident of its reliability.

The God is as much yours as may be of any body else and your heart is the God’s abode; just clean it from all pre-occupations based on religion, race, region, economics and tradition etc. and making it a pure human heart.

Sometimes weeping provides better relief than laughing.

No doubt freedom is good for all humans but sometimes suppression raises much better humans than freedom can.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006

I'm sure you have something to say that's deep and meaningful if not simply interesting yet leaning to the banal....but...

Whether you like the idea or not, "friends" use each other all the time and what could be more natural than forming alliances and bonds with other people who have a willingness to share and empathize with others...?

You and Christians or Moslems or perhaps even Catholics would like to "package" everything in life according to your ideal standards and even if your notions are intended as kindness and critical evaluation, the thing that befuddles me and I'm willing to bet a great many more folk is the readiness with which you and folk with similar messages appear to cloak the most common and readily apparent dynamics in some shroud of mystical double-talk....

There's the way we'd fantasize that "life" should be or might be or could be...then there's the reality of it all. The danger I see in ascribing deeper or mystical connotations to minute-by-minute human interactions is that it establishes an altered reality that while perhaps desireable or attractive, isn't something that has the quality of meshing seamlessly into the fabric of human interaction....

When we preface every human gesture, characterize every human dynamic, focus on the fiber...rather than the fabric we can miss the fact that that fiber came from a sheep and that sheep are suffering at the hands of genetic engineers and scientists that clone them for amusement and photo-ops....

I share many sentiments that you and China hold for the assessment of the human dynamic but I've learned that these ideas don't have sufficient staying-power to be retained by most people beyond the few seconds it takes to read your contributions and your efforts...

Same goes of course for my own....

Say a prayer and count yer beads or whatever it is you do....I'll do the same but let's not pretend for a moment that anything we have to say to people here at CC is anything more than a transitory amusement to people who really don't don't care too awfully much about anything that takes any effort or work to understand....

Have a nice day....:)