Our Health Care Stinks!


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
Canadians are sooooooo proud of their Health Care! Well maybe in some Provinces it is better but here in Ontario it is a disgrace.
Three years ago my husband became paralyzed and almost died because he couldn't get a doctor to diagnose his illness. It took three month and a bitchy temper tantrum by me to get action.
No wonder It's financially unsustainable! If the illness had been properly diagnoses at the beginning the cure and treatment would have cost at least one quarter of what it eventually cost.

Now the same thing is happening to my nephew. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that when a diabetic's feet start to turn black and blue, there is a circulation problem that need to be addressed quickly to prevent gangrene.
Well once again our great health care system put off care for three months and now he's in really bad shape.

Thank you Kathleen Wynne! If you can't drive people into bankruptcy with the exorbitant hydro costs fast enough to suit you, just kill 'em off by failing to provide the care they were promised and for which they have been paying for years!


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON

Is it that bad?

Yes. Most hospitals are full. Wait for a bed can be 2-3 days in the ER. Wait in the ER can be hours. All because since the government is the sole payer, and they don't want to pay, they have cut back services and beds and everything hoping people won't notice. Gotta pay for those windmills some way.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Health care is a provincial responsibility and some provinces are better than others at delivering and supporting the services. Ontario is nothing but a cesspit full of the billions of dollars that Wynne through away on climate change - no wonder there is no money for health care in that province.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Health care is a provincial responsibility and some provinces are better than others at delivering and supporting the services. Ontario is nothing but a cesspit full of the billions of dollars that Wynne through away on climate change - no wonder there is no money for health care in that province.

This is true. My parents live in Saskatoon and they seem to have far less problems. When visiting, my son had a bad cough and lost his voice and we went to see a doctor. Walk in and only a couple of hours. Would have been at least double that in Toronto. Went to a hospital in Small Town, SK last summer with my sister. She was in and out in 3-4 hours. Would have been double or triple that in Toronto.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
This is true. My parents live in Saskatoon and they seem to have far less problems. When visiting, my son had a bad cough and lost his voice and we went to see a doctor. Walk in and only a couple of hours. Would have been at least double that in Toronto. Went to a hospital in Small Town, SK last summer with my sister. She was in and out in 3-4 hours. Would have been double or triple that in Toronto.

The last time I needed some tests done in our local hospital - xrays, blood etc - I was in and out in just over an hour. I can get an appointment with my doctor with two day's notice. I don't hear any complaints from my friends unless it comes minor or cosmetic surgery.


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario

Is it that bad?

It is that bad in my neck of the woods.

When we were in Manitoba the health care was excellent. In Ontario it has gotten worse steadily. There are so many things wrong with it that it's nothing but a sad joke.


Obviously there has to be more to the stories than we are being presented with. As she said, anyone would realize that a diabetic with discoloured lower extremities is having a circulation issue.


There is much more to the stories but I didn't think it was appropriate to bore everybody with the details.
What starts the negligence process is the doctors not taking the time to listen and take symptoms seriously. There are good doctors too but they are so overworked they don't take new patients. The others like the ones that cause these tragedies are only interested in getting as many patients in and out of their office as quickly as possible to be able to make more money.
What they do is prescribe pills, send you home. And that's it!
I think a lot has to do with the quality of doctors that are practising. Some of the horror stories around here make me wonder how these doctors go a license to practice in the first place. The young nurses coming on board are poorly trained too. Many of them can't even get an IV needle in properly.
Patient care is supposed to be about the health, comfort and well-being of the patient. Now it is all about the care givers, what is easiest for them.
It seems like all of our public services are going like that.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I think the root is that doctors are forced to rush due to the government cutting down what they are paying them, For a standard visit to a GP, they pay something like $30. That has to cover the doctor's salary, the support staff's salary, the rent of the facilities and the cost of the equipment. So spending an hour on a single patient is bad for business.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Canada's health care system is only mediocre by international standards. We don't have pharmacare; dental care; and eyecare; programs that are standard in many other countries. The only reason we think it is any good is because we keep on comparing it to the pathetic system that exists in the USA.


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
Canada's health care system is only mediocre by international standards. We don't have pharmacare; dental care; and eyecare; programs that are standard in many other countries. The only reason we think it is any good is because we keep on comparing it to the pathetic system that exists in the USA.

There are some tests that are not covered, lots of medications not covered and services such as getting a letter or signature from a doctor to validate one's health is very costly, up to $50. for some forms. When the patient is paying the doctor gets to set the cost of the service.
Those who think our health care is great are those who have never known any other way so they just accept it as normal. Some of us oldsters remember when it worked a lot better.

Another problem is the increase in population through immigration. When the population was smaller the system could handle the demands but we were not prepared ahead of time for the extra burden on the systems.
The larger the population the greater the need for increased services. That should have been addressed before allowing in so many immigrants that they can't be adequately taken care of.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Canada's health care system is only mediocre by international standards. We don't have pharmacare; dental care; and eyecare; programs that are standard in many other countries. The only reason we think it is any good is because we keep on comparing it to the pathetic system that exists in the USA.
We have pretty good doctors, nurse practitioners and specialists. I have a lot of issues and they take pretty good care of me. If not for Dr. Maria P . diagnosing my DVT I may not be alive today and she is with a spine specialist. So don't run your mouth on garbage you read somewhere. Poor performance by American health care workers is the exception and not the rule.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Since I began having some problems I've been fortuuate so far. If you have a good primary care Doctor who knows how to delegate all the labs and specialists you'll usually get a good treatment program for what ails you.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
I find its great if you do all the work yourself and pay for it too

Hoof Hearted

House Member
Jul 23, 2016
Take your lumps and shutupaboutit! A 6 hour wait at emergency for FREE healthcare ain't so bad. Bring a book.

I see the feet stomping and eyes rolling if you have to wait 2 minutes in line for your Timmy's coffee. Everyone is going nowhere fast these days.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
We have pretty good doctors, nurse practitioners and specialists. I have a lot of issues and they take pretty good care of me. If not for Dr. Maria P . diagnosing my DVT I may not be alive today and she is with a spine specialist. So don't run your mouth on garbage you read somewhere. Poor performance by American health care workers is the exception and not the rule.

I think he was referring to how it is financed not the quality of the practitioners. Being a communist he thinks everything one could possibly desire must be free. ANd available immediately.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Take your lumps and shutupaboutit! A 6 hour wait at emergency for FREE healthcare ain't so bad. Bring a book.

I see the feet stomping and eyes rolling if you have to wait 2 minutes in line for your Timmy's coffee. Everyone is going nowhere fast these days.

If people with stuffy noses and booboos wouldn't clog up Emerg there would not be near the wait. If you got inner pieces showing on the outside or are leaking lots service is quick.