It shouldn't come as a surprise


New Member
Apr 11, 2004
You are free to re-post this as a link, Grimy. I'm not trying to limit you expressing your point of view, but blatant copyright infringement of CanWest Global material who clearly prohibit your posting on their site is just not acceptable:

The contents of the family of web sites and CanWest newspaper web sites are protected by copyright law. Copyright (c) 2005 CanWest Interactive Inc. and CanWest Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.

Materials obtained through these web sites belong to the respective owners of such materials and are also protected by national and international intellectual property laws, conventions and treaties and may only be used for your personal non-commercial purposes, single copy only. CanWest Interactive Inc. or CanWest Publishing Inc. or respective copyright owners may appropriate legal action if there is any infringement of these rights.

For educational institutions in Canada, a licensing agreement with CANCOPY or COPIBEC is deemed to authorize all non-commercial uses of the contents of this web site, including downloads, redistribution and the making of multiple copies for research or instructional uses, subject to the requisite reporting and payment provisions of those agreements. See your licence administrator for further information.

All other rights are reserved, and commercial uses including publication, retransmission, broadcast, posting to newsgroups, mail lists or electronic bulletin boards, circulation, selling, reproduction or redistribution in any medium are prohibited, except with the prior written approval of the copyright owner.

For further information or to request permission to republish, contact: Lynn Perry, Licensing Manager, CanWest Interactive at

If you had at least posted a link to the story I would have posted the link for you. You chose not to do so, however.

Edited by Reverend Blair for copyright infringement.


New Member
Apr 11, 2004
You are free to re-post this as a link, Grimy. I'm not trying to limit you expressing your point of view, but blatant copyright infringement of CanWest Global material who clearly prohibit your posting on their site is just not acceptable:

The contents of the family of web sites and CanWest newspaper web sites are protected by copyright law. Copyright (c) 2005 CanWest Interactive Inc. and CanWest Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.

Materials obtained through these web sites belong to the respective owners of such materials and are also protected by national and international intellectual property laws, conventions and treaties and may only be used for your personal non-commercial purposes, single copy only. CanWest Interactive Inc. or CanWest Publishing Inc. or respective copyright owners may appropriate legal action if there is any infringement of these rights.

For educational institutions in Canada, a licensing agreement with CANCOPY or COPIBEC is deemed to authorize all non-commercial uses of the contents of this web site, including downloads, redistribution and the making of multiple copies for research or instructional uses, subject to the requisite reporting and payment provisions of those agreements. See your licence administrator for further information.

All other rights are reserved, and commercial uses including publication, retransmission, broadcast, posting to newsgroups, mail lists or electronic bulletin boards, circulation, selling, reproduction or redistribution in any medium are prohibited, except with the prior written approval of the copyright owner.

For further information or to request permission to republish, contact: Lynn Perry, Licensing Manager, CanWest Interactive at

If you had at least posted a link to the story I would have posted the link for you. You chose not to do so, however.

Edited by Reverend Blair for copyright infringement.


New Member
Apr 11, 2004
You are free to re-post this as a link, Grimy. I'm not trying to limit you expressing your point of view, but blatant copyright infringement of CanWest Global material who clearly prohibit your posting on their site is just not acceptable:

The contents of the family of web sites and CanWest newspaper web sites are protected by copyright law. Copyright (c) 2005 CanWest Interactive Inc. and CanWest Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.

Materials obtained through these web sites belong to the respective owners of such materials and are also protected by national and international intellectual property laws, conventions and treaties and may only be used for your personal non-commercial purposes, single copy only. CanWest Interactive Inc. or CanWest Publishing Inc. or respective copyright owners may appropriate legal action if there is any infringement of these rights.

For educational institutions in Canada, a licensing agreement with CANCOPY or COPIBEC is deemed to authorize all non-commercial uses of the contents of this web site, including downloads, redistribution and the making of multiple copies for research or instructional uses, subject to the requisite reporting and payment provisions of those agreements. See your licence administrator for further information.

All other rights are reserved, and commercial uses including publication, retransmission, broadcast, posting to newsgroups, mail lists or electronic bulletin boards, circulation, selling, reproduction or redistribution in any medium are prohibited, except with the prior written approval of the copyright owner.

For further information or to request permission to republish, contact: Lynn Perry, Licensing Manager, CanWest Interactive at

If you had at least posted a link to the story I would have posted the link for you. You chose not to do so, however.

Edited by Reverend Blair for copyright infringement.


New Member
Apr 11, 2004
You are free to re-post this as a link, Grimy. I'm not trying to limit you expressing your point of view, but blatant copyright infringement of CanWest Global material who clearly prohibit your posting on their site is just not acceptable:
Censorship is what happens when **EDITED PERSONAL ATTACK** In this case, **EDITED PERSONAL ATTACK**

As I stated to him in a pm, I'm not the first, nor the last, to post an article in it's entirety, but it seems I'm the first to be censored **EDITED PERSONAL ATTACK**

Watch for this post to be deleted, as the last one was, **EDITED PERSONAL ATTACK**

I never really thought that was what the left was about, apparently I'm mistaken - unfortunately.


New Member
Apr 11, 2004
You are free to re-post this as a link, Grimy. I'm not trying to limit you expressing your point of view, but blatant copyright infringement of CanWest Global material who clearly prohibit your posting on their site is just not acceptable:
Censorship is what happens when **EDITED PERSONAL ATTACK** In this case, **EDITED PERSONAL ATTACK**

As I stated to him in a pm, I'm not the first, nor the last, to post an article in it's entirety, but it seems I'm the first to be censored **EDITED PERSONAL ATTACK**

Watch for this post to be deleted, as the last one was, **EDITED PERSONAL ATTACK**

I never really thought that was what the left was about, apparently I'm mistaken - unfortunately.


New Member
Apr 11, 2004
You are free to re-post this as a link, Grimy. I'm not trying to limit you expressing your point of view, but blatant copyright infringement of CanWest Global material who clearly prohibit your posting on their site is just not acceptable:
Censorship is what happens when **EDITED PERSONAL ATTACK** In this case, **EDITED PERSONAL ATTACK**

As I stated to him in a pm, I'm not the first, nor the last, to post an article in it's entirety, but it seems I'm the first to be censored **EDITED PERSONAL ATTACK**

Watch for this post to be deleted, as the last one was, **EDITED PERSONAL ATTACK**

I never really thought that was what the left was about, apparently I'm mistaken - unfortunately.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: It shouldn't come as

Grimy, I have contacted others about this very issue. Most of them long before I contacted you. They are members who share your views and members who share my views. Most have been very good about not infringing on copyright laws and have offered an explanation in their posts when they have not been.

When I contacted you, you responded with a PM full of name-calling, lies, and personal accusations. You returned here and not only again broke copyright laws, but saw fit to send me another PM full of more of the same.

Stop the personal attacks and stop the copyright infringements. If you need instruction on how to post a link, I am sure that somebody here will be more than happy to help you.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: It shouldn't come as

Grimy, I have contacted others about this very issue. Most of them long before I contacted you. They are members who share your views and members who share my views. Most have been very good about not infringing on copyright laws and have offered an explanation in their posts when they have not been.

When I contacted you, you responded with a PM full of name-calling, lies, and personal accusations. You returned here and not only again broke copyright laws, but saw fit to send me another PM full of more of the same.

Stop the personal attacks and stop the copyright infringements. If you need instruction on how to post a link, I am sure that somebody here will be more than happy to help you.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: It shouldn't come as

Grimy, I have contacted others about this very issue. Most of them long before I contacted you. They are members who share your views and members who share my views. Most have been very good about not infringing on copyright laws and have offered an explanation in their posts when they have not been.

When I contacted you, you responded with a PM full of name-calling, lies, and personal accusations. You returned here and not only again broke copyright laws, but saw fit to send me another PM full of more of the same.

Stop the personal attacks and stop the copyright infringements. If you need instruction on how to post a link, I am sure that somebody here will be more than happy to help you.


New Member
Apr 11, 2004
From: grimy
To: Reverend Blair
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:58 pm
Subject: Re: Copyright

Never heard of pay per view with regards to posting/viewing articles on the internet. A quick perusal of this forum indicates a good many others including the board owner, posting entire articles with links, not unlike what I did.

From: grimy
To: Reverend Blair
Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 9:08 pm
Subject: Re: Copyright

RB Quote:
Yes, and I've talked to several of them about it, including Andem. He made an announcement about it back in July.
I' ve been raising it with people as I notice it.

Some writers on some sites get a pay per view as part of their contract. Some sites get paid by advertisers on a per view basis. Others base their advertising rates on number of views.

I'm not threatening to delete your posts or anything, just asking that in the future you use links instead og C&Ping the entire article. It's really no more difficult. End quote

While I appreciate your concern about the economics of posting complete articles vs partial, might I suggest you mind your own business and leave well enough alone. If in fact you are the board appointed officer with regards to this issue then fine. However, I suspect you are not and as such, unless you have something constuctive to add I yet again suggest you don't pester me with your banal claims of internet copyright infringement.

For your information, in case you have yet to notice, posters galore are quoting articles in their entireity right here at which will not come as a surprise to you if you've been paying atttention.

Back in July you were not a moderator, now you are. Which begs the question as to whether this is simply an ego thing for you or a serious concern. But, whichever it is, is of no concern to me other than idle curiosity as to whether you report this private mail to the board owner in an effort to have me banned or whether you're big enough to sit back, relax and let life carry on.

Then again, if you have been appointed guardian of quotes relating to internet piracy I must offer best wishes for what I perceive to be a most vexing task and to that end I wish you much luck. However, I suspect that is not the case. What I suspect is that you are nothing but an interfering busy body with far too much time on your hands.

In other words. stfu and don't bother me again unless you have something of interest to divulge.

To lessen the tone of the above, I offer the following to you: You continue with your view which for the most part I disagree with and I will continue to post periodically when I feel I have something to say about whatever. It's called toleration, something I suspect you know little of and expect you to reject in your quest to control.

From: grimy
To: Reverend Blair
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:30 pm
Subject: Re: It's Grow Up Time for Grimy

RB Quote:
You certainly are a disrespectful little man, Grimy. I suspect very strongly that you have little respect for any law or anybody else's property, but are undoubtedly one of those who runs directly to the police the first time that somebody looks at you sideways. End quote

Having read a number of your views here and elsewhere I can only opine that you are a larger asshole than at first you appear. I strongly suspect it is you who trembles in fear of the police each and every time you attend a demonstration irregardless of the disguise of the day. Coward comes to mind when I read your hate-filled diatrabes and I know full well you are aware of the axiom, if the shoe fits.

RB Quote:
I tried to do this in a friendly manner. Notice that I was not trying to limit what you had to say. It was simply a request to have you follow the laws of this country. I made it clear that I have requested the same of others and will continue to, as per the rules of the board. End quote.

No, actually, you didn't. You come and came across as someone suffering from a Napoleon Complex, officious and with a hidden agenda, short in stature and unclean. As per what rules of the board? Still, as you continue to harass me with your officious attitude due in large part to your temporary title as moderator you continue to pester for reasons known only to your self. I say temporary, for as you know, you will be here today and gone tomorrow at the press of a button and all your posts will be deleted per your request no doubt, and it will be as if you never existed.

During the course of this discourse it has come to my attention that others continue to post articles in their entirety. What are you doing about that? Obviously if you are doing anything at all, you have failed. If you are doing nothing at all, that is not a surprise.

I suspect, having read your totally non-prolific crap at canada kicks ass that your newfound self-employment has much to do with your personal attacks against me. I suggest to you, that for a change, you act like a man and suck it up. Live and let live followed by leave well enough alone are two axioms I have a strong belief in. I'm sure that to an intelligent fellow such as yourself, they require no further explanation, do they? If so, feel free to pm me with your question. If not, please don't pester me again.

RB Quote:
Since you have decided to take this in a personal way and launch an attack on me and to question my motives, I guess trying to be friendly and treat you like an adult was a mistake on my part. I apologise for that. End quote

Of course I took it in a personal way. Your mealy-mouthed attempt to disguise it as anything other than that is an apt description of your character which I now realize is severely lacking. So don't feel you need to apologize, you don't. It's just a genetic defect you will have to adjust to, acknowledge and try as hard as you can with all your willpower to overcome.

RB Quote:
Now, would you please act like an adult and refrain from stealing other people's work. It is childish, lazy, and illegal. Use a link. End quote

I suspect there is a large degree of wishful thinking involved here inasmuch as you probably pray and hope against all odds that something you write is actually purchased by a reputable media consortium. Allow me to offer serious's highly unlikely from the drivel you have put to paper that I've had the opportunity to read. So put this nonsense about internet theft of articles out of your petit mind and try, as difficult as that may be, to concentrate on the things really important in life. In the event you have misplaced or find your short and long-term memory affected by an inappropriate lifestyle, allow me to offer suggestions such as, be concerned about where your next paycheck is coming form, paying your mortgage assuming you have one and don't reside in social housing, putting food on the table, paying down your debt, looking after your immediate and extended family, and so on. This is what is important in life, not whether some obscure journalist gets proper recognition for an article posted on the net or chasing people who post those articles.

Continue on Reverend Blair with your obscene and sad objectives as you see them, but stay the hell away from me, for I see you for what you are.

A coward and a failure.

From: grimy
To: Reverend Blair
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:25 pm
Subject: Re: It's Grow Up Time for Grimy

From: Reverend Blair
To: grimy
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 9:28 pm
Subject: Re: It's Grow Up Time for Grimy

Your post infringing on CanWest's copyright has been edited. A full explanation is available there.

Been stoned, been straight,
Been to hell and heaven's gate,
I got throwed out 'cause they said I didn't belong...

Of course it has, yet only to me it seems. Interestingly it doesn't suit your view of events as you would have them so naturally censorship from those of the manic left who falsely decry such activity, prevails.

How convenient and typical of you to use a censor button in support of your own attempts at maligning without allowing the other side of an agruement.

Allow me to shine a little light under your rock.


New Member
Apr 11, 2004
From: grimy
To: Reverend Blair
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:58 pm
Subject: Re: Copyright

Never heard of pay per view with regards to posting/viewing articles on the internet. A quick perusal of this forum indicates a good many others including the board owner, posting entire articles with links, not unlike what I did.

From: grimy
To: Reverend Blair
Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 9:08 pm
Subject: Re: Copyright

RB Quote:
Yes, and I've talked to several of them about it, including Andem. He made an announcement about it back in July.
I' ve been raising it with people as I notice it.

Some writers on some sites get a pay per view as part of their contract. Some sites get paid by advertisers on a per view basis. Others base their advertising rates on number of views.

I'm not threatening to delete your posts or anything, just asking that in the future you use links instead og C&Ping the entire article. It's really no more difficult. End quote

While I appreciate your concern about the economics of posting complete articles vs partial, might I suggest you mind your own business and leave well enough alone. If in fact you are the board appointed officer with regards to this issue then fine. However, I suspect you are not and as such, unless you have something constuctive to add I yet again suggest you don't pester me with your banal claims of internet copyright infringement.

For your information, in case you have yet to notice, posters galore are quoting articles in their entireity right here at which will not come as a surprise to you if you've been paying atttention.

Back in July you were not a moderator, now you are. Which begs the question as to whether this is simply an ego thing for you or a serious concern. But, whichever it is, is of no concern to me other than idle curiosity as to whether you report this private mail to the board owner in an effort to have me banned or whether you're big enough to sit back, relax and let life carry on.

Then again, if you have been appointed guardian of quotes relating to internet piracy I must offer best wishes for what I perceive to be a most vexing task and to that end I wish you much luck. However, I suspect that is not the case. What I suspect is that you are nothing but an interfering busy body with far too much time on your hands.

In other words. stfu and don't bother me again unless you have something of interest to divulge.

To lessen the tone of the above, I offer the following to you: You continue with your view which for the most part I disagree with and I will continue to post periodically when I feel I have something to say about whatever. It's called toleration, something I suspect you know little of and expect you to reject in your quest to control.

From: grimy
To: Reverend Blair
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:30 pm
Subject: Re: It's Grow Up Time for Grimy

RB Quote:
You certainly are a disrespectful little man, Grimy. I suspect very strongly that you have little respect for any law or anybody else's property, but are undoubtedly one of those who runs directly to the police the first time that somebody looks at you sideways. End quote

Having read a number of your views here and elsewhere I can only opine that you are a larger asshole than at first you appear. I strongly suspect it is you who trembles in fear of the police each and every time you attend a demonstration irregardless of the disguise of the day. Coward comes to mind when I read your hate-filled diatrabes and I know full well you are aware of the axiom, if the shoe fits.

RB Quote:
I tried to do this in a friendly manner. Notice that I was not trying to limit what you had to say. It was simply a request to have you follow the laws of this country. I made it clear that I have requested the same of others and will continue to, as per the rules of the board. End quote.

No, actually, you didn't. You come and came across as someone suffering from a Napoleon Complex, officious and with a hidden agenda, short in stature and unclean. As per what rules of the board? Still, as you continue to harass me with your officious attitude due in large part to your temporary title as moderator you continue to pester for reasons known only to your self. I say temporary, for as you know, you will be here today and gone tomorrow at the press of a button and all your posts will be deleted per your request no doubt, and it will be as if you never existed.

During the course of this discourse it has come to my attention that others continue to post articles in their entirety. What are you doing about that? Obviously if you are doing anything at all, you have failed. If you are doing nothing at all, that is not a surprise.

I suspect, having read your totally non-prolific crap at canada kicks ass that your newfound self-employment has much to do with your personal attacks against me. I suggest to you, that for a change, you act like a man and suck it up. Live and let live followed by leave well enough alone are two axioms I have a strong belief in. I'm sure that to an intelligent fellow such as yourself, they require no further explanation, do they? If so, feel free to pm me with your question. If not, please don't pester me again.

RB Quote:
Since you have decided to take this in a personal way and launch an attack on me and to question my motives, I guess trying to be friendly and treat you like an adult was a mistake on my part. I apologise for that. End quote

Of course I took it in a personal way. Your mealy-mouthed attempt to disguise it as anything other than that is an apt description of your character which I now realize is severely lacking. So don't feel you need to apologize, you don't. It's just a genetic defect you will have to adjust to, acknowledge and try as hard as you can with all your willpower to overcome.

RB Quote:
Now, would you please act like an adult and refrain from stealing other people's work. It is childish, lazy, and illegal. Use a link. End quote

I suspect there is a large degree of wishful thinking involved here inasmuch as you probably pray and hope against all odds that something you write is actually purchased by a reputable media consortium. Allow me to offer serious's highly unlikely from the drivel you have put to paper that I've had the opportunity to read. So put this nonsense about internet theft of articles out of your petit mind and try, as difficult as that may be, to concentrate on the things really important in life. In the event you have misplaced or find your short and long-term memory affected by an inappropriate lifestyle, allow me to offer suggestions such as, be concerned about where your next paycheck is coming form, paying your mortgage assuming you have one and don't reside in social housing, putting food on the table, paying down your debt, looking after your immediate and extended family, and so on. This is what is important in life, not whether some obscure journalist gets proper recognition for an article posted on the net or chasing people who post those articles.

Continue on Reverend Blair with your obscene and sad objectives as you see them, but stay the hell away from me, for I see you for what you are.

A coward and a failure.

From: grimy
To: Reverend Blair
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:25 pm
Subject: Re: It's Grow Up Time for Grimy

From: Reverend Blair
To: grimy
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 9:28 pm
Subject: Re: It's Grow Up Time for Grimy

Your post infringing on CanWest's copyright has been edited. A full explanation is available there.

Been stoned, been straight,
Been to hell and heaven's gate,
I got throwed out 'cause they said I didn't belong...

Of course it has, yet only to me it seems. Interestingly it doesn't suit your view of events as you would have them so naturally censorship from those of the manic left who falsely decry such activity, prevails.

How convenient and typical of you to use a censor button in support of your own attempts at maligning without allowing the other side of an agruement.

Allow me to shine a little light under your rock.


New Member
Apr 11, 2004
From: grimy
To: Reverend Blair
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:58 pm
Subject: Re: Copyright

Never heard of pay per view with regards to posting/viewing articles on the internet. A quick perusal of this forum indicates a good many others including the board owner, posting entire articles with links, not unlike what I did.

From: grimy
To: Reverend Blair
Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 9:08 pm
Subject: Re: Copyright

RB Quote:
Yes, and I've talked to several of them about it, including Andem. He made an announcement about it back in July.
I' ve been raising it with people as I notice it.

Some writers on some sites get a pay per view as part of their contract. Some sites get paid by advertisers on a per view basis. Others base their advertising rates on number of views.

I'm not threatening to delete your posts or anything, just asking that in the future you use links instead og C&Ping the entire article. It's really no more difficult. End quote

While I appreciate your concern about the economics of posting complete articles vs partial, might I suggest you mind your own business and leave well enough alone. If in fact you are the board appointed officer with regards to this issue then fine. However, I suspect you are not and as such, unless you have something constuctive to add I yet again suggest you don't pester me with your banal claims of internet copyright infringement.

For your information, in case you have yet to notice, posters galore are quoting articles in their entireity right here at which will not come as a surprise to you if you've been paying atttention.

Back in July you were not a moderator, now you are. Which begs the question as to whether this is simply an ego thing for you or a serious concern. But, whichever it is, is of no concern to me other than idle curiosity as to whether you report this private mail to the board owner in an effort to have me banned or whether you're big enough to sit back, relax and let life carry on.

Then again, if you have been appointed guardian of quotes relating to internet piracy I must offer best wishes for what I perceive to be a most vexing task and to that end I wish you much luck. However, I suspect that is not the case. What I suspect is that you are nothing but an interfering busy body with far too much time on your hands.

In other words. stfu and don't bother me again unless you have something of interest to divulge.

To lessen the tone of the above, I offer the following to you: You continue with your view which for the most part I disagree with and I will continue to post periodically when I feel I have something to say about whatever. It's called toleration, something I suspect you know little of and expect you to reject in your quest to control.

From: grimy
To: Reverend Blair
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:30 pm
Subject: Re: It's Grow Up Time for Grimy

RB Quote:
You certainly are a disrespectful little man, Grimy. I suspect very strongly that you have little respect for any law or anybody else's property, but are undoubtedly one of those who runs directly to the police the first time that somebody looks at you sideways. End quote

Having read a number of your views here and elsewhere I can only opine that you are a larger asshole than at first you appear. I strongly suspect it is you who trembles in fear of the police each and every time you attend a demonstration irregardless of the disguise of the day. Coward comes to mind when I read your hate-filled diatrabes and I know full well you are aware of the axiom, if the shoe fits.

RB Quote:
I tried to do this in a friendly manner. Notice that I was not trying to limit what you had to say. It was simply a request to have you follow the laws of this country. I made it clear that I have requested the same of others and will continue to, as per the rules of the board. End quote.

No, actually, you didn't. You come and came across as someone suffering from a Napoleon Complex, officious and with a hidden agenda, short in stature and unclean. As per what rules of the board? Still, as you continue to harass me with your officious attitude due in large part to your temporary title as moderator you continue to pester for reasons known only to your self. I say temporary, for as you know, you will be here today and gone tomorrow at the press of a button and all your posts will be deleted per your request no doubt, and it will be as if you never existed.

During the course of this discourse it has come to my attention that others continue to post articles in their entirety. What are you doing about that? Obviously if you are doing anything at all, you have failed. If you are doing nothing at all, that is not a surprise.

I suspect, having read your totally non-prolific crap at canada kicks ass that your newfound self-employment has much to do with your personal attacks against me. I suggest to you, that for a change, you act like a man and suck it up. Live and let live followed by leave well enough alone are two axioms I have a strong belief in. I'm sure that to an intelligent fellow such as yourself, they require no further explanation, do they? If so, feel free to pm me with your question. If not, please don't pester me again.

RB Quote:
Since you have decided to take this in a personal way and launch an attack on me and to question my motives, I guess trying to be friendly and treat you like an adult was a mistake on my part. I apologise for that. End quote

Of course I took it in a personal way. Your mealy-mouthed attempt to disguise it as anything other than that is an apt description of your character which I now realize is severely lacking. So don't feel you need to apologize, you don't. It's just a genetic defect you will have to adjust to, acknowledge and try as hard as you can with all your willpower to overcome.

RB Quote:
Now, would you please act like an adult and refrain from stealing other people's work. It is childish, lazy, and illegal. Use a link. End quote

I suspect there is a large degree of wishful thinking involved here inasmuch as you probably pray and hope against all odds that something you write is actually purchased by a reputable media consortium. Allow me to offer serious's highly unlikely from the drivel you have put to paper that I've had the opportunity to read. So put this nonsense about internet theft of articles out of your petit mind and try, as difficult as that may be, to concentrate on the things really important in life. In the event you have misplaced or find your short and long-term memory affected by an inappropriate lifestyle, allow me to offer suggestions such as, be concerned about where your next paycheck is coming form, paying your mortgage assuming you have one and don't reside in social housing, putting food on the table, paying down your debt, looking after your immediate and extended family, and so on. This is what is important in life, not whether some obscure journalist gets proper recognition for an article posted on the net or chasing people who post those articles.

Continue on Reverend Blair with your obscene and sad objectives as you see them, but stay the hell away from me, for I see you for what you are.

A coward and a failure.

From: grimy
To: Reverend Blair
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:25 pm
Subject: Re: It's Grow Up Time for Grimy

From: Reverend Blair
To: grimy
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 9:28 pm
Subject: Re: It's Grow Up Time for Grimy

Your post infringing on CanWest's copyright has been edited. A full explanation is available there.

Been stoned, been straight,
Been to hell and heaven's gate,
I got throwed out 'cause they said I didn't belong...

Of course it has, yet only to me it seems. Interestingly it doesn't suit your view of events as you would have them so naturally censorship from those of the manic left who falsely decry such activity, prevails.

How convenient and typical of you to use a censor button in support of your own attempts at maligning without allowing the other side of an agruement.

Allow me to shine a little light under your rock.


Time Out
Sep 3, 2004
the left coast
Wow, Grimy... you sure do know your way around an insult, don't you?

Rev Blair very civilly answered all your concerns... that you didn't like what you heard is apparent in your response.

Posting all that only made you look bad.


Time Out
Sep 3, 2004
the left coast
Wow, Grimy... you sure do know your way around an insult, don't you?

Rev Blair very civilly answered all your concerns... that you didn't like what you heard is apparent in your response.

Posting all that only made you look bad.


Time Out
Sep 3, 2004
the left coast
Wow, Grimy... you sure do know your way around an insult, don't you?

Rev Blair very civilly answered all your concerns... that you didn't like what you heard is apparent in your response.

Posting all that only made you look bad.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: It shouldn't come as

He's an idiot, Lady C. He also has so little class that he posts personal correspondence. Since what he put up shows him to be a small, unintelligent little bozo, I think I'll leave them up.

BTW Grimy, as a moderator I am supposed to enforce the rules of the board. I supplied you with a link to the rule you were breaking. If you want the rule changed, take it up with Andem.

It is you who are the coward and the failure Grimy. You've gone out of the way to show yourself to be nasty and wholly inadequate.

Use links, little buddy.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: It shouldn't come as

He's an idiot, Lady C. He also has so little class that he posts personal correspondence. Since what he put up shows him to be a small, unintelligent little bozo, I think I'll leave them up.

BTW Grimy, as a moderator I am supposed to enforce the rules of the board. I supplied you with a link to the rule you were breaking. If you want the rule changed, take it up with Andem.

It is you who are the coward and the failure Grimy. You've gone out of the way to show yourself to be nasty and wholly inadequate.

Use links, little buddy.