NDP MP Pat Martin offers thorough, absolute apology to RackNine


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Classy guy to go into so much detail. Shows quite the contrast to some other politicians who are always in the hot seat.

NDP MP Pat Martin offers thorough, absolute apology to robocall company RackNine over fraud allegations

OTTAWA — Outspoken New Democrat MP Pat Martin gave on Monday an unequivocal apology to RackNine Inc. and its CEO Matt Meier, thereby avoiding a $5-million defamation lawsuit.

“I wrongfully accused them of being part of conspiracy to commit electoral fraud,” Martin told reporters. “I now know that the statements I made insinuating Mr. Meier and RackNine’s participation in an electoral fraud conspiracy were wholly and unequivocally false.”

Martin made the statements on Feb 23, amidst a political firestorm raging over fraudulent automated robocalls made during the 2011 general election.

A political operative using the pseudonym “Pierre Poutine” placed robocalls through RackNine’s automated calling service, drawing national attention to the firm, which was never itself under investigated.

Martin said Monday that RackNine is not to blame for the robocall scandal.

“RackNine provides a legitimate automated call service, similar to services used by many political parties,” he said. “RackNine was merely an innocent intermediary, not a participant in, electoral fraud.”

“I apologize for any damage my statements may have caused to Mr. Meier personally or to RackNine Inc.,” he added.

Martin said that neither RackNine nor any of its employees have ever been investigated for involvement in electoral fraud in the 2011 general election or otherwise.

In early March, RackNine served Martin with legal papers, giving notice they would proceed with a $5 million defamation lawsuit unless a fulsome apology was offered in the national media.

The statement of claim said Martin, during a Feb. 23 news conference, mentioned RackNine or Meier on seven different occasions and singled out their conduct in a negative light, referring to them on several occasions as “RackNine rascals.”

After receiving notice from RackNine, Martin told Postmedia News he might have to mortgage his home to finance a court battle, since those costs would not be borne by Parliament.

Below, Martin’s apology in full:
Apology on Behalf of Patrick Martin and the NDP to Mr. Matt Meier and RackNine Inc.

“On February 23, 2012, I appeared before the national media to speak in response to the important issue of “Robocalls” in the 2011 general election. At that time I expressed my personal outrage along with the outrage of the caucus of the official opposition upon learning about the serious allegations of electoral fraud.

In making my statement on February 23, 2012, I singled out a private individual, Mr. Matt Meier along with his business RackNine Inc. and I wrongfully accused them of being part of a conspiracy to commit electoral fraud. In the days following, I repeated this accusation a number of times to the media and on national television. My party, the NDP, also raised concerns about the possibility of RackNine having committed electoral fraud through postings on its website. The NDP indicated on the party website that if news reports that seemed to draw a link between the calls and RackNine were true, these activities were prohibited by the Canada Elections Act and merited investigation.

I now know that the statements I made insinuating Mr. Meier’s and RackNine’s participation in an electoral fraud conspiracy were wholly and unequivocally false. In my rush to express my personal outrage and the outrage of the NDP caucus, I jumped to conclusions I now know are unsupported by fact. I would like to take this opportunity to correct several of my errors in order to clear Mr. Meier’s personal reputation along with the business reputation of RackNine.

To my knowledge, neither Mr. Meier, nor RackNine, including any employees of RackNine, has ever been investigated for involvement in electoral fraud in the 2011 general election or otherwise.

RackNine provides a legitimate automated call service similar to services used by many political parties.

RackNine was merely an innocent intermediary not a participant in electoral fraud.

I apologize for any damage my statements may have caused to Mr. Meier personally or to RackNine, and I have been specifically authorized by the NDP to apologize on behalf of the NDP for any similar damage the publications on the NDP website may have caused.”
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Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
Please don't sue me! I am just a poor socialist not a "rich" conservative. The apology should have included his shoot from the hip attitude that he and his supposedly reasoned colleagues decry.
btw, when are the " NDP babes in the Quebec woods" going to impress Parliament? I don't much care for first year apprentices in mixology working on my car either.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Please don't sue me! I am just a poor socialist not a "rich" conservative. The apology should have included his shoot from the hip attitude that he and his supposedly reasoned colleagues decry.
btw, when are the " NDP babes in the Quebec woods" going to impress Parliament? I don't much care for first year apprentices in mixology working on my car either.

A bit premature, no?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Please don't sue me! I am just a poor socialist not a "rich" conservative. The apology should have included his shoot from the hip attitude that he and his supposedly reasoned colleagues decry.
btw, when are the " NDP babes in the Quebec woods" going to impress Parliament? I don't much care for first year apprentices in mixology working on my car either.

Pat Martin - Mad Mouth Walking - does have a tendency to go over the top on a number of things.

Those babes I have heard just finished a semester of College training. Underwater Basket Weaving.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
It was likely a Party decision. The name of that game is to render a sorry until you have
some serious proof and then it comes back again. Or if there is no political mileage it dies
a natural death, its politics no big deal. It is something that won't be remembered in the
final analysis


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
When it comes to business and politics that usually does not happen remember
politics makes for strange bedfellows down the road


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007



Council Member
Mar 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
I'm with those who think that contrary to being classy, this is an attempt to ward off a law suit. I agree with Damngrumpy that its partially politics as usual, but politics should not spill over and affect outside individuals or businesses without proof of wrong doing. Martin is not the only politician to do this, nor is the NDP the only party, but the truth is an apology, especially months after the fact, does little to repair the damage to a reputation and business when compared to the damage a bit of premature headline hunting can do.

Personally, I wouldn't drop the suit without a hefty settlement as well, but then I'm also a vindictive SOB...


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I'm with those who think that contrary to being classy, this is an attempt to ward off a law suit. I agree with Damngrumpy that its partially politics as usual, but politics should not spill over and affect outside individuals or businesses without proof of wrong doing. Martin is not the only politician to do this, nor is the NDP the only party, but the truth is an apology, especially months after the fact, does little to repair the damage to a reputation and business when compared to the damage a bit of premature headline hunting can do.

Personally, I wouldn't drop the suit without a hefty settlement as well, but then I'm also a vindictive SOB...

Oh yeah, I would be as they say - Gittin even and them some.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I'd like to see him have to mortgage his home and fund his own defence. Before loosing, and hopefully large.

Like Racknine, I've been the victim of Libel. Cost me thousands. I hold a special place in my heart for people who mess with a persons livelihood, that they built themselves, for purely partisan reasons.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I'd like to see him have to mortgage his home and fund his own defence. Before loosing, and hopefully large.

Like Racknine, I've been the victim of Libel. Cost me thousands. I hold a special place in my heart for people who mess with a persons livelihood, that they built themselves, for purely partisan reasons.

Just reported on CBC Nat News that they are proceeding with their suit.