Palin roasts Obama in rousing convention speech


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC

'Barack Obama has never led anything': Giuliani

Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin accepted her party's nomination for the position to thunderous applause Wednesday, pulling no punches in her rowdy criticism of Barack Obama.

Taking centre stage of the Republican convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul, the Alaska governor, 44, said it would be a privilege to serve alongside John McCain — a Vietnam war veteran she described as "a true profile in courage."

Her words for Obama were less kind.

"Victory in Iraq is finally in sight; he wants to forfeit," she said of the Democratic presidential nominee.

Yeah, and Victory was in sight how many years ago when Bush was pumping himself up on the aircraft carrier with a big banner going on about winning and the war being over?

Heard it before.

"Al-Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America; he's worried that someone won't read them their rights."

"Government is too big; he wants to grow it."

How the hell can she snicker at someone fighting for human rights for living humans, when she's trying to promote the removal of abortions "To protect the rights of the unborn?"

Friggin HypoC. Every living human has rights, but to her, it's a joke? Not all those captured and tortured by the US are "Al-Qaeda Terrorists" which is why they need rights to protect them..... there have already been plenty of people being set free by the US, who talked about being tortured, being held for months, years even..... and even the US claims they didn't pose any dangers..... yet their rights are a joke apparently?

On the same day the McCain campaign demanded that the press back off questioning her personal and political background, Palin stood her ground on the convention stage at the Xcel Energy Centre.

"I've learned quickly these last few days that if you're not a member in good standing of the Washington elite, then some in the media consider a candidate unqualified for that reason alone," Palin said.

"But here's a little news flash for all those reporters and commentators: I'm not going to Washington to seek their good opinion. I'm going to Washington to serve the people of this country."

No, just the select few "Elite" that agree with her views.

Palin, whose revelation earlier this week about the pregnancy of her 17-year-old daughter sparked a media frenzy, made her case as to why she should be vice-president, citing her record as governor of Alaska and, before that, as a mayor of Wasilla, a town with a population of 6,700.

OOooooo..... such profound experience.

"Since our opponents in this presidential election seem to look down on that experience, let me explain to them what the job involves," she said in the prepared text of her speech, taking aim at Obama, who worked as a community organizer in Chicago as a young man.

"I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a 'community organizer,' except that you have actual responsibilities."

Since taking office as governor, Palin said, she had taken on the oil industry, brought the state budget into surplus and vetoed nearly a half billion dollars in wasteful spending.

As she accepted the party's nomination, Palin also spoke humorously about her personal story of being a mother of five, praising her eldest son, Track, 19, who is preparing to deploy to Iraq next week. She also made a tender acknowledgment that "sometimes even the greatest joys bring challenge," referring to her baby Trig, who has Down Syndrome.

Yeah, her children's names are Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper and Trig.... I guess naming your kids after inanimate objects doesn't stop at Apple. :roll:

Palin delivered her popular 40-minute speech beginning at 10:30 p.m. ET. When it ended, McCain joined Palin on stage along with her family.

"Don't you think we made the right choice for the next vice-president of the United States?" he asked a roaring crowd. "And what a beautiful family."

Aw.... a pretty family.... that makes all the difference.... jezuz.

Palin's address followed a fiery speech by former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, who slammed Obama for his lack of experience.

He made it further then Giuliani did in the election.... must have did something right... or better. I sense someone is a little bitter.

"He is the least experienced candidate for the president of the United States in at least the last 100 years. This is not a personal attack. It's a statement of fact — Barack Obama has never led anything. Nothing. Nada," Giuliani told a screaming crowd.

"Gov. Palin represents a new generation. She's already one of the most successful governors in America and the most popular. And she's already had more executive experience than the entire Democratic ticket combined."

Oh, and Obama doesn't represent a new generation?

The most successful governor in America? Probably because all the others are well know and there's plenty to hate them for.

More experience then the entire Democratic "Ticket?" I have a funny feeling the Clintons will be a factor if Obama makes president..... More experience my ass.

Frankly if she was so damn great, why is she running as vice? Why wasn't she running with everybody else in the last year or so for president?

What a farce.

The evening ended with McCain's official nomination for president following a roll-call vote. He is expected to accept the nomination in a speech to be delivered Thursday night.

While his choice of Palin as running mate surprised many, it is said to have rejuvenated elements of the Republican base because of her conservative anti-abortion and pro gun-rights stances.

Anit-Abortionist, who's pro-gun to kill things, who's against the rights of those the US captures and tortures..... what a gimmick she is.

She has also been hailed as a maverick politician, a term often associated with McCain, for taking on the political establishment, including members of her own party.
McCain campaign fed up

But that message became muddled after it was revealed her unmarried daughter was pregnant. Since then, the pregnancy has become the focus of the media spotlight.

Reporters have repeatedly questioned McCain's campaign about the vetting process, since McCain had just met Palin once before he offered her the job.

The McCain campaign has insisted they knew about the pregnancy before Palin was announced as the vice-presidential contender.

Yeah right.... :roll:

On Wednesday, the McCain campaign signalled it was fed up with the repeated media questions about Palin's background, her family and the vetting process.

"This nonsense is over," senior campaign adviser Steve Schmidt said in a written statement. "Her selection came after a six-month-long rigorous vetting process where her extraordinary credentials and exceptionalism became clear."

"This vetting controversy is a faux media scandal designed to destroy the first female Republican nominee for vice-president of the United States, who has never been a part of the old boys network that has come to dominate the news establishment in this country."

Aw.... is it getting tough? Cry me a friggin river.... the Republicans started this whole Family Values crap.... they can deal with it.

But questions have also swirled about her supposed reformist image following reports that Palin sought pork-barrel projects for her city and state.

She also accepted at least $4,500 US in campaign contributions in the same fundraising scheme at the centre of a public corruption scandal that led to the indictment of Alaska Senator Ted Stevens. The contributions were not illegal for her to accept.

A Republican-dominated legislative committee is also investigating whether Palin dismissed Walt Monegan, her state's public safety commissioner, after he allegedly refused to fire a state trooper who had divorced Palin's sister.

Yeah, so even if the sl*t-daughter with the "Redneck" boyfriend is taken off the table of debate, there's plenty more to throw back at her.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Additional Information:

All eyes turn to McCain after rousing Palin speech

......Klein said the speech played well with the Republican audience because she went after "two easy targets -- the "liberal media" and Democrats.

Washington Post columnist Sally Quinn told CTV News that the speech didn't answer all of the unanswered questions swirling around the relatively unknown national candidate.
"It doesn't allay my concerns about her readiness to be president of the United States," Quinn said.

"She has a snarl worthy of Dick Cheney ... she probably earned that nickname she got in high school -- "Barracuda." She has pretty much Dick Cheney's environmental policies: Drill. Drill. Drill. Drill."

Palin, a former mayor, also used her executive experience to attack Obama, noting he had never run a town, city or state -- although she never referred to him by name.

"I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a 'community organizer,' except that you have actual responsibilities," she said, dismissively referring to Obama's charity work in Chicago.

"I might add that in small towns, we don't quite know what to make of a candidate who lavishes praise on working people when they are listening, and then talks about how bitterly they cling to their religion and guns when those people aren't listening."

Oh yeah.... sure sure... guess what? Nobody's talking about running a "Small Town" what's in question is running a nation..... And if nobody is listening when he says these things, then how do you know he says these things? What a tool.

Oh but the following is priceless:

......Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who spoke just before Palin on Wednesday night, highlighted her leadership experience.

"(Palin's) already one of the most successful governors in America -- and the most popular. And she already has more executive experience than the entire Democratic ticket," he said.

According to the New York Times, Giuliani had used the same argument during the Republican primaries against one of his rivals -- John McCain. He said McCain had "never run a city, never run a state, never run a government."

Holy hell, what a friggin side-show this is.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007

Wednesday night's Republican convention was another page out of the GOP/Karl Rove playbook that has brought them victory for decades. Here's an excerpt:
1) Don't talk about your party's disastrous policies and the results: our failing economy, declining national security and domestic infrastructure. Instead, focus on the "toughness" and "character" of your nominee, and the heartwarming personal story of your VP. Be sure to include lots of visuals of your families, especially cute kids.
2) Present yourself as outsiders who are running to clean up Washington and get rid of corruption. Don't ever mention that the unprecedented level of corruption and corporate profiteering has actually been brought by your own party, whose leaders' policies you are embracing.
3) Attack your opponent for his strengths: his charisma, his community service, and his opposition to the unpopular and failed war.
4) Above all, attack the media for questioning your VP's qualifications, and for pointing out your myriad contradictions, omissions and lies.
The last point is the key. It is hard to say who is receiving more criticism and vitriol from the McCain campaign: Barack Obama or the media. In the absence of a legitimate argument, and in the presence of half-truths and outright lies, McCain operatives are fiercely attacking news outlets that ask tough questions and dig up the truth.
Story continues below


During Wednesday night's speeches, Mike Huckabee blasted the "elite media". Sarah Palin said to thunderous applause, "I've learned quickly, these past few days, that if you're not a member in good standing of the Washington elite, then some in the media consider a candidate unqualified for that reason alone."
Here's the problem: by vetting Palin's record and experience, and asking tough questions, the media are finally doing their job. And it has nothing to do with Palin's standing with the "Washington elite" (though the cozy relationship between media, government and corporate elite is a legitimate-but-separate issue).
This week, CNN's Campbell Brown grilled McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds on Palin's clear lack of foreign policy experience. It was exhibit A of the kind of tough journalism that Americans crave, and democracy requires. Team McCain's response? Cancel a planned interview on Larry King, claiming that Brown was unfairly hard on Bounds. This highly effective strategy, in the words of Leonard Downie Jr., the executive editor of The Washington Post, is designed "to put boundaries on the press's pursuit of the Palin story."
The real question is whether the media will step up and defend their right to practice real journalism, and whether the Obama campaign will learn from the failures of Al Gore and John Kerry, and defend itself as ferociously as it is being attacked.
If history is any guide, the media will quietly ignore the GOP's attacks, while softening their critique and questioning of Team McCain. NBC political director Chuck Todd led things off, weighing in shortly after Palin's speech: "Conservatives have found their Obama." As usual, Fox did their part, with Brit Hume opining, "You see tonight that Sarah Palin has served the cause of uniting this convention quite ably." Fortune's Nina Easton called it a "home run," and Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes said, "It's a gift. She's a natural. You can't teach this."
The press corps would do well to remind themselves of George Orwell's timeless words: "During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." Fortunately, there are some winning examples of press holding Palin accountable already. Here's a quick list:

AP's Jim Kuhnhenn's superb analysis of Palin's speech.

Will Bunch, Philadelphia Inquirer.
Columbia Journalism Review debunks Palin's environmental record.
Politico's sarcastic and spot-on apology for asking the tough questions.
CNN's Jeff Toobin:

CNN's Roland Martin:

The views expressed in this post are my own. My listed affiliation as Executive Director of Free Press is for identification purposes only and does not reflect any endorsement of these views by the organization.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Gotta love you guys!

Complain endlessly about how all is controled by the political elite......

then panic the minute a woman, wife of a fisherman, soon to have a self-proclaimed redneck son-in-law, and with a son in the infantry bound for Iraq, becomes close to the White House, as VP to a veteran and bona fide war hero. Then they spend their entire effort going after her family, her background, her principled behaviour, her lack of "experience" .

All in favour of an ivy-league smoothie Washington insider who has never done ANYTHING but politics.

Right. Can you say "hypocrisy"?

And "elitist"?


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Gotta love you guys!

Complain endlessly about how all is controled by the political elite......

then panic the minute a woman, wife of a fisherman, soon to have a self-proclaimed redneck son-in-law, and with a son in the infantry bound for Iraq, becomes close to the White House, as VP to a veteran and bona fide war hero. Then they spend their entire effort going after her family, her background, her principled behavious, her lack of "experience" .

All in favour of an ivy-league smoothie Washington insider who has never done ANYTHING but politics.

Right. Can you say "hypocrisy"?

And "elitist"?
It cuts both ways. Mitt Romney slams unions, then later she introduces her husband as a member of the United Steelworkers union. There is hypocrisy on both sides but it is of "biblical" proportions on the right.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Gotta love you guys!

Complain endlessly about how all is controled by the political elite......

then panic the minute a woman, wife of a fisherman, soon to have a self-proclaimed redneck son-in-law, and with a son in the infantry bound for Iraq, becomes close to the White House, as VP to a veteran and bona fide war hero. Then they spend their entire effort going after her family, her background, her principled behaviour, her lack of "experience" .

All in favour of an ivy-league smoothie Washington insider who has never done ANYTHING but politics.

Right. Can you say "hypocrisy"?

And "elitist"?

Hate to tell you this, but everyone is a hypocrite, even if you think you aren't.

So tell me, the cons haven't gone after the background of Obama? Have we not been exposed to Obamageden by the so called left wing media? Give your head a shake, if you can't take a little bloody nose then perhaps you should hide under your bed until this thing is over.

So, McCain isn't an insider? How long has he been there again? Same can be said of Biden.

So, Palin is inexperienced and shouldn't be considered to lead? Same can be said of Obama.

Just depends on who's idealogical side you on and we all know where you stand.

I wouldn't vote for either on of them while you'd vote Bush in again if it were possible, try and deny it but it's true con boy.:lol:

You are a hypocrite Colpy and you prove it time and time again.:lol::cool::p
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Gotta love you guys!

Complain endlessly about how all is controled by the political elite......

then panic the minute a woman, wife of a fisherman, soon to have a self-proclaimed redneck son-in-law, and with a son in the infantry bound for Iraq, becomes close to the White House, as VP to a veteran and bona fide war hero. Then they spend their entire effort going after her family, her background, her principled behaviour, her lack of "experience" .

All in favour of an ivy-league smoothie Washington insider who has never done ANYTHING but politics.

Right. Can you say "hypocrisy"?

And "elitist"?

Well, they could focus on the lies and dumb things she said instead.

For example, the party touts her as a "Energy Expert"...probably only because she happens to be the Governor of a state with lots of oil, not because she's actually an expert on anything. And the infamous bridge to nowhere...

Quote from last night's speech:
To confront the threat that Iran might seek to cut off nearly a fifth of the world's energy supplies
In what delusional dimension does Iran, or even the entire Gulf region control a fifth of the world's energy supply? An energy expert would know that oil, which is the energy supply we find in that region, makes up roughly 30% of the total world supply of energy. If Iran could somehow stop all that oil from reaching World markets( and lose billions in revenue each and every day), that would be a few percentage points of world supply of energy.

Energy expert???? Oh, and how about this one:

Palin on July 13:

I beg to disagree with any candidate who
would say we can't drill our way out of our
problem or that more supply won't ultimately affect
And last night:

Our opponents say, again and again, that drilling will not solve all of America’s energy problems - as if we all didn’t know that already. But the fact that drilling won’t solve every problem is no excuse to do nothing at all.
Nice flip flop after your opponents did in fact show you to be ignorant on matters energy related.

Then she goes on to say a McCain-Palin administration will move to increase solar, wind, geothermal, and other incentives. Well McCain on multiple occasions has voted against extending tax credits to move forward with said renewables, and even skipped the Senate votes while campaigning in the nomination race, while saying he would work to further said renewables.

It's a Bush and Cheney energy policy all over again.

Sure, make more nuclear plants, I'm all for that. But how does that help with oil prices? They haven't mentioned anything about electric cars yet have they?


If that's what a Republican calls an Energy Expert, well then I must be a freaking astronaut.:roll:


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC

Wednesday night's Republican convention was another page out of the GOP/Karl Rove playbook that has brought them victory for decades. Here's an excerpt:
1) Don't talk about your party's disastrous policies and the results: our failing economy, declining national security and domestic infrastructure. Instead, focus on the "toughness" and "character" of your nominee, and the heartwarming personal story of your VP. Be sure to include lots of visuals of your families, especially cute kids.

Kinda like this from the CTV Link?:

Cindy McCain, wife of Republican presidential candidate John McCain, holds Trig Palin as he sleeps during the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn., Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2008. Looking on at right is Trig's father, Todd Palin.

^ Awww, isn't that so cute.... :pukeright:

2) Present yourself as outsiders who are running to clean up Washington and get rid of corruption. Don't ever mention that the unprecedented level of corruption and corporate profiteering has actually been brought by your own party, whose leaders' policies you are embracing.

The Magical Word of the Day is: "Hypocrite"

3) Attack your opponent for his strengths: his charisma, his community service, and his opposition to the unpopular and failed war.


4) Above all, attack the media for questioning your VP's qualifications, and for pointing out your myriad contradictions, omissions and lies.

Yeah, didn't take them long to do that, that's for sure. They're all quiet and happy when the media puts down the other guy, but oh no.... look out when it comes their way.

The last point is the key. It is hard to say who is receiving more criticism and vitriol from the McCain campaign: Barack Obama or the media. In the absence of a legitimate argument, and in the presence of half-truths and outright lies, McCain operatives are fiercely attacking news outlets that ask tough questions and dig up the truth.

True.... you know, rather then actually giving straight answers or focusing on what really matters, the try to muddy the waters to give themselves a chance.

During Wednesday night's speeches, Mike Huckabee blasted the "elite media". Sarah Palin said to thunderous applause, "I've learned quickly, these past few days, that if you're not a member in good standing of the Washington elite, then some in the media consider a candidate unqualified for that reason alone."

Here's the problem: by vetting Palin's record and experience, and asking tough questions, the media are finally doing their job. And it has nothing to do with Palin's standing with the "Washington elite" (though the cozy relationship between media, government and corporate elite is a legitimate-but-separate issue).

This week, CNN's Campbell Brown grilled McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds on Palin's clear lack of foreign policy experience. It was exhibit A of the kind of tough journalism that Americans crave, and democracy requires. Team McCain's response? Cancel a planned interview on Larry King, claiming that Brown was unfairly hard on Bounds. This highly effective strategy, in the words of Leonard Downie Jr., the executive editor of The Washington Post, is designed "to put boundaries on the press's pursuit of the Palin story."

The real question is whether the media will step up and defend their right to practice real journalism, and whether the Obama campaign will learn from the failures of Al Gore and John Kerry, and defend itself as ferociously as it is being attacked.

If history is any guide, the media will quietly ignore the GOP's attacks, while softening their critique and questioning of Team McCain. NBC political director Chuck Todd led things off, weighing in shortly after Palin's speech: "Conservatives have found their Obama." As usual, Fox did their part, with Brit Hume opining, "You see tonight that Sarah Palin has served the cause of uniting this convention quite ably." Fortune's Nina Easton called it a "home run," and Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes said, "It's a gift. She's a natural. You can't teach this."

Can't teach what? Acting?

I'm pretty sure Lorne Green has his own Acting School somewhere in Ontario :p

The press corps would do well to remind themselves of George Orwell's timeless words: "During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." Fortunately, there are some winning examples of press holding Palin accountable already. Here's a quick list:

AP's Jim Kuhnhenn's superb analysis of Palin's speech.

Will Bunch, Philadelphia Inquirer.
Columbia Journalism Review debunks Palin's environmental record.
Politico's sarcastic and spot-on apology for asking the tough questions.
CNN's Jeff Toobin:

CNN's Roland Martin:

The views expressed in this post are my own. My listed affiliation as Executive Director of Free Press is for identification purposes only and does not reflect any endorsement of these views by the organization.

I find it pretty funny how much the Republicans talk the tough talk, but when the poop actually flies their way, they cry foul.

Bunch of pansies.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Gotta love you guys!

Complain endlessly about how all is controled by the political elite......

then panic the minute a woman, wife of a fisherman, soon to have a self-proclaimed redneck son-in-law, and with a son in the infantry bound for Iraq, becomes close to the White House, as VP to a veteran and bona fide war hero. Then they spend their entire effort going after her family, her background, her principled behaviour, her lack of "experience" .

All in favour of an ivy-league smoothie Washington insider who has never done ANYTHING but politics.

Right. Can you say "hypocrisy"?

And "elitist"?

Keep up Colpy, she's the one bickering about "Elitists" not us.

And McCain isn't anymore of a war hero then any other soldier.... he's only a hero because the US shoved cameras up his ass the whole time during the veitnam war to help bolster support for that war.... just as they're trying to bolster support for this war.

I ain't buying it. McCain was a big hot shot womanizer who didn't like being in a team, preferred to fly solo then with another person behind his back watching what he was doing, almost killed himself when he crashed his plane, due to him not bothering to pay attention during classes on how to open the damn cockpit hatch...... frig, I was only in air cadets for a year at the age of 13 and I even know how to do this.

.... yeah, some hero.... sounds just like the person they need as president.... another person who doesn't listen to wise information that could save lives, who likes to fly solo.

Oh wait a minute... the US just had a president like that and it didn't work.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Hate to tell you this, but everyone is a hypocrite, even if you think you aren't.

So tell me, the cons haven't gone after the background of Obama? Have we not been exposed to Obamageden by the so called left wing media? Give your head a shake, if you can't take a little bloody nose then perhaps you should hide under your bed until this thing is over.

So, McCain isn't an insider? How long has he been there again? Same can be said of Biden.

So, Palin is inexperienced and shouldn't be considered to lead? Same can be said of Obama.

Just depends on who's idealogical side you on and we all know where you stand.

I wouldn't vote for either on of them while you'd vote Bush in again if it were possible, try and deny it but it's true con boy.:lol:

Except for the last line (and the one I edited, which was beneath comment) I agree.

I would not vote for Bush. He has disgraced the Constitution. And set out to ruin the economy. I would vote for John McCain. In another race, I might even vote for Obama......but not against McCain.

Oh.....and you are not capable of giving me a bloody nose, physically or intellectually. Trust me on that one.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Keep up Colpy, she's the one bickering about "Elitists" not us.

And McCain isn't anymore of a war hero then any other soldier.... he's only a hero because the US shoved cameras up his ass the whole time during the veitnam war to help bolster support for that war.... just as they're trying to bolster support for this war.

I ain't buying it. McCain was a big hot shot womanizer who didn't like being in a team, preferred to fly solo then with another person behind his back watching what he was doing, almost killed himself when he crashed his plane, due to him not bothering to pay attention during classes on how to open the damn cockpit hatch...... frig, I was only in air cadets for a year at the age of 13 and I even know how to do this.

.... yeah, some hero.... sounds just like the person they need as president.... another person who doesn't listen to wise information that could save lives, who likes to fly solo.

Oh wait a minute... the US just had a president like that and it didn't work.

You guys are sooooo in is absolutely hilarious.

Google McCain.

See what he did in the Hanoi Hilton.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
McCain claims he isn't an "elite"... his wife certainly is.

Cindy McCain's $300,000 Outfit

by Vanity Fair
September 4, 2008, 10:29 AM

One of the persistent memes in the Republican line of attack against Barack Obama is the notion that he is an elitist, whereas the G.O.P. represent real working Americans like Levi “F-in’ Redneck” Johnston.
It caught our attention, then, when First Lady Laura Bush and would-be First Lady Cindy McCain took the stage Tuesday night wearing some rather fancy designer clothes. So we asked our fashion department to price out their outfits.
Laura Bush
Oscar de la Renta suit: $2,500
Stuart Weitzman heels: $325
Pearl stud earrings: $600–$1,500
Total: Between $3,425 and $4,325
Cindy McCain
Oscar de la Renta dress: $3,000
Chanel J12 White Ceramic Watch: $4,500
Three-carat diamond earrings: $280,000
Four-strand pearl necklace: $11,000–$25,000
Shoes, designer unknown: $600
Total: Between $299,100 and $313,100


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Except for the last line (and the one I edited, which was beneath comment) I agree.

I would not vote for Bush. He has disgraced the Constitution. And set out to ruin the economy. I would vote for John McCain. In another race, I might even vote for Obama......but not against McCain.

Oh.....and you are not capable of giving me a bloody nose, physically or intellectually. Trust me on that one.

So, you'd vote for a guy that voted with Bush 95% of the time.

Where's the difference between the two?

Tell me this Colpy old boy, who was a better president, Bush Jr or Bill Clinton?

Trust you on what? That I couldn't give you a bloody nose intelectually, I already have ya halfwit.....oh and the physical thing is a joke, you don't even know me old man.....talking tough online is a little sad and proves a lot.

But hey, if you would like to show me how tough you are copper, just let me know. We can set something up, just hope your heart dosen't explode.:lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
So, you'd vote for a guy that voted with Bush 95% of the time.

Where's the difference between the two?

Tell me this Colpy old boy, who was a better president, Bush Jr or Bill Clinton?

Trust you on what? That I couldn't give you a bloody nose intelectually, I already have ya halfwit.....oh and the physical thing is a joke, you don't even know me old man.....talking tough online is a little sad and proves a lot.

But hey, if you would like to show me how tough you are copper, just let me know. We can set something up, just hope your heart dosen't explode.:lol:

Bill Clinton was scum.....IMHO guilty of treason for the removal of restrictions on the sale of computer technology used in missiles to the return for a large election contribution. To say nothing of perjury, rape, and theft of public property.

Oh, did you know the practise of "rendition" the passing of suspects to foreign countries for torture, was approved by Clinton?

Bush can't seem to read the Constitution.......

I wouldn't vote for either.

BTW, dumbass, I've actually got an education in history and political science, you are simply an insulting little pissant.

Your skills seem limited to idiotic accusations, slurs, misuse of the English language, and Orwellian double-think.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Senator McCain and his side kick Governor Polin remind me of an odd couple. They have nothing in common other than the fact that they are both Elite Conservatives..
She spend last night 3 quarters of her speech throwing rocks at Obama,
She is phony, and it is visible………….

The American people had enough of the stupid Conservative idolism which has put their economy in the tank……

Sooooooooooooooooo phony........................
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Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
So, you'd vote for a guy that voted with Bush 95% of the time.

Where's the difference between the two?

Tell me this Colpy old boy, who was a better president, Bush Jr or Bill Clinton?

Trust you on what? That I couldn't give you a bloody nose intelectually, I already have ya halfwit.....oh and the physical thing is a joke, you don't even know me old man.....talking tough online is a little sad and proves a lot.

But hey, if you would like to show me how tough you are copper, just let me know. We can set something up, just hope your heart dosen't explode.:lol:

Remember, the First Rule of Fight Club, is that you don't talk about Fight Club.

But in regards to Presidential backing.... Bush Jr. Backs McCain and claims he's ready to be the next president...... and at the same time, we have Bill Clinton backing Obama and claims he's ready to be the next president.

I personally would support Clinton's backing over Bush's backing anyday.... based on their history as presidents of the US.

Just about everybody liked Clinton for one reason or another..... Just about everybody hates Bush for one reason or another.

And Colpy, you can claim I am in denial of what McCain represents, and you can throw me as many examples of things he has done in the past..... but none of it removes the fact that he backed the Iraq war (Something I oppsed from day one, and predicted was going to happen shortly after Afghanistan) It doesn't remove the fact that he plans more of the same with Iraq. It doesn't remove the fact that McCain referenced bombing Iran with no evidence to prove Iran poses any real threat to anybody at present. It doesn't remove the fact that he is for more oil drilling then for seeking alternative energy.

Hell, I could go on, but you get the idea.... to me, he has way to much going against him for me to even fathom as a secondary selection as being US president.... let alone the best pick for being president.

People go on about him being a big shot war hero, but when you look further into his past, it's not that big of a deal, besides the level of media attention he got.... which had to do more with his father then him being an actual hero.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Senator McCain and his side kick Governor Polin remind me of an odd couple. They have nothing in common other than the fact that they are both Elite Conservatives..
She spend last night 3 quarters of her speech throwing rocks at Obama,
She is phony, and it is visible………….

The American people had enough of the stupid Conservative idolism which has put their economy in the tank……

Sooooooooooooooooo phony........................

Yeah, they probably drugged the baby so it wouldn't cry out and disturb their brainwashing *snickers*

Yeah, I know, a bad joke..... and yet, I somewhat think it could be true.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
McCain claims he isn't an "elite"... his wife certainly is.

Cindy McCain's $300,000 Outfit

by Vanity Fair
September 4, 2008, 10:29 AM

One of the persistent memes in the Republican line of attack against Barack Obama is the notion that he is an elitist, whereas the G.O.P. represent real working Americans like Levi “F-in’ Redneck” Johnston.
It caught our attention, then, when First Lady Laura Bush and would-be First Lady Cindy McCain took the stage Tuesday night wearing some rather fancy designer clothes. So we asked our fashion department to price out their outfits.
Laura Bush
Oscar de la Renta suit: $2,500
Stuart Weitzman heels: $325
Pearl stud earrings: $600–$1,500
Total: Between $3,425 and $4,325
Cindy McCain
Oscar de la Renta dress: $3,000
Chanel J12 White Ceramic Watch: $4,500
Three-carat diamond earrings: $280,000
Four-strand pearl necklace: $11,000–$25,000
Shoes, designer unknown: $600
Total: Between $299,100 and $313,100

Phony artificial humanity……………. She is capable as first lady to help the poor…:x:x……..what a bunch of phony F losers. The children on the American ghettos with no food to eat will benefit from a self sentered woman who feels she should wear a $3000 dress, so she can be easily identified as one of US’S ELITE…:roll::roll::roll:…..Ye voting for losers like that is like taking a crap on a ones voting franchise……….
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