Peace Process


Council Member
Jun 18, 2013
Peacekeeping has been described as "putting a lid on a boiling pot." Peacemaking has been delineated as "looking for the source of heat and turning it down."

What is peace? Is universal peace possible? What is the process?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
No. Why? Because war is profitable and peace seems to be much less so. Follow the money and you will find the instigators of war (here's a hint: it ain't governments).


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Peacekeeping has been described as "putting a lid on a boiling pot." Peacemaking has been delineated as "looking for the source of heat and turning it down."

What is peace? Is universal peace possible? What is the process?

What is peace? A myth?


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Universal peace? How boring would that be?

Universal peace would be impossible. A hawk cannot change its nature.


Jan 6, 2007
The only way to achieve 'peace' (as in absence of armed conflict between societies), is through education and equality. The world is nowhere near there yet.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Is universal peace impossible due to peace being an individual experience, Zip?

With game theory, there's an interesting thought experiment. You have hawks (who will fight for food) and doves (who will not). The perfect world would be a world of doves--there would be no fighting and all the food would be shared. However it would be critically unstable, because the introduction of a single hawk would decimate the doves.

(Evolutionary game theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

The most resilient solution is some combination of hawks and doves.


Council Member
Jun 18, 2013
With game theory, there's an interesting thought experiment. You have hawks (who will fight for food) and doves (who will not). The perfect world would be a world of doves--there would be no fighting and all the food would be shared. However it would be critically unstable, because the introduction of a single hawk would decimate the doves.

(Evolutionary game theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

The most resilient solution is some combination of hawks and doves.

What is the ideal combination and how is it maintained, Zip?


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
What is the ideal combination and how is it maintained, Zip?

In evolutionary game theory, the balance depends on the various factors (how badlya hawk will fight before giving up; how long will a dove's bravado last before it gives up its food and flies away; what is the general availability of food, yadda yadda yadda). The ideal (e.g. most stable) population is not "maintained", per se, it just happens over time, like a ball rolling downhill. It's the most probable outcome, therefore the highest entropy state, and the universe tends to entropy.


Council Member
Jun 18, 2013
In evolutionary game theory, the balance depends on the various factors (how badlya hawk will fight before giving up; how long will a dove's bravado last before it gives up its food and flies away; what is the general availability of food, yadda yadda yadda). The ideal (e.g. most stable) population is not "maintained", per se, it just happens over time, like a ball rolling downhill. It's the most probable outcome, therefore the highest entropy state, and the universe tends to entropy.

Is peace possible in a universe prone to decomposition, Zip?


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Is peace possible in a universe prone to decomposition, Zip?

Well, once we reach the stage of heat death of the universe (maximum entropy) then I guess things will be pretty peaceful. Ha ha ha.

But another thing I've noticed is that tensions that build up over time often tend to resolve themselves suddenly--earthquakes, supernovae, volcanoes. And perhaps war.

Conflict, in my opinion, is part of the nature of things. Indeed, in the Theory of Evolution, competition is the engine of survival.

Do you think universal peace is possible?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Peacekeeping has been described as "putting a lid on a boiling pot." Peacemaking has been delineated as "looking for the source of heat and turning it down."

What is peace? Is universal peace possible? What is the process?
When Jimmy Carter was starting AFRICOM (or whatever) the unsaid part of the 'we come on peace' was 'and we have a lot of guns to make sure that happens'.
Peace is when preparing for war means changing a few of the manufacturing processes from what they currently are. True peace can't be obtained by Nations. that doesn't mean perpetual way is the only alternative but it does need a lot more restrictions on how fast a war can be put into motion. Loosening 98% of the money back into the hands of the people who earned it would solve world poverty im less than a day. The OT banking polices are about 6 verses in all. Advance Gentiles as being 'cousins' and perpetual banking can exist as a not for profit endity, just like it was intended to be under Christian rules that put the poor as the ones that get any 'raises' rather than the ones who already have more than they could spend in one lifetime.

I'm skeptical, the universe is a big area and so far we haven't obtained peace between neighbors on the same street.
How much of that is by intentional design? I would say a lot simply by the fact that isolation or near isolation makes even the bitchiest person actually glad to see another live human, at least for a few minutes as you may meet a prick right off the bat which is sure to kill any joy that the moment inspired.


Council Member
Jun 18, 2013
Yes and no, Zip.

Yes, universal peace is possible if the universe is an individual person and if peace is an internal, essential reality.

No, universal peace is not possible if the universe is collective human history and if peace is an external, circumstantial reality such as absence of armed conflict.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Yes, universal peace is possible if the universe is an individual person and if peace is an internal, essential reality.

No, universal peace is not possible if the universe is collective human history and if peace is an external, circumstantial reality such as absence of armed conflict.
Where, in your opinion, does an individual reach inner peace?


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
We will never achieve total peace in the world, unless aliens come down and suck out our brains and fill the empty cavity with green jello.


Council Member
Jun 18, 2013
Where, in your opinion, does an individual reach inner peace?

Individual inner peace is more relational than positional, Cliffy.

I ask you, first of all, not to seek peace at all as the first object, for if you want peace before you get Divine Grace, you want the flower before you get the root—and you will be apt to be like little children who, when they have a piece of garden given them, will go and pluck up the flowers out of their father’s bed, and put the flowers into their own ground, and then say, “What a nice garden I have!” But to their dismay, on the morrow all is withered. Better put the roots in, and wait a week or two till they sprout—and then the flowers will be living ones, not borrowed ones!

Do not seek after peace first. Seek after CHRIST first! Peace will come next. Still, I pray you, do not think that peace is a qualification for Divine Grace. If you fancy this, you will be in error, indeed; you are to come to Christ as Nicodemus did, by night, that is, in the night of your ignorance, in the night of your fear and trouble. You must come just as you are, bringing nothing to Christ, but coming empty-handed—no money, no price, no fee, “nothing to pay”—He asks of you nothing but that you would take all gratis from His liberal hand.

It is more readily experienced than explained.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
We will never achieve total peace in the world, unless aliens come down and suck out our brains and fill the empty cavity with green jello.

Mmmmmmmm.....Green Jello.......