The media tells us that we have a noble purpose in Afghanistan: to install democracy there. Now, do the people of Afghanistan want us there? When I hear that some person there decided to kill himself for the sole person of killing Canadian soldiers, it looks to me like a hint and a very strong one that we are not very welcome there.
We installed Karzai there 7 years ago; why does he need foreign soldiers to keep him in power? When Taliban took power, it didn't need any foreign soldiers to keep them in power. When Saddam Hussein took power in Iraq, he didn't need foreign soldiers to keep him in power.
We are being told by yellow media that our Afghan army in its "embryonic state", that it takes long time to train a soldier. Well, in 7 years, you can train a brain surgeon, not just a soldier. The truth is that people of Afghanistan do not support Karzai and his corrupt Government, and do not wish to serve in his army. How come out of 30 million population, he cannot find a couple of thousands to replace Canadians?
As far as quality of soldiers are concerned, they seem to be born soldiers. They managed to defeat mighty Soviet Army. Remember my words: the final outcome for Americans and foreign occupiers of Afghanistan will be exactly the same as with Soviets: sooner or later, the people of Afghanistan will kick them out of the country.
We installed Karzai there 7 years ago; why does he need foreign soldiers to keep him in power? When Taliban took power, it didn't need any foreign soldiers to keep them in power. When Saddam Hussein took power in Iraq, he didn't need foreign soldiers to keep him in power.
We are being told by yellow media that our Afghan army in its "embryonic state", that it takes long time to train a soldier. Well, in 7 years, you can train a brain surgeon, not just a soldier. The truth is that people of Afghanistan do not support Karzai and his corrupt Government, and do not wish to serve in his army. How come out of 30 million population, he cannot find a couple of thousands to replace Canadians?
As far as quality of soldiers are concerned, they seem to be born soldiers. They managed to defeat mighty Soviet Army. Remember my words: the final outcome for Americans and foreign occupiers of Afghanistan will be exactly the same as with Soviets: sooner or later, the people of Afghanistan will kick them out of the country.