Fishing Girls:The kidnapping of Graham McMynn was a put on??


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
- scroll down to the 4th story below the 2nd header...

Ok its hard to find but it is there:
"Vancouver Abduction Aroma Smells Like a Canadian Police-State"

The kidnapping of Graham McMynn was a put on?? When Ii watched Graham's staement after he was freed, it seemed odd somehow, like he wasn't traumatised at all. His Dad's pleadings were heartfelt enough, but were also kinda weird, maybe a put-on, don't you think so too?

This stunning story is, of course, not a mainstream idea. It may be the reality tho... I don't quite get what the plot would be, why they did it, unless it was just a display of some kind to scare people? It certainly put a fear into wealthy Canadians who have children to abduct for money, but I don't see what purpose that would serve - those ones are the power Elites favorites!

ok, so just post the whole story right here -

Vancouver Abduction Aroma
Smells Like a Canadian Police-State

April 12/2006.
Abuction solved (too amazingly efficiently) without a hitch, under the new rule of a police-state. At a press conference today, the powers-that-be meticulously reminded us of how exactly one week ago today they told us that exactly one week from then -- they were hoping to bring us good news, that they had solved the abuction case of a 23 year old Vancouver man, the son of the man who owned the bus that suspiciously exploded full of hurricane Rita senior citizen evacuees. What a success! The 'powers-that-be' must have been psychic. Or, maybe it was all that secrecy that enabled them to become so efficient! At least, that's what they'd have us believe!

Remember the media images from CNN depicting the burned-out bus in exactly the same way we have become used to seeing the remains of burned-out buses in Israel due to terror attacks? If we hadn't been told that the bus was full of senior citizens hurricane evacuees, we would have thought it was indeed a scene from an Israeli terror attack. This is the message they deliberately attacked our psyche's with (a technique referred to as subliminal image implantation, incrimentation, and conditioning).

I suppose getting the case all resolved without violence, and with the safe return of the abductee, was supposed to prove the benefit of not being shown the victim's face, and not being shown any of the suspects faces. I guess it was supposed to make it alright, that they are telling us that abductions are normally kept secret, away from the public. I guess it's supposed to be ok that people can be removed from the population under the guise of an abuction, disappear, and we'll never know that there's even been a disappearance. This folks, is how they intend to remove activists and people who oppose the police-state agenda, people who pose a pain-in-the-ass risk to the globalist corporations, who are now taking over Canada.

It was a very well staged media event, today. They escorted half a dozen or so 'apparently young people' from some obscure area with police jackets over their heads, with the sounds of helicopters whirring overhead, and media trucks all around. And big strong-arm-looking FBI and CIA agents disguised in Canadian police uniforms pretend to be holding tightly onto an arm as they 'escort' the supposed kidnappers to waiting police cruisers. You ask how this thing could be staged? You ask, where they got the guys to play the roll of the abductors? Simple. You arrest people from countries you've taken over, from places like Iraq, or other countries. These people are taken and threatened, made to carry out these acts without even knowing why. We never see their faces, so we can't ask questions. In many cases the supposed guilty parties are merely young-looking CIA agents.

The entire scene was made to look bigger than you, bigger than me, and powerful. It was designed to look so overwhelming that it isn't even worth arguing with such power. Did you feel helpless? That's how they wanted you to feel. They're using psychological and information-warfare, and it's being waged on you, your neighbor, your kids, your parents. Everyone is supposed to accept this police state secrecy.

You do recall the article we wrote way back, when the Vancouver Province Newspaper headlined the story about how the long arm of uncle sam had finally penetrated Canada, with the implimentation of American secret agencies, ones that don't abide by laws in their own country, let alone in Canada. Those agencies, the CIA, FBI, ATF, DEA, Texas Rangers, and homeland security, to name a few, are admittedly crawling all over Canada, so where are they? Why don't we see them in their uniforms, or better yet, why don't we see them AT ALL, in any kind of garb. Where are they? They are here alright, doing nothing but dirty work for the neocon one-world-agenda. They're here for one reason, and one reason create staged criminal activity that the governcorps can use to heighten fear, create excuses for more surveilance, ID chipping and GPS tracking of all human being actiivities, and open up the flood gates to immigration which benefits the low-wage-paying corporations which put you, someone who wants to earn a decent wage salary, out of a job.

The biggest benefit of opening up the immigration flood-gates is to have an excuse that there are suddenly too many asian gangs committing crimes, too many religious/extremist immigrants, therefore we must have more security. They want to make you beg for more protection, when all you really need is protection from them. They create the problem deliberately so they can offer you the solution that you never would have accepted under any normal circumstances..a total criminal dictatorship. And now, with this event in western Canada, they can say to us that crime is a serious problem here. They can say that violence is increasing, therefore your right to own ANY guns needs to be removed from your hands. The result of that? You will not be able to defend your home and property from THEM when they institute martial law and force you to take vaccines that will kill you, or RFID-chip you, or draft your children into their corrupt corporate wars.

People can disappear secretly in Canada now. This 'abduction' and 'supposed' safe-return, with such apparent efficiency (amazingly too efficient) is designed to show us that all that secrecy paid off and is for the greater-good. So next time when everything is secret, you'll accept it as normal. Folks, it isn't normal, and the implications are terrifyingly profound.

Today the powers-that-be also reiterated that normally this case would not have been made public, and that abductions are not normally reported in the media. They even said that hte news of this one would not normally have gotten out, and that someone must have said something. Give me a break. Folks, that is a bald-faced-lie, and I know you know it.

This whole thing is very rotten and symbolizes big changes that are now going to sweep across Canada with lightning speed, waves of criminal activity that will be unbelievable and stun us all. Animal rights advocates (acitivists), civil rights advocates, people who speak out against the dictatorship, or are useless-eaters will increasingly disappear off the map. This is it.

Keep your eyes and ears peeled...even if in doing so, means everything will be kept from you. If the idea of this, that the governcorps are really this sinister, scares you... they've already succeeded. If it doesn't scare you, you haven't paid much attention to the world, and well..I'm sorry to say, are living in denial.


New Member
Aug 27, 2007
Uhh...I know Graham. While it's great to remain ever vigilant of and have no tolerance for the overreaching of the police state, one should be equally vigilant of our own tendency to see 'patterns' where none exist. Anyway, Graham is fine, it was a horrible experience but as to his response on t.v., well honestly, he's just a pretty laid back guy who takes pretty much everything in stride. How can one say what the 'proper' response is. Additionally, if the govt. went through all the trouble of executing such an 'operation' to the nth degree, don't you think they would've used either a more believable dupe or if Graham was in on it, at least provide him some coaching on how to act in front of the media?

