Google and autocompleting state queries


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007

A blogger has created a map of the United States that associates each state with its prescribed Google autocomplete stereotypes.

Local media have begun responding to their state’s stereotypes based on this map as well. The general response? Look on the bright side by comparing themselves to neighboring states.

Renee DiResta, who made the map and posted it on the blog “no upside,” writes the onus for the map stemmed for a desire to see “how do Americans really think about ”those people” in other states? What are the most common stereotypes?”

For each state, DiResta asked Google “Why is [State] so X”. The autocomplete filled in the rest.

“It seemed like an ideal question to get at popular assumptions, since ‘Why is [State] so X?’ presupposes that X is true,” DiResta wrote.

Pulling together all these autocompletes into an interactive map, DiResta found most of the terms were about a state’s “culture” or the weather. Here are a few screenshots of states and their Google autocomplete stereotypes:

more and source links:

Renee DiResta Creates an Interactive Map Showing Google Autocomplete’s Top Terms Describing States Based on Search |