House STRONGLY DIVIDED on ISIS Mission vote


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
This does not lend confidence in this mission.

To ISIS mission: MPs approve Canada's air combat role

157 vote in favour of motion in House of Commons, 134 against

A divided House of Commons voted Tuesday in favour of sending Canadian aircraft and personnel to join coalition airstrikes in Iraq against Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) targets.

"We do not take this step lightly. The threat posed by [ISIS] is real," said Prime Minister Stephen Harper in a statement released shortly after the motion passed 157-134.

"If left unchecked, this terrorist organization will grow and grow quickly. They have already voiced their local and international terrorist intentions and identified Canada as a potential target."

Six CF-18 fighter-bombers, two CP-140 surveillance planes, one aerial tanker aircraft and 600 personnel have been tapped to join coalition airstrikes in Iraq for up to six months, pursuant to the motion before the Commons.

Harper stressed Canadian troops would not be involved in ground combat against ISIS, also known as ISIL.

"I think this is absolutely the right thing to do, and the right time to do it," Justice Minister Peter MacKay told reporters on his way out of the vote in Ottawa, saying the government has "great confidence" in the ability of men and women in uniform.

In a written statement released after the vote, Opposition Leader Tom Mulcair accused the government of "plunging Canada into a prolonged war without a credible plan to help victims of ISIL terror," and "opening the door" to getting Canada involved in the "bloody" Syrian civil war.
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Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Re: ISIS Mission passes with strongly divided vote in the house

There are more NDP in the house than Liberals.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Re: ISIS Mission passes with strongly divided vote in the house

Fukking Canadians have become yellow belly cowards, at least the Liberal side of the house.


It becomes very tiring propping up Countries who stab you in the back afterward. Having a son who already served in Afghanistan, I have to say I'm not thrilled at the prospect of him putting his life on the line for a people who don't appreciate the sacrifice made on their behalf. Cowardice has sweet bugger all to do with it. There are graveyards full of young men and women sent off into these cesspools of ignorance and I for one find any politician or commentator who is not willing to pick up a weapon or send their own loved one into harms way an armchair soldier.

If we are to send them, we damn well have a responsibility to debate, discuss and plan. And those who oppose are not cowards simply because they do not want to endorse sending Canadian's to die needlessly.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Re: ISIS Mission passes with strongly divided vote in the house

Fukking Canadians have become yellow belly cowards, at least the Liberal side of the house.

Grab a rifle and enlist Boomette.

AND !! Harper, you have a fuking majority. Get the planes and bombs over there and start killing. Hell, we might even vote for ya.

While you're at it, start looking after the vets who got injured in Afghanistan.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Before we decide to go on these missions we should have a pretty decent idea of what the consequences would be isn't it?


Electoral Member
Jul 5, 2011
Here's another thought; why not just demand the feck'n Turks who have tanks amassed on the slopes overlooking the damn city of Kobani and who have also assumed a watch and non-interference attitude take an active part since they're also a NATO member and signatory.

Oh wait, it's just western nations who are supposed to bail mucklims out of being slaughtered by other mucklims. Convenient that: "well that didn't go the way we wanted it to, but at least we can blame the great satans once again."

Let those stupid people get a taste of having their brethren lop off their heads, rape their wives and children and steal every damn thing they own while reducing them to an authoritarian theocracy worse than the worst endured by the Iranian people and perhaps they'll get invested with the will to resist with more than wailing for help.

The Turks are gambling on ISIS stopping at their border simply because they are getting co-operation from the Turks due to their traditional hatred for the Kurds.

I'd send a direct message to ISIS with a cc: to Turkey, that "should ISIS decide to wait a bit and consolidate their forces to make a run into Turkey, the west will perform a "Turducken" and simply watch from the sidelines". Make it a very public message to get those stupid Turks to realize there's responsibility that comes with membership in a civilized society.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Re: ISIS Mission passes with strongly divided vote in the house

Fukking Canadians have become yellow belly cowards, at least the Liberal side of the house.

What the hell do you care boomer? You are an American. Of the 308 seats in the house of commons, 269 are Conservatives and New Democrats. The rest are Liberals. Even you should be able to see that the Liberals are not at fault here. Btw, disagreeing doesn't make one a "Yellow bellied coward".


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
It was debated and passed. Just because the Lieberals and the NDP don't buy into it does not mean its strongly divided. It's one of those privilige things that comes with a majority.

And I don't recall too many complaints by the leftards when Cratien pushed through whatever bill he chose. No strong divides then.

And I would call the Lieberals and NDPers opportunists not cowards. I doubt concern for anybody other than their election fortunes even crossed their minds.

I personally am OK with air strikes but I would be ok with doing nothing and let the whole area go to h-ell in a handbasket.