Psychics and Witches: What Scripture Says


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
Fr. C.G. Vaillancourt
As Catholics we remember that the first commandment states, I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not have any gods before me. When asked what was the greatest commandment, our Lord Jesus Christ, repeating the precept found in Deuteronomy, said, You shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart, with your whole soul, and with all of your strength (Matthew 22:37). While God can choose to reveal the future to His prophets or saints, we as individuals must always have trust in His divine providence. St. Paul reminds us We know that God makes all things work together for the good of those who love Him who have been called according to His decree (Romans 8:28). While we may have that passing curiosity of what will happen in the future, we anchor our lives in the Lord, trusting in His love and care.
To try to discover the future through palm reading, tarot cards, or some other form of fortunetelling, or to try to control the future through black magic, witchcraft, or sorcery violates the first commandment. Sacred Scripture has many condemnations of these activities: In the Old Testament we find You shall not let a sorceress live (Exodus 22:17), Whoever sacrifices to any god, except to the Lord alone shall be doomed (Exodus 22:19). A man or a woman who acts as a medium or fortune-teller shall be put to death by stoning: they have no one but themselves to blame for their death (Leviticus 20:27), and Let there not be found among you anyone who immolates his son or daughter in the fire, nor a fortuneteller, soothsayer, charmer, diviner or caster of spells, nor one who consults ghosts and spirits or seeks oracles from the dead. Anyone who does such things is an abomination to the Lord... (Deuteronomy 18:10-12.)
The New Testament also addresses this issue: St. Paul condemned sorcery (Galatians 5:19). In Acts of the Apostles, St. Paul rebuked Elymas, the magician, calling him son of Satan and enemy of all that is right (Acts 13:8ff), and St. Peter rebuked Simon Magus, a magician, who wanted to buy the powers of the Holy Spirit to make himself more powerful (Acts 8:9ff). In the Book of Revelation, Jesus declared, As for the cowards and traitors to the faith, the depraved and murderers, the fornicators and sorcerers, the idol-worshipers and deceivers of every sort—their lot is the fiery pool of burning sulfur—the second death (Revelation 21:8).
Particular concern must be given to witchcraft, which involves both unraveling the future as well as trying to control the future. Granted, the television show Sabrina or the older one Bewitched may have light-heartedly built a story around witches and witchcraft. Nevertheless, witchcraft involves producing certain effects which are beyond one's natural powers through the assistance of powers (the occult) other than those of God. Commonly, witchcraft involves a pact with the devil or at least some imploring of evil spirits for assistance. The annals of witchcraft include rites to awaken the dead, arouse passion in a person, and bring disaster or even death upon an enemy. Satanism, in particular, gives homage to the Prince of Darkness, and even celebrates a Black Mass, which parodies our Mass but commits sacrilegious and blasphemous actions. Even if one talks of white magic or white witchcraft, the practitioner is invoking powers not of God in ways outside those of prescribed religion.



Dec 19, 2006
Vancouver Island
Funny, I always thought witchcraft involved invoking one's own powers, not the powers of others. Guess I'm doomed then... I'm both a fornicator and a sorceress! :)


Dec 19, 2006
Vancouver Island
Well Sanctus, I happen to find this thread absolutely ridiculous. Please forgive me for not taking any of it seriously, but the issue has been blown out of proportion. I don't think I deserve to be stoned, do you?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Come on sanc!!!???

You have to admit that you are getting a tad one dimensional?

Is self that treatening to you?

Could'nt we put all your anti new age hippy shyte threads in one big thread titled, "why sanctus and Catholics hate the ne age hippy shytes" or something. I'm to fat and lazy to keep track of all the hate posts you put up to start shyte. Even though I have from time to time done just that, I hardly do with such ferver and multitude.

Should I start post anti Catholic stuf again? You know I have it in me to be a real duechebag. I'm not trying to sensor you, just trying to get you to think a bit. Did you see my reply to your justice thread?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Nope. Don't plan to either, sorry.
So you're just out throwing caution to the wind irresponsibly again?

How preistly of you.

Honestly sanctus, with your calus regard for the outcome of what you choose to post, I am beginning to believe that you are in fact not a preist.

How can a man, that claims to be a rep of th ebig guy, ignore a fundamental principal, such a do no harm? Is that not found somewhere in your teachings? If you have infact been taught?


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
So you're just out throwing caution to the wind irresponsibly again?

How preistly of you.

Honestly sanctus, with your calus regard for the outcome of what you choose to post, I am beginning to believe that you are in fact not a preist.

How can a man, that claims to be a rep of th ebig guy, ignore a fundamental principal, such a do no harm? Is that not found somewhere in your teachings? If you have infact been taught?

You are more than free to believe whatever suits you.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Nothing like not answering questions, eh sanctus?

So, can I take your sookie and insolent tone of type, to mean that I have touched on a sore spot...

Such as your fear of selfactivated maybe?

Your pretending to be a priest?

Your irresponsiblity?



The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
Nothing like not answering questions, eh sanctus?

So, can I take your sookie and insolent tone of type, to mean that I have touched on a sore spot...

Such as your fear of selfactivated maybe?

Your pretending to be a priest?

Your irresponsiblity?


Go F--- yourself..If you must mother passed away this afternoon. Go right ahead and make some smartass comments. I came on tonight to divert the pain I feel--go ahead and make some smart anti-Catholic sh*t remark.