There’s no shame in politics, and that’s the problem


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
The greatest threat confronting Canadian politics is not the concentration of power in the Prime Minister’s Office. Nor the suffocating clutch of party discipline around backbench MPs. These are consequences of a deeper rot. A crisis of character. A crisis that should be properly identified as the deliberate and gradual extinction of shame from our politics.

Shame, more than any other attribute, is vital to the proper functioning of the democratic process. Shame, to paraphrase Gordon Gekko, is right. It works. Shame is disciplining and correcting. It charts the boundaries of permissible discourse. It defines the limits of fit public conduct. Shame is the guarantor of honest, if not always polite, debate. And while to some shame may seem a quaint, even anachronistic notion, it remains of critical practical importance to contemporary politics. Because the absence of shame steadily corrodes confidence in our democratic leaders and institutions. In extreme circumstances it even leads to outright paralysis.

There is, of course, no more spectacular illustration of this than the circus that surrounds Toronto Mayor Rob Ford. What distinguishes his example is not merely the tabloid nature of his transgressions — smoking crack, driving drunk and cavorting with criminals. It is the abject unwillingness to accept even a measure of responsibility for his actions.

This is the true crisis in our political system and this is where change is most urgently required. We need to restore shame to its central and valued place in our politics. Because shame works. And without it, not much else can.


There’s no shame in politics, and that’s the problem


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
We have a much bigger problem. Government has a serious ethics problem
however there are many politicians that are ethical and this is from all parties.
We have a beaurocracy that is often heavy handed with questionable ethics
We have manyy within that industry with a clear sense of ethics and the do,
do the right thing.
The Corporate world and the union movements have ethics problems as well
although there are many who are ethical.
Same for Provincial and Municipal governments and institutions.
The worst problem we have? Ordinary citizens who tolerate the lack of ethics
or make excuses for their actions based on the personal opinion and not on the
facts in front of them. Rob Ford is protected by people who say oh he did this
to reduce taxes. Its not about tax reduction or ethics its about the money.
There was a time when we would not tolerate a drug addict and drunk being the
symbol of our community. Look who's defending him in high places. The
current Finance Minister because they are family friends. Family friends trump
ethics and honesty eh? The other most notable? Conrad Black. Now there's
an upright stellar guy to have on your side.
Its time we demanded more from these people until we do that don't blame them
alone they are operating in our moral vacuum