Pollution causing a Shortage of Sons


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
There is little doubt that endocrine-disrupting pollutants are affecting the sexual development of wildlife right where the Aamjiwnaang live.
In Lake St. Clair, not 30 miles (50 kilometers) from their reserve, fish are swimming around with both male and female gonads.
The condition, known as intersex, is caused when a young fish that is genetically male is exposed to chemicals such as the fertilizer atrazine, which causes female gonads to develop by acting like the hormone estrogen.


No doubt, if they are finding it in the wildlife there, it is also the explantion for the Native's low boy-birth rate {but they refuse to do the science to prove it in the human community].

On purpose, or just for expediency of getting rid of industrial waste, this is a terrible situation. When it comes to messing with nature, nothing is as threatening to any species as having its sex distribution going all female.

On purpose, as in genocide.
Expedient, as in pollution we are all exposed to but much higher where peoples with less power to control their world lives. Letting corporations pollute native reserves, or as in this case, the lands adjacent to the reserves, is not much less of a crime than direct genocide.

These natives have requested "establishment of a fund to set up a network of air monitoring stations. The money could also be used to clean up hazardous waste sites on the reserve, or other environmental projects.
"The band doesn't have the money for that type of stuff," said Plain, who runs his own medical supply company. "If we have a million dollars we can hire some pretty good experts."

Where the poor exist, abuses by corporate powers, who do have lots of money , are going to be worse. Suncor could easily afford to do some air monitoring. Since they won't/don't, why not the Govt doing it?
This is a huge deal - what if your community was having four times as many girls as boys, and that it was suspected to be caused by

We cannot continue to abuse our native bretheren this way!!!