Predictably, Left Wing MSM Spins November Job Data


Time Out
Mar 30, 2012
- It has been interesting to observe how the left-lib leaning MSM in the US and Canada have covered the performances of beloved liberal president Obama and scorned conservative prime minister Harper during the past four years while they were in office at the same time.

- The general approach of the MSM in both countries has been to highlight good US economic news and fail to report or at least bury on the back pages bad US economic news and to ignore good Canadian economic news while giving at least some coverage to bad Canadian economic news.

- Rarely in the MSM has there been any sober and objective comparative analysis of the performances of the two economies historically and at the present time because to do so would make The Messiah look really, really inept and Harper look comparatively heroic.

- The November jobs data is a good case in point.

- The US and even the Canadian MSM have trumpeted the news that there were 146,000 net new jobs created in the US in November and that this resulted in a reduction in the unemployment rate to 7.7%.

- Hardly anywhere was it noted that the net new jobs created in the preceeding two (election campaign) months now have to be downgraded by 49,000 jobs, that the chances are considerable that the November jobs figures will also be downgraded as has been the trend almost every month this year in the US and, that the majority (upwards of 70%) of these new net jobs were in the net tax consuming rather than net tax creating public sector.

- Meanwhile, Canada with a labour force of about 10% of the US labour force had a net new job creation in November of 59,000 jobs, primarily in the actual producing and net taxpaying private sector of the economy. This would be equivalent to there being 590,000 net new jobs created in the US or more than four times the rate that the liberal MSM is getting all giddy about. The Canadian unemployment rate also fell .2% to 7.2% and the Canadian dollar rose slightly to above par with the US dollar (100.91%).

- Naturally, this comparatively astounding news was buried by the MSM.

- And don't expect to see any comparative historical analysis of the two economies.

- For example, don't expect to read about how Canada's unemployment during the Trudeau years was 2-4% higher than US unemployment or about how the Canadian dollar in the Chretien years was worth at one point just 62% of the US dollar or about how Obama has pissed away over 6 trillion dollars to achieve the weakest recovery of the nine post WWII recoveries while Canada was the first country out of 2008 recession and spent, proportionately, less than a quarter of the obscene Obama debt in getting out of the recession and now enjoys the lowest debt to GDP ratio of the G8.

- Don't expect to see any of that, just more Obama worship and Harper hatred.

- I liked it better when the MSM functioned as objective reporters and analysts instead of partisan cheerleaders.

- It was better for democracy, too.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Ummmmmm.............Do you have any proof (ideally a link to the facts not just someone else's opinion) to the following claim you have made.............And there is no election around the corner for either country so why would the left leaning msm do this to us?

- Hardly anywhere was it noted that the net new jobs created in the preceeding two (election campaign) months now have to be downgraded by 49,000 jobs, that the chances are considerable that the November jobs figures will also be downgraded as has been the trend almost every month this year in the US and, that the majority (upwards of 70%) of these new net jobs were in the net tax consuming rather than net tax creating public sector.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
No, predictably it is the right wing members of the media who have attempted to diminish the economic recovery which now appears to be underway in the US, not the other way around. And you might note there has been no criticism of the job gains in Canada or any attempt to discredit Harper that I know of.

BTW the reason Canada has the lowest debt to GNP ration has little to do with the Harper government. It was even lower under the Liberals and in fact the ratio has risen during Harper's time in office due to a succession of deficit budgets.


Time Out
Mar 30, 2012
- tay ... I realize that the following data and analysis concerning the November jobs report is probably too complex for you to understand and certainly doesn't do enough to kiss your hero Obama's hindquarters for you to accept even if you did understand it but here it is anyway.

- As to why the left wing MSM would still be carrying water for and throwing roses in the path of The Messiah even though there is no election at the moment, it is the same impulse and bias that you display in continuing to post left wing pro-Obama drivel whether or not an election is in the offing.

November Jobs Report: Another nasty, ‘new normal’ month for US workers | AEIdeas

No, predictably it is the right wing members of the media who have attempted to diminish the economic recovery which now appears to be underway in the US, not the other way around. And you might note there has been no criticism of the job gains in Canada or any attempt to discredit Harper that I know of.

BTW the reason Canada has the lowest debt to GNP ration has little to do with the Harper government. It was even lower under the Liberals and in fact the ratio has risen during Harper's time in office due to a succession of deficit budgets.

- Bar Sinister ... If you take the time to actually read and analyze the November jobs data and the general economic news in the US as it hurtles towards the fiscal cliff and a double dip recession, you will actually understand how ridiculous your comment about a US economic recovery really is.

- No, there has been no "criticism" of the astounding job gans in Canada nor any attempt to discredit Harper for them (except by the lefty loons here and on other left wing dominated blogs and boards).. Only a complete idiot and/or blindly partisan shill would criticize Harper for such remarkable employment gains. As I said in my opening post of this thread, the tendency is to downplay good Canadian economic and fiscal news under Harper either by not running with it or by burying it on the back pages.

- Canada's lowest debt to GDP ratio (GDP not GNP is usually used in these calculations) after the Trudeau nightmare which created the highest debt to GDP ratio is the result of Mulroney's free trade deals and GST and Martin's spending cuts as finance minister AND certainly as well Harper's focus, discipline and courage in refusing to follow the Obama example after the 2008 melt down by throwing huge untargetted so called stimulus packages cavalierly and carelessly around as the opposition parties were urging him to do. Instead, Harper's stimulus spending was far more modest than Obama's and was effectively targetted on things like private sector job creation rather than public sector and other union payoffs and was given finite completion dates. So at a time when EVERY COUNTRY greatly increased its spending and debt to help deal with the 2008 melt down, Harper had the economic training and the wisdom and the political courage to increase Canada's spending and debt the least AND to get the best bang for said increases.
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A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
- Bar Sinister ... If you take the time to actually read and analyze the November jobs data and the general economic news in the US as it hurtles towards the fiscal cliff and a double dip recession, you will actually understand how ridiculous your comment about a US economic recovery really is.

If it is so easy, than why do you shirk from your responsibility to the burden of proof? He asked you for your evidence, which you surely must have possessed before making this post and you show up empty handed? You posted the claim, you back it up.


Time Out
Mar 30, 2012
If it is so easy, than why do you shirk from your responsibility to the burden of proof? He asked you for your evidence, which you surely must have possessed before making this post and you show up empty handed? You posted the claim, you back it up.

- N ... Maybe its the time zone difference but you are confused.

- Bar Sinister did NOT ask me for evidence, it was tay who made that request. And ordinarily, I really don't give a crap whether the most docterinaire lefties like tay are sceptical about my posts and demand some kind of proof while they, themselves, come up with the most ridiculous and bogus statements and conclusions. But this one time I actually did provide further hard data and analysis which you appear to have not read let alone understood.

- In any case, the fact that tay requires proof proves my point that the problematic aspects of Obama's so called jobs recovery are rarely reported in the MSM because tay obviously missed them.

- I should also add that it is a good thing this burden of proof responsibility you have now trotted out doesn't seem to apply to the lefty loons who post here or 90% of their posts would wind up in what we used to call the round file (i.e. the wastebasket).

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
- Bar Sinister ... If you take the time to actually read and analyze the November jobs data and the general economic news in the US as it hurtles towards the fiscal cliff and a double dip recession, you will actually understand how ridiculous your comment about a US economic recovery really is.

- No, there has been no "criticism" of the astounding job gans in Canada nor any attempt to discredit Harper for them (except by the lefty loons here and on other left wing dominated blogs and boards).. Only a complete idiot and/or blindly partisan shill would criticize Harper for such remarkable employment gains. As I said in my opening post of this thread, the tendency is to downplay good Canadian economic and fiscal news under Harper either by not running with it or by burying it on the back pages.

- Canada's lowest debt to GDP ratio (GDP not GNP is usually used in these calculations) after the Trudeau nightmare which created the highest debt to GDP ratio is the result of Mulroney's free trade deals and GST and Martin's spending cuts as finance minister AND certainly as well Harper's focus, discipline and courage in refusing to follow the Obama example after the 2008 melt down by throwing huge untargetted so called stimulus packages cavalierly and carelessly around as the opposition parties were urging him to do. Instead, Harper's stimulus spending was far more modest than Obama's and was effectively targetted on things like private sector job creation rather than public sector and other union payoffs and was given finite completion dates. So at a time when EVERY COUNTRY greatly increased its spending and debt to help deal with the 2008 melt down, Harper had the economic training and the wisdom and the political courage to increase Canada's spending and debt the least AND to get the best bang for said increases.

Think I'm wrong about a US recovery? We'll just have to wait and see about that. But history is on my side. Generally after the sort of economic disaster perpetrated on the US during the Bush administration it takes about five years for recovery to take place, and the signs are all there. Housing prices in the US are slowly recovering, Black Friday and Cyber Monday set sales records, and now we have two consecutive months of job gains. As for the so-called fiscal cliff, I doubt even the Republicans are stupid enough to drive over it. If Obama holds his ground he'll get the tax package he wants. After all, he doesn't have to worry about re-election. The Republican members of the House of Representatives and the Senate do - an in less than two years. As I said, we'll just have to wait and see.

BTW you really should learn to make a post without weakening your credibility through name-calling. Insulting entire segments of society you don't agree with hardly strengthens your arguments.


Time Out
Mar 30, 2012
1/Think I'm wrong about a US recovery? We'll just have to wait and see about that. But history is on my side.

2/ Generally after the sort of economic disaster perpetrated on the US during the Bush administration it takes about five years for recovery to take place, and the signs are all there. Housing prices in the US are slowly recovering, Black Friday and Cyber Monday set sales records, and now we have two consecutive months of job gains.

3/BTW you really should learn to make a post without weakening your credibility through name-calling. Insulting entire segments of society you don't agree with hardly strengthens your arguments.

- BS ... 1/ At least once every year for twelve years as I waited in the check out line at the supermarket I would spot one of the National Enquirer type magazines displayed beside the check out line with the heading "Bob Hope Is Near Death". And finally after twelve years when Hope hit 100 or so, the headline proved to be correct. So yes, eventually you will be right that there will be some measure of recovery in the US economy. But it will be in spite of Obama's policies not because of them and it will be the weakest and most erratic recovery in modern US history.

2/ In fact, generally by now there is already a very strong recovery in place. I suggest you read your history of the nine recoveries since WWII and you will find that although Obama has pissed away more trillions of dollars than was spent on all eight previous recoveries combined, this so called recovery is by far the weakest in every single important economic indicator. So Obama has sepnt the most to achierve the least. Here is yet another indicator of the kind of economic "recovery" BO has fashioned:

Foodstamps Soar By Most In 16 Months: Over 1 Million Americans Enter Poverty In Last Two Months | ZeroHedge

3/ You are correct on this one point and in my defense I can only argue that from the first day I came here I was the subject of the most unrelentingly obsessive and insulting and viscious and personal attacks on anyone here by a large number of members of the left wing lunatic fringe. It got so bad it reminded me of when in the 1980s I would attend Blue Jays-Yankees games at the old CNE stadium and the most moronic fans would loudly boo Reggie Jackson during entire games. They, of course, were untalented, mediocrity- worshipping losers and Jackson was a talented winner and future Hall of Famer. I met Reggie once in the main bar at the now defunct Westbury Hotel and asked him fi he minded the constant booing. Reggie - whom I found to be the most intelligent athlete I ever met second only to Ted Williams the real Teddy Ballgame - said that it used to bother him but over time he came to realize that it was actually a compliment to his talent and to the threat his hitting posed to the home team. "When they stop booing me," said Reggie, "I'll know its time to retire." Anyhow, I am not the type to take unwarranted and bootless and mindless and viscious attacks lying down so I have responded in kind. Lately, the attacks have somewhat subsided and I have somewhat tempered my temper and my response. This trend on both sides of the political divide will, I hope, continue. But if it doesn't, I shall retaliate by giving even more than I get.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
- Anyhow, I am not the type to take unwarranted and bootless and mindless and viscious attacks lying down so I have responded in kind. Lately, the attacks have somewhat subsided and I have somewhat tempered my temper and my response. This trend on both sides of the political divide will, I hope, continue. But if it doesn't, I shall retaliate by giving even more than I get.

There's an adult response. "They started it" lol


Time Out
Mar 30, 2012
There's an adult response. "They started it" lol

- Is it more of an adult response to be a snivelling little s#it who goes through manic periods of putting reddies beside my every post and then stealing away like you often do with me?

- Or is it more of an adult response to ride around Montreal on a motorbike wearing a German army helmut and encouraging French Canadians to run and hide instead of standing and fighting against Hitler and the Germans as they annihilate tens of millions of people while trying to build a global fascist dictatorship run by a madman as your hero Truduea did during WWII?

- As they like to say in Chicago, always bring a gun to a knife fight.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
That's the typical response from the rabid right. Kill what you dont agree with. Kill to get your way, and you think your better than the nazi's or the saddams. In reality, you're the mirror image.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit



Time Out
Mar 30, 2012

- Ironically, David Frum is one of our finest conservative writers and yet was the son of uberLiberal and CBC icon Barbara Frum so he is well aquainted with the left-lib mentality and incompetence at budgetting, governing and growing the economy.

- His summary of Peter Waterhole's disasterous record is all too accurate.

- The only possible quibble I could find is another irony and not of great consequence. Frum says that Trudeau disliked Nixon and Carter and hated Reagan. But he actually liked Nixon rather well because both of them had extremely high IQs and were generally aloof and distant from others and because Nixon was more invovled in issues related to Canada than were the other two presidents during PET's regimes (Reagan began to take a strong and helpful interest in Canada once Brian Mulroney took office and turned on the Mulroney charm so we got co-operation from RR on things like an acid rain treaty and free trade that we never would have gotten if Waterhole were still PM). Trudeau, although notoriously cheap with his own money as opposed to taxpayers' money, was one of the first people to make a donation to the fund to build a Nixon presidential library and when Nixon passed on in 1994 PET publicly stated that Nixon had been a good president insofar as Canada and he were concerned.