New Brunswickers fed up with government

I am only 19 years old, and know that my opinion on the issues of our days will never be taken seriously becasue of my age, and becasue of my social standing, but I, as a New Brunswick youth, am afriad of the path Premier Shawn Graham is taking this provience on.

I recently dropped out of college becasue I couldn't afford to attend anymore. I am now working at an Irving Mainway in Dieppe, getting around 24 hours a week, at $7.30 an hour. I have rent to pay each month, a power bill and phone bill to pay each month, a $90 dollar car insurance payment, and another $90 dollar bank payment (student line of credit). For the past several months I have not met all those amounts, and have had to starve myself just to pay what I could. How is that living? How can the government justify these "across-the-board" tax increases, and NB power rate hikes? What are we getting for our increased taxes? Why do the roads not get plowed in the winter, or paved in the summer? Why was millions spent on a city hall to make it look nice and pretty? And, why, through all this, haven't the poor and middle classes seen, say, wage increases to compensate for all this? I am not alone, though. Lots of people, I imagine, are going through simular situations I am, and some worce so even. That is why I am writting this. These issues never get taken care of, becasue the governments concerns lay not with the voters who put the parasites in power, but wheather or not a tax increase can profit them, and fill their wallets.

So many broken promices by the Liberals thus far, and only more to come. When will the people of NB wake up and do something about it? I have read over and over again in the news papers, people writting letters to the editors their opinions and concerns with what the Liberals are doing, but what does writting a few editorials do? NOTHING! We need action, not words.

There is a petition on the website entitled the "Property Taxes are out of control" petition. So far, it has made some impressive head way with the issue of high property taxes, and more and more sign it daily. It has also promted me to start my own petiton, located at, that I hope everyone who reads this will cheak out, and sign it.

Now, I do not own a home, or have to pay these increased taxes, but, as I said already, I am only 19, so who is to say that I won't own property someday? Tax hikes across the board affect mine, and everyone elses’ future just as it affects the lives of the ones paying for the governments greed now, and it must be stopped here and now. it’s not just a matter of revising the property tax system, and giving homeowners tax cuts, it’s about getting rid of this government entirely. It is about time people start to wake up, and see that this “democracy” we live in does not represent us in the fashion a democracy should.


Council Member
Mar 9, 2007
I really don't know much about the current situation of New Brunswick but I suspect the of the premieres that followed were as good as Fran McKenna.