

Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Insurance salesmen A and B were sitting in a bar discussiNG the companies they worked for, when A announces that it's pretty hard to beat his company. "How's that?" asks B. Says A, "when I write you a life insurance policy you are covered right from the basket to the casket. Says B, "that's nothing, when I write you a policy you are covered right from the womb to the tomb". Meanwhile, sitting at the next table is a black fellow listening to all this and suddenly he pipes up "Boys, excuse me but ah couldn't help but overheah your conversation, Ah's an insurance saleman too and ah can give you boys far better coverage than that". "So, pipes up A, how can you give better than from the basket to the casket and from the womb to the tomb"? "Boys, exclaims the black man, when ah write you out a life insurance policy you is covered right from the ERECTION to the RESURRECTION".