The sustainability of Health Care


Electoral Member
With Iris Evans heading to Ottawa to discuss Health Care; BC saying they are going to follow Ralph's plan and Harper poised to play the plubic health care game, you will hear much about sustainability most of which is outright lies; confortable oldies.

And, a Calgary Clinic is opting out of the public system to go private at 300.00 per month insurance for Doctors care. I tkoml we can count on them using the public hospital system so in this micro view the price of health care has gone up 400% above the public system.

The coverage can be found at Alberta the Details


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
Wow, if the conservatives in Ottawa continue the way they do, I don't think they will last too long.

And with Alberta, I didn't know this, but last time Raplh tried to privitize health care their were demonstrations, you or groups that want public healthcare should arrange peaceful protests in Edmonton to let them know.

Or vote in the opposition next time.


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
They call it Privatised health care, but I see it as Corporatised health care. Nobody would argue with that, its no secret that corporations will be running the various clinics and hospitals and so on under the agenda being proposed by these conservatives.

From the link in the first post there was a surprise on the topic of misdirection, as done by Ralph Klein and creating the myth that health care is UNSUSTAINABLE on its current path [and so we will need privatised health care]:
"The un-sustainability myth began early in the 1970s when a group of people recognized the baby boom of the 50s was going to cause an increase in the "elderly sick people"...
... the crisis never arrived. In fact, the figures were 7 to 10 times over-estimated.

The Conservative movement found the means to turn this fiction into fact through a program of mis-direction, quotes of dated data and innuendo. [K - our 'obedient mass-media' played its role in this misdirection too].

"Premier Klein and his ministers and now Stephen Harper and company constantly try to convince us that health care costs are un-sustainable. Even in this the wealthiest of all provinces, we are told that we can no longer afford the type of health care we have had for the past 36 years."

"Clearly, then, when the Premier Klein talks about health care costs being un-sustainable, he is not saying we cannot afford proper health care. What he is really saying is that he does not want a single-payer, publicly administered government program, as required by the Canada Health Act."

K - see, its all smoke and mirrors.
It is a conspiracy of corporate medicine and their government partners. They iInvent a crisis to serve their needs - it is a conservative theme we have sen a lot of lately, from 9-11 and fake terrorism to the Cold War hoax, its all just FEAR mongering to get people onside with their corporate agenda.
{That doesn't sound a whacky as it did just a few years ago does it?]

If we wanted to keep health care universal and paid for, it is just a do-able now as ever.

In fact, if we decided to grow testicles and stand up to the pharmacuetically-based medicine, we could be doing things cheaper better without any private money by using the alternative non-patentable and hands-on therapies where the actual causes of illness are addressed and cures provided, not just treating symptoms, which is the most expensive and least beneficial way to do medicine [as we do now].