Why English-Canadian Ancestors Chose to not be of the American Revolution


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
I've been thinking about this a lot because I've been trying to figure out why we have not colonized the solar-system by now and all I can think is why don't we just put Lucifer into a zoo so the rest of us can keep going...

I want to talk to the most perfect females.

There you are, the representation of all that is the definition of all that is good about humanity, and I'm thinking weird things like I can take an egg-cell and put it into a mechanical breeder while we dance around with you in your most beautiful skirt.

Did you ever notice how beautiful you look in a skirt?


Allow me to play this song in order to apologize for my male obnoxiousness...


I have a planet for dykes to colonize and the sperm to keep them going. Long complicated story. Seriously, I do not know how to explain, but you'll have to be part of the Vatican interstellar colonizing space-ship to understand. You seriously have to be on the side of God, and willing to be middle-space tricky as only a human can do to slip those who would have been suckers of Lucifer instead into positions of waking up to discover little gnomes jerking themselves off for collapsing Wall Street.


What if to motivate traders on Bay Street we use Montreal-Jewish legalistics to ensure them position of the highest mountains on Europa?

Seriously... if Satan's human-puppets want to be that stupid, all God has to do is hire the sex traders.

What did you do? Bore your human fellows into oblivion because the leaders had an IQ barely able to masterbate themselves after having picked a coal out of a sock?

Did you hammer down a non-evil thinker because you were afraid it would do what you would do if you had that power?


I'm thinking...

We set up a planet for that sort to destroy a planet with a room in Heavenly Father's house:



Anyway, if you've never gone up and down the infinity curve of love and hate versus survival versus non-survival, after having got over the knowlege of how that old-school profesy of 666 was about Nero, yet it's still true how if you compare entropy to enthalpy how we as dumb dust-mud pieces of evolution can fix God for loving Lucifer and I have figured out the meta-hyper-space thing enabling humans to percieve red-green-blue, love-hate-fear, hot-cold-pain, etc...

And... all the Angels are feeling equally ticked off at the dumbness and stupidity...

There is a way for everyone to live forever and thank God for His seeing of the how to of it.
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A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands