Toxins in Fabric softeners and Scented stuff


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
How many people reject the idea that there are toxins in everyday products that do cause cancers?
- its seems like a lot, I still see many in the laundromat using fabric softeners and added scent in their washing. There are just a lot of people who have their 'worry plate' full with other things I guess, or maybe they just don't have any interest in the world around them [not like people who post at forums, eh].

Anyways, by now everyone 'with ears open' has surely heard that fabric softeners are a cancer concern. Its even been on TV programs.

Also the 'added scents' for laundry, household and car, etc etc - don't they see those posters in some public places, doctors offices, that say "NO PERFUMES". Its not just that they bother some 'sensitive people', its that they are made with known carcinogens.

Where are the government regulators, or Health Canada, if they are "known" carcinogens? Well, in Europe they are about to pass legistlation to cover all chemicals used in everyday products, consumer goods. Canada still allows these chemicals to be used, its tough fighting the corporate side!! - or maybe we just don't do anything until Uncle Sam tells us to? There is even a list of the known chemicals and the products they are in but the government won't let Wendy Mesle have it. Or anybody else. But whistelblowers have seen it... the goverment might even admit they have it, but we can't see it.

- I googled FABRIC SOFTENER and this post came up as the best one.
- confirm chemicals

2]"Analysis of Perfumes and Their Effect on Indoor Air Pollution"
- here you will find another list of chemcials, many of which are known carcinogens, but they are not listed as such.

3)Information on how to avoid these chemicals, and where they are, diseases they cause, etc.

Hair Dye Cancer Alert:

"Chasing the Cancer Answer"
- Wendy Mesley's report on cancer, telling that it comes from toxins and those toxins are found in common consumer goods.

but hey, who would believe it anyways?
Until some nation on earth takes it seriously, lets not make things hard on corporations who use these toxic chemicals.

Oh ya, Europe is passing tough new laws for consumer goods chemicals:
