B.C. gets $8M breast cancer shot


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
Breast cancer patients in British Columbia will gain immediate access to a promising drug therapy through an $8-million funding commitment from the Ministry of Health, the Provincial Health Services Authority and the BC Cancer Agency.

B.C. is the first province to approve and cover the cost of the drug for all eligible breast cancer patients.

As far as I can see, this is the other side of the War on Meth. Both involve drugs, but one is a drug we take legally, the other is not legal.
$7M to fight one, $8M to promote the other.

Herceptin is the drug being pushed, er, i mean promoted, as a breast cancer therapy. From what I can tell, Herceptin is an estrogen drug. They might use it to treat menopause too, but that fell out of favour.

Why? it is too dangerous. It causes cancer. In fact, some of the breast cancers being treated now might have started in women taking HRT. Nobody else said that, I just conjectured it up, but it might be true.

If it helps cure breast cancer, great. Well, it doesn't actually cure anything, it just helps breast cancer victims live 5 more years, the modern medical industry defintion of "survived it". The Medical Industry says cancer is never cured, you live with it as long as possible.

Black Cohosh tea was found to be the best HRT after estrogen, but without the cancer risk. Maybe it is a cancer cure too. There are a lot of herbs that help cancers, and other alterantive therapies that are currently overlooked on purpose due to a profit-scale for patented drugs. Our own B.C. government is participating in this corporate scandal, as evidenced by this Herceptin promotion.

As for Herceptin, the dangers of this drug may lead to the next Womens health epidemic , HEART DISEASE!!
Look at this I copied from Web MD:
Some patients taking Herceptin® have experienced heart damage as a result of the medication.
Herceptin® has also been found to cause severe allergic reactions that could be life threatening in users of the drug

HEART DAMAGE!!! Herceptin has not been tested so honestly by the folks who make Vioxx as to be declared/believed safe. No long-term testing has been done, and no "in the field" testing is done after release. Really.

HEART DAMAGE is the risk of taking Herceptin for another 5 years of living with breast cancer. Alternative therapies have CURES that take it away forever. These are being ignored and maliciously hidden away by authorites and corporations. It is the victims that need our help, and silence on this is not helping. Or do you believe the drug companies, even after Vioxx?