Conservative voters have amnesia!!!


Council Member
Mar 10, 2006
Anyone who voted for the Conservatives on January 23 must have amnesia.

From 1984 to 1993, Brian Mulroney and his Progressive Conservatives were running the government. In those 9 years, Brian Mulroney almost destroyed Canada.

For those of you who don't remember what happened, let me refresh your memory.

This is what happened:

-Mulroney signed the unpopular North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

-Our deficit rose to over $40 billion.

-Our national debt was over $500 billion.

-Mulroney introduced the highly unpopular Goods and Services Tax (GST).

-Unemployment rates were as high as they were during the Great Depression.

-Services were being cut because of the rising deficit.

-There were many scandals.

From 1993 until earlier this year, Canada was being run by the Liberals. The Liberals did alot of great things for this country, such as:

-They restored services and created many new services.

-They eliminated the deficit and gave us 8 straight balanced budgets.

-They payed off $60 billion in debt.

-They gave us responsible tax cuts.

-They helped our economy grow.

-They stopped Quebec from separating from Canada and protected our national unity.

Now I know the Liberals had a few scandals and broke some promises, but so did the Conservatives. Our country is on track right now. Do you really want the Conservatives to screw up everything? The recent Conservative budget is a prime example of how irresponsible the Conservatives are.

We are going to have a election sometime in the near future. People say that the Conservatives will win a majority government. This is beginning to scare me.

I just want everybody to think about this before you go to the polls and give the Conservatives a majority. Just think about it.


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
When they vote for the Cons they have amnesia and when they vote for the Liberals they are retarded.

However, the only way to make them smart is to vote N.D.P.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
JonB2004 said:
Anyone who voted for the Conservatives on January 23 must have amnesia.

From 1984 to 1993, Brian Mulroney and his Progressive Conservatives were running the government. In those 9 years, Brian Mulroney almost destroyed Canada.

For those of you who don't remember what happened, let me refresh your memory.

This is what happened:

-Mulroney signed the unpopular North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

-Our deficit rose to over $40 billion.

-Our national debt was over $500 billion.

-Mulroney introduced the highly unpopular Goods and Services Tax (GST).

-Unemployment rates were as high as they were during the Great Depression.

-Services were being cut because of the rising deficit.

-There were many scandals.

From 1993 until earlier this year, Canada was being run by the Liberals. The Liberals did alot of great things for this country, such as:

-They restored services and created many new services.

-They eliminated the deficit and gave us 8 straight balanced budgets.

-They payed off $60 billion in debt.

-They gave us responsible tax cuts.

-They helped our economy grow.

-They stopped Quebec from separating from Canada and protected our national unity.

Now I know the Liberals had a few scandals and broke some promises, but so did the Conservatives. Our country is on track right now. Do you really want the Conservatives to screw up everything? The recent Conservative budget is a prime example of how irresponsible the Conservatives are.

We are going to have a election sometime in the near future. People say that the Conservatives will win a majority government. This is beginning to scare me.

I just want everybody to think about this before you go to the polls and give the Conservatives a majority. Just think about it.

You must have a good memory Jon. You weren't even born.

We can thank our lucky stars Mulroney had the foresight to sign NAFTA. Have you seen the trade numbers Jon?

As for the GST, would you prefer the old Manufacturers Sales Tax. Just tax the people who create the jobs? The MST was simply chasing jobs away. The Liberals paid down the debt by collecting the GST and underfunding everything.


Council Member
Mar 10, 2006
RE: Conservative voters h

I support the Liberals and I'm not retarded. Same with FiveParadox. He's got to be the smartest person here.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
JonB2004 said:
Anyone who voted for the Conservatives on January 23 must have amnesia.

From 1984 to 1993, Brian Mulroney and his Progressive Conservatives were running the government. In those 9 years, Brian Mulroney almost destroyed Canada.

For those of you who don't remember what happened, let me refresh your memory.

This is what happened:

-Mulroney signed the unpopular North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

-Our deficit rose to over $40 billion.

-Our national debt was over $500 billion.

-Mulroney introduced the highly unpopular Goods and Services Tax (GST).

-Unemployment rates were as high as they were during the Great Depression.

-Services were being cut because of the rising deficit.

-There were many scandals.

From 1993 until earlier this year, Canada was being run by the Liberals. The Liberals did alot of great things for this country, such as:

-They restored services and created many new services.

-They eliminated the deficit and gave us 8 straight balanced budgets.

-They payed off $60 billion in debt.

-They gave us responsible tax cuts.

-They helped our economy grow.

-They stopped Quebec from separating from Canada and protected our national unity.

Now I know the Liberals had a few scandals and broke some promises, but so did the Conservatives. Our country is on track right now. Do you really want the Conservatives to screw up everything? The recent Conservative budget is a prime example of how irresponsible the Conservatives are.

We are going to have a election sometime in the near future. People say that the Conservatives will win a majority government. This is beginning to scare me.

I just want everybody to think about this before you go to the polls and give the Conservatives a majority. Just think about it.

First of all, Mulroney was no conservative.

Secondly, NAFTA has made us rich. Very rich.

Thirdly, the combination of NAFTA and the GST allowed your heroes the Liberals to "save" us, while bringing in huge amounts of new cash. Their ability to balance budgets and pay down debt (for which they deserve some credit, granted) was due largely to policies taken by the Mulroney government.

Fourth, the unemployment rate never even approached the rates during the Great Depression.

Fifth, the Conservatives never even approached the level of corruption and scandal the Liberals hit. The Conservatives were NOT letting the Mob run the party apparatus in Quebec, to say nothing of appointing mobsters to cabinet. Jean "the Don" Chretien's most amazing feat was to make "Lyin' Brian" Mulroney look honest by comparison.

Sixth, the idiot Liberalas damn near lost Quebec in 1995, and then set out to alienate Quebecers further with the insult of the sponsorship scandal.

And I can't STAND Mulroney.

This was one of the silliest partisan posts I have seen here.


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
[i said:
JonB2004[/i]]Anyone who voted for the Conservatives on January 23 must have amnesia.

From 1984 to 1993, Brian Mulroney and his Progressive Conservatives were running the government. In those 9 years, Brian Mulroney almost destroyed Canada.
I would agree. It is argued by some that the late Right Honourable Pierre Trudeau, P.C., was responsible for the budget disasters that occurred under the leadership of the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney, P.C.; this is, more or less, accurate. Mr. Mulroney did, in fact, inherit a red budget from his predecessor Government of Canada. However, it was his responsibility to restore a balanced budget, and he was unable to do so. The finances of Canada were destroyed.

[i said:
JonB2004[/i]]For those of you who don't remember what happened, let me refresh your memory.

This is what happened:

-Mulroney signed the unpopular North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

-Our deficit rose to over $40 billion.

-Our national debt was over $500 billion.

-Mulroney introduced the highly unpopular Goods and Services Tax (GST).

-Unemployment rates were as high as they were during the Great Depression.

-Services were being cut because of the rising deficit.

-There were many scandals.
Indeed, the Government of Canada that Mr. Mulroney had led, had been entrenched in scandals — some of which, in my opinion, could be deemed to have rivalled even the notorious Sponsorship Program. However, that is history — I concede that the Liberal Party of Canada has made serious mistakes in the past few years. As for budgets, I have commented above on those.

[i said:
JonB2004[/i]]From 1993 until earlier this year, Canada was being run by the Liberals. The Liberals did alot of great things for this country, such as:

-They restored services and created many new services.

-They eliminated the deficit and gave us 8 straight balanced budgets.

-They payed off $60 billion in debt.

-They gave us responsible tax cuts.

-They helped our economy grow.

-They stopped Quebec from separating from Canada and protected our national unity.
Hear, hear!

The previous Government of Canada did some amazing things, that no scandal, in my opinion, could ever overshadow. Our budgets have been balanced for more than a decade, and our debt has been decreasing; and, perhaps most importantly, rights and freedoms for citizens have been expanded under that Government.

[i said:
JonB2004[/i]]Now I know the Liberals had a few scandals and broke some promises, but so did the Conservatives. Our country is on track right now. Do you really want the Conservatives to screw up everything? The recent Conservative budget is a prime example of how irresponsible the Conservatives are.

We are going to have a election sometime in the near future. People say that the Conservatives will win a majority government. This is beginning to scare me.

I just want everybody to think about this before you go to the polls and give the Conservatives a majority. Just think about it.
Nicely said.


Electoral Member
Jan 11, 2006
Calgary, Alberta
Finder said:
Well Canadians voted for the Liberals over and over again which proves most Canadians are retarded. *shrugs*

Oh come on. To accuse anyone that votes Liberal of being "retarded" is just nonsense and a blatant personal attack. Do you have something of substance to contribute or are you like so many of the extremists on this site, conservative and socialist, full of empy rhetoric?

As for the Libs, in all they did a good job governing the country. I think that they still need a good kick in the pants over the contempt they obviously developed for the Canadian people. That they haven't booted the "Rt. Hon." Jean Chretien out of the party is insane.

That the Conservatives have done nothing in terms of debt repayment, has me steamed. That they have managed to overspend almost as bad as the NDP would, has me shocked. That they seem to have taken up the contempt that the Liberals held for the Canadian people, well that just makes me angry.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Re: RE: Conservative voters h

JonB2004 said:
I support the Liberals and I'm not retarded. Same with FiveParadox. He's got to be the smartest person here.

Hey Big Jon good post on the facts of Liberal prosperity during theses great Liberal years, any one who wants to dispute your post, please remind them of the dreadful Mulroney exit reduced to rubble with only 2 insignificant seats that took 13 years for his party to come back to political life.
Mulroney thought at some point of his Prime Minister-ship that he was the King of Canada, and the sad part here is, Harper is doing a monkey see monkey do dance, forgetting 60 of Canada do not want to think of the state as the King and the Queen structure of Government.


Electoral Member
Jan 30, 2006
JonB 2004 wrote:

They stopped Quebec from separating from Canada and protected our national unity.

Mulroney signed the unpopular North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

First off, I do not think you can give credit to the Grits for stopping Quebec from separating when 1. The sponsorship scandal proves that during the 1995 referendum the federalists most liklely would have lost if not for illegal campagin contributions which went towards advertising from the federal government. 2. The Liberals or rather Trudeau through sheer egotism brought in a constitution without the support of Quebec; the one province which needed to be on side in order for the "repatriation" to be successful (lets keep in mind here that the "repatriation" was a direct result or reaction to the election of the PQ in Quebec city). Therefore the danger of separation is the direct result of a poorly thought national unity policy of which the Liberals share nearly full culpability which is magnified even more when you consider that the Liberal Premier of Newfoundland Clyde Wells Scotched the Meech Lake Accord. Mulroney's failed attempt to rectify the damage that Trudeau had set in motion by allowing quebec to sign the Constitution with dignity.

Secondly, Mulroney did not sign NAFTA that was your good Buddy Jean Chretien. Mulroney did sign the Free Ttrade Agreement which, although I was oppossed to it at the time, has benefitted Canada in innumerable ways by expanding our trade dramatically with the US. I find it strange that anyone would be against Free trade when a country such as Canada, which has always been an exporting nation, benefits so dramatically. Yes there has been negatives fallout from the agreement but, by and large it has been very successful. If one looks around the world today you can see that more nations are trying to put together trade agreement sthan those who are trying to be isolationist, Europe being the best known example, though I would point out there ar a number of trade agreements among south American countries which are well worth examining.

As for the GST. Yes it was unpopular but every country in Europe has a similar tax and so I don't see the problem with it. The GST is one of the many innovations which helped Paul Martin eliminate the defict in the 1990s along with massive cuts to the Canada Health and Social Transfer.

As for Unemployment being as high as the Depression this is simply wrong. The Canaadian encyclopedia informs me that 30% of the labour force was unempolyed dutring the height of the depression and nearly 1 in 5 Canadians needed government relief. If I recall correctly unemployment only rached about 12% during the recesssion of the early 90s.

Finally, a warning for all those who are too overtly partisan: Everyone can make mistakes, if one is so blinded by partisan politics that they fail to see the dangers which may lurk ahead than shame on you. Politics is about people, who you elect just because you elect a Tory, Grit or Dipper or whoever else may be your preference doesn't guarantee that the person you have put into high office is not a jerk, illqualified, or the best person for the job. No party has all the solutions to make Canada a heaven on Earth and every party will make mistakes given enough time in office.


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
Re: RE: Conservative voters h

JonB2004 said:
I support the Liberals and I'm not retarded. Same with FiveParadox. He's got to be the smartest person here.

i saw this posted the other day:
"its not that people who vote for conservatives are stupid, its that stupid people vote conservative"

Either way....

As for Liberal supporters, a few who are brave enough to stand up here, I gotta ask about the sponsorship program - if you voted for them in January, were you supporting the Liberal belief that it is okay for them to steal your money and put it in the pockets of their friends, and use it for political games?

If so, I think there is a legal means for charging you with complicity in the sponsorship crimes, crimes that some people are in trial right now over. I guess the funniest joke here would be :
"Would you plead insanity or stupidity in your complicity? "
-{ but even that isn't very funny][its early yet!]

But I won't start name calling here. It is time we get together and find some better path.

Dividing us into camps of Liberals and Cons and NDPeeing assholes like me won't serve us any better than what we've had before. That was the plan all along.

Lets get together and stop the blathering mindnumbing attacks eh?


Electoral Member
Mar 13, 2006
Re: RE: Conservative voters h

Karlin said:
As for Liberal supporters, a few who are brave enough to stand up here, I gotta ask about the sponsorship program - if you voted for them in January, were you supporting the Liberal belief that it is okay for them to steal your money and put it in the pockets of their friends, and use it for political games?

I'll speak for myself as anyone should speak for themselves as to their vote.

The only reason I voted for the Liberals was because of overall policy. I didn't vote NDP because I felt they wouldn't have been as good at maintaining the overall economy of Canada as it stays competitive in the world. Without a strong economy and an ability to position itself globally, it becomes harder to afford the social net which I feel again is very important for the citizens of Canada. A weak economy begins to defeat all the NDP stand for. However, I support many of the values the NDP might have.

I didn't vote for the Conservatives because Harper’s leadership has taken it away from moderate conservative roots and I don’t trust the guy for reasons which he has proven me right, now that he is PM. From all I've known of Harper, and having watched the Neo-right experiment in the US and knowing that Harper is a US Neo-right sympathizer, I felt he would (as far as he can push it) begin slashing the social net of Canada, and take us into radical policy changes. I don’t feel he cares for all of Canada’s people. In fact he has spoken with contempt about segments of Canada.

It is also Harper’s apology to the US for Canada not joining in the Iraq War that tells me he already is a great failure as a leader. If Canada would have joined in the Iraq War, we would be sharing in all of it's failings. We would be legitimately attacked internationally in political statements for it. Our international reputations would have been dragged in the gutter, and we would have probably incurred a large cost to our economy. Maybe by now we would have had a Spain type bombing.

Again another reason why I couldn't support Ignatieff for Liberal Leadership. Before the invasion, I was able to read up on the fraud for it’s justification. You can pull up all old news that predates the war which cast doubt or shows facts that refuted the arguments made. Powell’s presentation to the UN was proven faulty before the bombs started dropping.

Anyone would would have taken us into Iraq fails as a leader by default. War is the most serious decision a leader can make for his country and the Iraq War is a huge leadership failure.

On another note, I didn't want the Liberals to have a majority government. I wanted them to be punished politically for the sponsorship scandal. I did feel they were getting too complacent with there position running the government. I wanted them therefore to only get a minority with the other parties being able to balance out policy and make them clean up their own house.

There isn’t a need to punish Canada in order to punish the bad apples, and the good elements of the Liberal party has in my opinion the best policies for the Country overall. So I voted with my head, and not out of sentiment.

Maybe if the conservative had a different leader who was a moderate, or the NDP had a leader who had a clearer vision for the country economically, then I could easily vote for any of the other parties.

Unless I missed something on David Orchard for instance (and I would welcome anyone to share something with me that could sway my opinion), I could have voted for him as conservative leader and PM for the country.


Electoral Member
Mar 13, 2006
Re: RE: Conservative voters h

The question to me would have been "what type of repercussion I would support as punishment for the Liberal Sponsorship Scandal?"

And my answer would be for the Liberal party to get voted down into a minority government. For a while, I had my wish.

You know, as punishment, I might have even supported a minority NDP government with the Liberals as opposition. It wouldn't have happened though, and with Harper in politics, I wouldn't take any chances with my vote.

The guy scares me. The risk is too great. You just have to look to the USA political landscape and there lies Harper's potential. Even from what we know of US politics, Harper is still a sympathizer to the right wing of that country.

The right wing have literally destroyed the US. Morally and economically. Just keep reading the news, the consequences will keep surfacing more and more.

And I can honestly say, I don’t know the difference between a Moderate Conservative, and a Moderate Liberal. It’s almost a difference of label with a few political tweaks. However anyone who claims to be a moderate conservative but is very knowing of who Harper is and his history. Well, then the moderate part is a lie.

I actually liked the USA before Bush. I use to invest into it all the time. I didn't like parts of their history — some of the ways they would deal with other countries, or being a little too capitalistic. However, what we have now to what we had before Bush is like night compared to day.

It is a country which no longer commands the respect of the world.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Liberals keep lists of people who have guns, deport people for things that say, invent laws against free speech, steal our money to cure the parties financial woes, cut healthcare, create animosity and division with their stupid adds, shit on the military and generally feel they are superior then everyone on the planet, but your scared of Harper.

I think the lot of you Liberals are crazy and liars who make shit up.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Re: RE: Conservative voters have amnesia!!!

Jay said:
Liberals keep lists of people who have guns, deport people for things that say, invent laws against free speech, steal our money to cure the parties financial woes, cut healthcare, create animosity and division with their stupid adds, shit on the military and generally feel they are superior then everyone on the planet, but your scared of Harper.

I think the lot of you Liberals are crazy and liars who make shit up.

To say nothing of appointing mobsters to cabinet, and protecting them from prosecution, AND letting mobsters run the money for the Liberal Party of Canada in Quebec.

Whose money?

Our money.

And these people are afraid of Harper.

It is to laugh.....or cry.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Yes, they do have amnesia, or at least selective memories.

I wasn't happy with everything the liberals did either, but which is worse? A few money scandals that totaled maybe one and a half percent of GDP, or sinking the country about fifty billion dollars in debt in each of nine years in office? Oh, I know, Trudeau forced Bulroney to have those deficits every year by holding a gun to his head. Some of you deny that Mulboney was a conservative but that is the party he ran for, and that is the party he was elected under. He was yours. Beside that debt, everything the Liberals did pales to nothing by comparison.


Electoral Member
Apr 8, 2005
I've never voted as I have never been eligible to vote so I absolve myself of all responsibility.

Mulroney's failings do not excuse the liberal failings. There has been enough corruption to go around for both parties to share.

Now we have a PM and a party that ran on an anti-corruption mantra but have decided to preserve the status quo. Throw the bums out. But there are more bums waiting in the wings.

It's time to throw some of them in prison to encourage good behaviour.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Some people only believe what they want to believe. I have demonstrated that "Mulboney" inherited that debt and those deficits and a senate full of Liberals stopped spending cuts, but who cares eh?

Nothing we would like more than to cut that spending; the more we cut the loader liberals cry about social programs.


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
Yeah Jay and the Conservatives must really be losing support or something with this bad week on Environment, Accountability basically going out the window on a sissy fit from Harper, and other issues.

So I think the only people who are anti-multicultural dirtbags should put up or shut up with the majority of the Canadian population.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
If it wasn't for Brian Baloney (my dad called him that) we would have had John Turner, who said free trade was the "fight of his life". Mr Baloney made Canada prosperous under NAFTA, with no thanks to John Turner.