CC Beta Changes & Updates

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Mar 24, 2002
Initial release changes

- New blue layout & logo. In the future will be personalisable.
- Page size feature added. javascript
- Search box selection. javascript
- Recent threads now tabbed into 5 categories. Only one category active right now.
- Photo albums have been added.
- Added user status function. Resets 7 days after set.
- Who's online avatar list includes popup box on mouseover. javascript, ajax
- User profile pages are now organised into different tabs.
- User profile pages default to uploaded user profile picture as opposed to avatar. If no problem picture is uploaded, avatar will be displayed in top left corner.
- User flags are currently gone from the page. Can't figure out where to put it.
- User profiles are editable inline. javascript, ajax
- Can now post on walls without ever leaving the profile page.
- Profile fields added or modified: Hometown, Age, Sex, Political Affiliation (added Free Thinker, No party affiliation, Republican, Democrat).
- Frontpage: Moved birtydays to top right navigation bar.
- Frontpage: Added tools box below what are you doing?
- Frontpage: "tag cloud": links to popular threads.
- Frontpage: Who's online avatars are now thumbnailed and cleans up the right hand side of the page. Sorry, animated avatars are not accepted and will be 'frozen'.
- Changed time and date format to relative "minutes ago, days ago" format.
- Zoomable images in posts, wall posts, profile picture. javascript

Subsequent Changes

- On profile pages beside user status, displays when the user actually set it relative to current time.
- Mutual friends block added. Displays upto 4 random users who are mutual friends.
- Mutual friends are now marked on friends list in the friends tab on profiles.
- Wall & Friends system migrated to new layout. Old layout has also been configured to run with the new system.

Stuff that's not done (and ugly)

- User Control Panel
- Memberlists
- Edit Profile/Details/Profile Picture/Avatar pages
- Subscription Pages
- New Post/Post Reply pages
- Polls - the top of threads which display a poll.
- Search Results
- Usernames! The dark blues and blacks just don't work with this new layout.
Last edited:


Mar 24, 2002
A new feature has been added: Themes! They are selectable now via the beta version at the top of the screen beside your inbox!

- They are not final, nor have I stopped making new ones. I need some ideas first!
- A couple of them are pretty rough looking, namely the "CN Tower" Toronto skyline theme and the beach theme.
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