David Suzuki, Extremists And The RCMP


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
via sda:

Burnaby Mountain Unmasked, Part II
The Canadian government has been sharing information about people who are arrested with the US Department of Homeland Security. If Suzuki (or Barlow, or Klein) were denied entry to the US, they'd potentially lose access to the US gravy train that's been funding them. So, while Suzuki is willing to encourage other people to take this risk, he's unwilling to do it himself...
A long, and detailed post. Grab a coffee.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The readers Digest version of a rather lengthy article: Many of the true believers leadership is not prepared to put their money where their mouths are when it might crimp their extravagant lifestyle. Lead from the rear.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
via sda:

Burnaby Mountain Unmasked, Part II
The Canadian government has been sharing information about people who are arrested with the US Department of Homeland Security. If Suzuki (or Barlow, or Klein) were denied entry to the US, they'd potentially lose access to the US gravy train that's been funding them. So, while Suzuki is willing to encourage other people to take this risk, he's unwilling to do it himself...
A long, and detailed post. Grab a coffee.

you went a long way for nuthin... Dr. Suzuki has long since formally separated himself from the charitable organization (that now only carries his name).


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Greg pretending to be a Suzuki fan until a recent Ezra epiphany lol. Ya right. The guy's blog is 100% right wing extremism.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Is there really that many people left that care about David Suzukis opinion on anything. I doubt 5% of people I know would give him the time of day. Mind you, this is oil country.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Is there really that many people left that care about David Suzukis opinion on anything. I doubt 5% of people I know would give him the time of day. Mind you, this is oil country.

he sure does draw the ire of this boards complement of fake-skeptics and deniers... they're forever bringing the poor guy forward... apparently, to distract/deflect from the bigger picture and actual science!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
he sure does draw the ire of this boards complement of fake-skeptics and deniers... they're forever bringing the poor guy forward... apparently, to distract/deflect from the bigger picture and actual science!

Ahh....the poor guy!! The unfortunate GW alarmist that thinks politicians that refuse to swallow his bunk should be jailed, and he is serious.

Really, wake up and smell the coffee!


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
he sure does draw the ire of this boards complement of fake-skeptics and deniers... they're forever bringing the poor guy forward... apparently, to distract/deflect from the bigger picture and actual science!

"The poor guy"? You have to be kidding, or stupid.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
It's not just David Suzuki. There were a lot of people protesting the pipeline. I don't see the state cracking down on legal protestors is a good thing. If the government can screw you up because they don't like what you say that affects the freedom of us all. People should be free to speak their mind without the RCMP threatening them. It's sad that I have to explain this to people.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
It's not just David Suzuki. There were a lot of people protesting the pipeline. I don't see the state cracking down on legal protestors is a good thing. If the government can screw you up because they don't like what you say that affects the freedom of us all. People should be free to speak their mind without the RCMP threatening them. It's sad that I have to explain this to people.

Couldn't agree more. I'm a staunch supporter of the pipeline but I have no problem with people expressing opposing opinions.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
[FONT=&quot]"The CBC’s employment guidelines demand that their staff and associates treat people with respect, dignity and fairness."[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I found this tidbit to be particularly interesting in light of recent events at the CBC that give lie to that statement.

[FONT=&quot]I lost all the respect I once had for Suziki a very long time ago.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Ahh....the poor guy!! The unfortunate GW alarmist that thinks politicians that refuse to swallow his bunk should be jailed, and he is serious.

Really, wake up and smell the coffee!

you keep beating on that same point... through an assortment of your porkies, I keep nailing you on your self-serving interpretation and lack of proper/full context. Here's your missing context:

Colpy beatin' up on a poor old guy!

if nothing else, I trust this video will draw forth the cascading ire of those that choose to put uber-emphasis on Suzuki... while ignoring actual science!


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Ignoring science? Aren't you the guy who declared " you expect me to read a 90 page report?"

Hey now!

I don't recall the specifics... if you're inclined point to the exchange. I expect it's simply one of your continuing acts where you blindly lay down a link without comment... or you simply pull a quotation out without adding your own comment/interpretation... presuming your grab-bag of links is even relevant to the discussion at hand (ala your "Gish Gallop" routine). If you're drawing reference to a "90 page report", then ya... if you want to make a point related to a reference you're drawing upon... do so, but don't expect people to simply read a voluminous article report while trying to figure out just what point you're presumably trying to make... all because you blindly choose to link to it! Nothing says it plainer than my recent attempt to get you to offer a high-level summary comment on why you suddenly wanted to talk about another of your grab-bag collection points... i.e., what point were you trying to draw upon, bring out, have discussed? You categorically refused to do so, even after I prodded you several times.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
continuing acts where you blindly lay down a link without comment

As I've stated previously "I'm not here to teach you.", "I can't make you learn."

What do you think that means?

I have nothing to gain by doing so. Do you?


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
As I've stated previously "I'm not here to teach you.", "I can't make you learn."

What do you think that means?

I have nothing to gain by doing so. Do you?

as I've stated previously, I ain't lookin' fer any learnin' from the likes of you! What I am looking for from you is a straight-up change where you actually clearly make a statement, succinctly make a claim and then proceed to directly and explicitly substantiate that claim. You know... the exact opposite of what you do!


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Flooding causes evacuations near Port Alberni, Courtenay - British Columbia - CBC News

UBC climatologist Simon Donner said this week's storms are just a taste of what the Lower Mainland will be face in the future as the climate changes.

While king tides are a natural phenomenon, Donner said sea levels are rising by 3 mm annually due to global warming and human activity. If sea levels keep rising at this rate, the king tide-storm surge combination could have devastating effects in coastal regions of the Pacific

"Things we love here in Vancouver ... Stanley Park, Kits beach, the seawall, they'll no longer be functional. They'll be gone," he said.

"We live in a coastal city and we're going to have to get used to this and to not plan our infrastructure and future around it would be crazy"

The city of Vancouver has adopted a climate adaptation strategy and starting in January, it will change the way buildings are constructed along the city's shore.


We had 8 inches of rain in 36 hours. Pretty crazy.