Darwinian Fish on bumpers


Electoral Member
May 27, 2005
Eastern Ontario
I want to know why it is that if someone published pics of Islamic icons or ask that Kupans be banned from schools there is a huge uproar, however a company can take the earliest sysbol of Christ (the iconic fish) add legs and print Darwin in the middle and stick it on vehicles all around without a peep?

I generally don't care about this but you know a symbol of my faith has been abused and somehow this is different than someone elses symbol of faith being abused.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Maybe you Christians aren't as uppity about it?

You pretty much hit the nail on the head when you said you generally don't care about it.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
I want to know why it is that if someone published pics of Islamic icons or ask that Kupans be banned from schools there is a huge uproar, however a company can take the earliest sysbol of Christ (the iconic fish) add legs and print Darwin in the middle and stick it on vehicles all around without a peep?

I generally don't care about this but you know a symbol of my faith has been abused and somehow this is different than someone elses symbol of faith being abused.
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones:

The pre-Christian history of the fish symbol:

The fish symbol has been used for millennia worldwide as a religious symbol associated with the Pagan Great Mother Goddess. It is the outline of her vulva. The fish symbol was often drawn by overlapping two very thin crescent moons. One represented the crescent shortly before the new moon; the other shortly after, when the moon is just visible. The Moon is the heavenly body that has long been associated with the Goddess, just as the sun is a symbol of the God.


Electoral Member
May 27, 2005
Eastern Ontario
not when you take the exact same shape as used for a Christain symbol.

Ok I don't care more than to write a thread here, but the P.C. crowd cares to great degree when it may offend any other cultural society. I don't see the same crowd that make sure Kurpans can be worn in school as not to offend a sect being upset that these symbols may also offend a sect.

Somehow one faith doesn't matter while all others really do


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
So, it's okay for the Christian faith to appropriate a symbol from other religions, but it's not okay for Christian people, who believe in evolution, to use this same symbol as a basis for a humourous social commentary.

I get your point now. Make sure you don't put up a Christmas tree this year.


New Member
Sep 22, 2008
I don't really see the comparison between banning Kurpans and allowing bumper stickers, to be honest.
You want people to be free to express their beliefs through what they wear, but not through what they put on their cars?


Metal King
Mar 15, 2006
Golden Horseshoe, Ontario
yeah is I got a sticker saying "Stephen Harper is a super villain" it might offend some folks, but I don't care. Were I to go to say North Korea and try to sell "Kim Jong-Il is a d!ck" bumperstickers "offending people" would be the least of my problems

Canada isn't a wacky religious country, nor an overt totalitarian state, we have stuff like freedom of speech.

two lines can mean whatever you want it to mean, whereas if I drew a picture, identified it as Jesus and had him killing a (properly identified, maybe holding a "Pride" sign) homosexual, I would imagine people would have a proper right to be a tad more upset

I find it funny that a generally right-wing "they hate our freedoms" type person would bring this up as if to lament how "we" don't hate as well as "them"


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I want to know why it is that if someone published pics of Islamic icons or ask that Kupans be banned from schools there is a huge uproar, however a company can take the earliest sysbol of Christ (the iconic fish) add legs and print Darwin in the middle and stick it on vehicles all around without a peep?

I generally don't care about this but you know a symbol of my faith has been abused and somehow this is different than someone elses symbol of faith being abused.

Simple, really.

Islam means "submission', and everyone is expected to submit........that is why the Islamic world has devolved since the shining age when they were at the centre of knowledge and thought in the world............"submission" does not encourage new or ambitious thought....or liberty, for that matter.

Christianity is a religion of choice.......an essential ingredient in freedom.

Find me a free, democratic nation that is not either Christian.........or developed under the rule of Christian overlords. There ain't many.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Simple, really.

Islam means "submission', and everyone is expected to submit........that is why the Islamic world has devolved since the shining age when they were at the centre of knowledge and thought in the world............"submission" does not encourage new or ambitious thought....or liberty, for that matter.

Christianity is a religion of choice.......an essential ingredient in freedom.

Find me a free, democratic nation that is not either Christian.........or developed under the rule of Christian overlords. There ain't many.

Well, how about the fact that all the "democratic nations" had their first run ins with Democracy under pagans.

Can you find me a Non-Greek or Roman nation that has developed into democracy?

Ethiopia still isn't democratic, nor has Russia ever become democratic. Both have strong Christian traditions.

Christianity is also as much against democracy as Islam. Turkey is a democratic Islamic nation (most of the time, but thats more to do with it being European and prone to militarism than anything else), it is also Roman.

Democracies do not flourish in Christianity anymore than any other religion, Christianity is also not about Choice anymore than Islam.

Culturally Greco-Roman based nations are prone to democracy and democritization, not Christian ones.