In Government We Trust


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Why are Canadians disengaged from public affairs? A former Clerk of the Privy Council hazards a guess: A lack of social trust:
High social trust implies solidarity, the sense that the members of a society share a common fate and mutual responsibility and this is reflected in greater commitment to helping others. Individuals take responsibility not only for themselves and those in their social milieu, but also for the stranger, and for the direction of their society.
Contrary to the Margaret Thatcher view of the world, we are or at least can be more than isolated, atomized individuals fiercely pursuing our self-interest. We live in relationships with others, we live in society, and the strength of those relationships and our fellow feeling matters profoundly. High trust societies work; they have less crime and corruption, more effective governments, and stronger economies.


In Government We Trust - The Gods of the Copybook Headings