How the Godless conduct themselves

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
I wish to share with you the current situation I'm having with my coworkers at my job. It all started by having the odd discussion with persons who were willing to debate, listen, show respect, and be serious. Now however, this has developed into CONSTANT harassment by a group of people, ten or so, mostly young aged 18 to 30. Instead of actually coming up with arguments for their false philosophies they would rather boast themselves with what they think is intelligence. They do this by asking ridiculous questions, making extraordinary claims that are purely based on assumption, whatever "fits" and makes them comfortable. Or sometimes they just act offensive as if it would change anyone's mind about God. Here is a list of quotes that I have recorded:

"If God existed he would totally be in favor of abortion." Believe it or not this comment was shouted across a warehouse right in front of two elderly customers! This is the level of immaturity and lack of restraint I have to endure. I just covered my face and got the heck out of there!

"Fukk your God!"

"Who would win in a battle to the death, God the Father or God's son Jesus?" This is suppose to stump me?

"People believed in God in biblical times because they more dumb and gulliable."

"If your a sinner why should God allow you into heaven?"

"Jesus was a pedophile."

"Jesus isn't real, he's a fairytale."

"There's no way God was a filthy Jew!"

"Is it a sin to be black?"

"Does God really hate fags?"

"Hail Satan!"

"Satan is 'cooler' than God."

"God hates me because my name is Dameon." Believing his name is derived from the word "Demon".

"I'm God!"

"How do you know I'm not Jesus?"

"Hell will be a great place, not a bad one, and I' m going to live my life the way I want to before I go."

"How can you believe in such a load of sh it?"

"Are you brainwashed?"

This is just a taste of the UNCHANGING comments and questions I hear from coworkers as we walk past each other to and fro. I wish to give them the benefit of the doubt and label them as agnostic but they PRIDEFULLY call themselves atheists, even when they don't understand the basics of well, anything! They don't understand their own atheism, they don't understand Christianity, and they don't enter the arena with a single ounce of humility. They think they have the all the answers all by themselves. If your Godless, you need to know that this is the generation that coming up behind us and they wish to represent your side. They think mocking is debating!

You can see it written on their faces, they're lost, deceived, prideful, hateful, rude and even racist. When I was young and new to Christ I used to wonder how can God send people to hell forever, and then I hear comments like "I would rather suffer in hell eternally than be with God in heaven" and it then becomes evidently clear. Regardless of whether they want hell or not, they certainly will it.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Ever heard of the "law of averages"? If you are going to go around "witnessing" you can expect to find people who don't give a ****.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
False philosophies? What gives you the right to say your beliefs are the right ones? I hope that's not the attitude you're wearing ... because it isn't the Christianity I was taught.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Why would you bring religion to a work place? Obviously, the majority of those around you are not interested and of the age where testosterone and beer are the only things on their minds. People, young men in particular, don't usually become interested in spiritual or religious matters before a certain stage of maturity. Before that it is all about partying and getting laid. Sooner or later,some of them may come to you for advise or information but not until they are ready. If you push the subject, more than likely, you will push them away. Most young men in the late teens and twenties are still breaking the apron strings and experimenting with freedom and trying to figure out who they are. Religion can wait until later when they have families and responsibilities.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
I am an atheist, but I thoroughly disagree with all of those ignorant remarks made by your co workers.

BUT, I do think that 'in' the workplace, and many other places, religion, and politics are subjects to

completely stay away from, and had you done 'that', you wouldn't be hearing 'that'.

I'm sorry you have to go through what you're going through, and those people really sound vicious, and

I wonder how people can be so angry and hateful about 'anything', and shout it out, or even say it to


I do not bring up the subject of religion, or god, ever, anywhere, and when others do, unless it is my

close family, I will not enter into the conversation at all. I have done it here, but this is not a

face to face situation, it's easy to reply with an opinion, then move on, but one on one, it is very

very touchy.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I am an atheist, but I thoroughly disagree with all of those ignorant remarks made by your co workers.

BUT, I do think that 'in' the workplace, and many other places, religion, and politics are subjects to

completely stay away from, and had you done 'that', you wouldn't be hearing 'that'.
Exactly!!! Even if they are Christian they may not want to hear your version or it is a personal thing they don't want to talk about. You are there to work not judge. If you were in a union your union rep would say the samething. keep it at home, you are here to work.

For some people work is a refuge, a place where they can escape and be someone else they don't have to be at home.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
How the Godless conduct themselves?

What about how the so called saved conduct themselves. Look no further than the behavior of the members of the Westboro Baptist church at Elizabeth Edwards funeral.



Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
No one should be harassed in the workplace.
Workplace Violence and Workplace Harassment | Ontario Ministry of Labour
Begin by treating each of your tormenters with respect and good humour. Don't react to their taunts. Speak to each one individualy, explaining how his behaviour is affecting you at work. Promise not to talk about religion on the job any more. Keep your end of the bargain. Whatever you do, don't use labels such as "Godless" or declare they are "hell bound"! No talk about religion whatsoever. Then, give it a a month. If they continue, talk to your employer.
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Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
The false philosophies really got me, I wonder who died and made you God that you would even
present it that way. To start with you are feeling put upon by non believers, yet it was you, at
least according to you that brought it up. Had you stayed away from engaging people in the
religion of your beliefs, you wouldn't have people taunting you. The problem is you have lost
your credibility in the work place and ridicule is the oldest method of negative expression.
No people should not be treating you in that fashion, but at the same time, you have no business
using the workplace to convert fellow workers.
Whether or not there is a God has nothing to do with it, you started the whole thing and it appears
people didn't want to listen, so they began treating you like a joke, not good my friend, I would
suggest you be silent for a while until people calm down. You can have all the rules and laws in the
world, however you will not control human behaviour and social acceptance life doesn't work that
way in the real world.
I get a little irate as well when someone tells me my beliefs are inferior and Godless because they
don't subscribe to my lifestyle, and in some cases I have told people there are some subjects I will
discuss only with people I know, if the person who is ministering persists ya I can be rude as hell.
the reason is because at some point you become fair game, and it all comes down to exchanging
insults and nothing more. Therefore I avoid people like you as a rule, merely because I am not into


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Why would you bring religion to a work place? Obviously, the majority of those around you are not interested and of the age where testosterone and beer are the only things on their minds. People, young men in particular, don't usually become interested in spiritual or religious matters before a certain stage of maturity..

Yep, when they reach the point when they know they are gonna die. (It's called "not taking any chances") :lol:


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Yep, when they reach the point when they know they are gonna die. (It's called "not taking any chances") :lol:
I started to get interested in spiritual matters when I was 26. A young lady gave me a book by Allan Watts called The Book [on the taboo of knowing who you are]. It was very Zen, which of course has nothing to do with gods. I have never bought into the reward and punishment BS shilled by organized religion but that book set me on a path that has encompassed most of my life since.


New Member
Aug 15, 2010
The godless behave as a law unto themselves. The behavior might please God or might not. But to the godless accountabiuity to a god or God is irelevant.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one. It's fine to be proud of it. But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around. And please don't try to shove it down my children's throats.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
The problem are not atheist (which I am one) but pseduo-intellectuals who believe their entire purpose in life is to dictate to others, the authoritarian types in life.

Even a professional intellectual wouldn't outright dismiss religion less he was a biased intellectual.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one. It's fine to be proud of it. But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around. And please don't try to shove it down my children's throats.

Excellent analogy. :smile:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I'd assume most people who have renounced their religions found spirituality from another form or are people who were devout but the world caved in on them anyway.

You could probably get a following of devotees preaching the good word and great benefits of The Highway Traffic Act. It offers reward and safety to the good and punishment and harm for the bad and in the end you get chaufered around by someone with a Class 4 license.

Ooooooo...class 4.

But what is spiritiual about it?


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
False philosophies? What gives you the right to say your beliefs are the right ones? I hope that's not the attitude you're wearing ... because it isn't the Christianity I was taught.

This thread should have ended here. Of course the self righteous are just that. Have fun in your small mind Alley.