The Symbols of the Haudenosaunee


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
There are several artistic and cultural symbols that transcend the generations, and are used by each succeeding generation of Haudenosaunee artists. These symbols come for the oral history of the people. Events and knowledge of the past has been shaped into visual symbols in order to covey the essence of those events and knowledge. Designs can have deep meaning and we can see several important symbols that reoccur in the art of the Haudenosaunee over the generations. These include the following:

Arrows bundled together = This symbolizes brotherhood and unity for the original Five Nations. The Peace maker took one arrow and showed how easily it broke. He then took five arrows, wrapped a cord around them, and showed that it was impossible to break them. United in thought, belief and action, the Haudenosaunee would be strong.

Circle = Symbol of unity, strength and cycles of life. The Peace Maker gathered the original chiefs in a circle around the Tree of Peace. he told them to hold hands to make their circle strong. He showed them that if they kept their circle united, they would always be able to keep the Tree of Peace standing. If they let go of their grip to each other and broke the circle the Tree could fall to the ground.

Eagle = The protector of Peace that sits atop the Tree of Peace to sound alarm if danger approaches the Confederacy. The eagle is the messenger to the Creator and is considered sacred. This is why the Haudenosaunee where eagle feathers in their headdress, to symbolically connect to the spirit of the eagle.

Four Directions = The cardinal points are represented by four white roots of Peace that grow from the Tree of Peace that was planted at Onondaga. The four winds come from the four directions. There are four beings who help the Creator. The number four has special meaning as a result.

Sky World = A huge overhead dome from where life came is symbolized by an arch. This semi-circle is seen in quill and beaded designs on Haudenosaunee clothing.

Turtle Island = The symbol for North America, also referred to as Mother Earth, is a turtle. The thirteen plates on the turtle's back represent the thirteen moons of the year, showing a connection between the Mother Earth and the Grandmother Moon.

Underworld = The dark, and dangerous is represented by horned serpents, snakes and the underwater panther (the Senecas call "long tail) with horns and a long, serpent-like tail. They are the monster serpents that live deep within the lakes, rivers and earth and can cause great harm to people who travel the waterways.

Tree of Peace = Tall white pine that was planted to represent the Great Law of Peace that unified the Five Nations under one law to form the Confederacy that is the oldest constitutional government in the world that is still in operation.

Celestial Tree = This is reference to the tree of lights that stands in the Sky World. It is often shown as a tall tree with round "lights" at the end of the branches.