Whom steal food from our tables?


New Member
Jan 1, 2006
May 10, 2006

Honourable Ralph Klein
#307 Legislature Building
10800 - 97 Avenue
Edmonton, AB
T5K 2B6

The petroleum industry gets a reduced royalty to induce them to build plants in the Alberta Athabasca Oil Sands.

The petroleum industry also uses lower rates of labor to build their plants. The Christian Labor Association of Canada (CLAC) does not pay double time for Saturday, Sunday, and statutory holidays. CLAC makes use of Temporary Importation of Guest Workers to artificially keep our wages at a reduced rate. This is scheduled to occur at CNRL as they are using 400 Temporary Guest Chinese Workers.

The petroleum industry CEOs and shareholders are taking in even greater profits then they have ever done. They are raping our dwindling non-renewable natural resources as we pay ever greater and higher prices at the gas pumps! Why are we allowing the petroleum companies to make our present hard workers and our future generations ever-poorer paupers?

I am aware that three thousand electricians are presently unemployed in Alberta. I am also sensitive that we have, as much as eighty percent unemployment in some of our Canadian Native Reservations. According to Statistics Canada, the manufacturing sector across Ontario has lost 117,000 jobs since March 2005. Why do we insist on allowing 400 Temporary Guest Chinese Workers at CNRL?

Those jobs have to be offered first to Albertans, then to other Canadians, as we are the ongoing contributors to our economy. We don’t object to bringing in temporary Guest workers for limited periods of peak activity. Guest workers must receive equal pay and benefits as provided in our collective agreements. Bringing in outside skills can’t be just a backdoor way to get cheap labour such as CLAC who do not pay double time for Saturday, Sunday, and statutory holidays.

Is it not time to put the brakes on the petroleum industry and make them return the wealth they are sucking out of our country? Are we going to allow the petroleum industry to take our money from our natural resources inheritance and to gouge us at the gas pumps? Are we going to allow CLAC to steal food from our tables?

I demand that as the Premier you stop this travesty of stolen resources! Make sure that our future generations have their proper inheritance coming to them. Thank you for the remediation of these losses to our provincial economy.