Controversial Images By Famous Artist Depict Today’s Social World Reality !!


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Controversial Images By Famous Artist Depict Today’s Social World Reality !!

It’s no news to the social media that today’s image or perception of what’s good and bad has gradually widen, almost to the point of recognition.

From an infamous ‘’Duck face” photo, to the even more infamous “Twerking” videos; todays youth is way more open minded (if that’s a correct way to describe it) than it was about 10 years ago, maybe less.

This images you’re about to see were crated by a spanish artist with the purpose of provocatively expressing his thoughts and opinion on today’s human behavior in regards to social media, and the online world.

WARNING: These images are not suitable for sensitive viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

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