Softwood Lumber Dispute- WILL HARPER HELP?


Nominee Member
Feb 20, 2006
Harper is planning on meeting with Bush and the Mexican President in March for talking about the Softwood Lumber Dispute.

Hopefully, he can use his good relation with the USA to stop them from taxing the companies like canfor. What can either happen is that he will side with the Americans and have the system Americanized, (auctioning timber rights) and stop the subsidizing, or he can use his relationship with the Americans as an asset and help to get the Americans to stop taxing Canfor, and other Canadian Lumber companies ridiculously.

I dont think that Canada should be getting the raw end of the deal as for America too. We should be able to compromise. America should not be rising tariffs on the lumber either, 18% is ridiculous!

Anyways, if Harper is able to deal with this issue, its a good deed in my opinion. However, if he manages to side with the Americans, and even try to americanize our system, that would be trouble!

What do you guys think Harper is going to do with the Softwood Lumber issue and do you think he will solve it or not? So much for David Emerson helping eh! :p


Electoral Member
Jan 20, 2006
You won't get my sympathy because Canada shouldn't be exploiting its precious forests for the USA in the first place.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Re: RE: Softwood Lumber Dispute- WILL HARPER HELP?

quinton said:
You won't get my sympathy because Canada shouldn't be exploiting its precious forests for the USA in the first place.

Well if it's more trade disputes you want quinton just say the word, glad to be of service :D