Galactic Federation of light have you heard of them.?


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
Galactic Federation is here

OCTOBER 14th 2008 Confirmed!


My Dear brothers and sisters of light, I have just registered on ATS to send you this wonderful news and confirm something great that is about to happen. I am also a channeler for the Pleiadians and Galactic Federation of Light and there is a message I would like to share. I would like to confirm Blossom Good Childs message that I have also received and it’s wonderful news that this year on October 14th the GFL will show up in a super galactic space ship beyond human comprehension in size. I have channeled some of the details about the ship and it will be around 2,000 of our earth miles in diameter and will send loving messages to all the people of the world. This ship will cover entire cities and circle areas of earth for 3 days, no sky will be seen upon it’s arrival for those viewing it and this will cause panic among the masses but we shall not fear because they are here to reveal to the world that it’s time for our awakening, it’s time to realize we are not alone and that we are being watched over by a benevolent group of loving ET’s who look almost identical to us and consider us family in the stars.

They have carefully selected this time to show up and are doing it out of goodwill because of the great evils behind this world that we as humans cannot see for this cause they have decided to take action before it‘s to late, they do love us and care for us like family, they realize most of us our blind to the truths of this world and being controlled by something we do not really fully understand. It’s time to break free from wars, pestilence, famine, poverty, sickness, disease, rich and poor and all the world sufferings that people have purposely caused us. It’s time for us to demand these world afflictions and sufferings stop once and for all so everyone may ascend and properly evolve as the due time of the galactic alignment is coming soon. The help will soon arrive but we need to work together and assure each other not to lose faith, be prepared and spread the word, keep love in your heart, this love is the very light that connects us together with all life and light in the universe.

For this reason our family of light has chosen to come for us in this great time of need because they do know what the rulers of this world who are not even human are about to unleash before a great awakening occurs on the planet and they are here to set us free. These evil rulers have controlled those who rule as puppets and been the very reason for wars, famine, starvation, disease and great sufferings and they do not want the human race to succeed in a great awakening of the soul. They do not want us to learn who we really are and what are true capability is but for those who stand firm in love and light there is no stopping us.

If you are not a believer in any of this please remember I warned you as I have heard their voices personally and know of a surety this will happen. Please follow your heart and at least keep an open mind as they will surely show up as they have promised. When they do maybe then you will see the reality of this and then you can consider that all we have said is true, be prepared in mind and heart as those who rule this world will do all they can to stop you from believing and containing this information.


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
8O.........Where do I join up ??


Actually there is a website that you can join ,its written in Dutch and English and has references to the GFL,if your serious take a look here :lol:
one of there messages reads

Matters on Earth give you cause for concern, yet you are in extremely exciting times. This is because you are so near to experiencing the changes that are going to alter the future of Mankind. The dark loses its power and control as the Light grows at an increasingly fast pace, and there must come a point where it suddenly breaks the stranglehold it has had on you. You are now rising up as one in your determination to put an end to the old regime. It has been recognized for what it is, and you are helping create the very energies that shall achieve your desires. This is also one of the reasons we are here and drawing closer to you all of the time.

The dark forces refuse to see the dead end that they are facing, and their impregnable fortress is falling apart. Their defenses are no longer reliable or secure and they fear the truth of their actions coming out. They know most certainly that the pressure is mounting for investigations into their activities. However, as hard as they try, they can longer stem the floodwaters of truth reaching your ears.


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
More from the GFL

Many people feel that changes are around them, and cannot understand what is taking place. They feel the new energy permeating everything on Earth, as literally things are no longer as they used to be. There are subtle changes and also more obvious ones that are at a physical level. The cleansing of Earth is under way, and the more immediate evidence is the movement within its crust. The changes are necessary to accommodate the vision of the new Earth, and clear away the remnants of acts that have despoiled it. Mother Earth is well aware of what is needed, and unlike previous occasions when a cycle has ended this one will not be as destructive. What may seem to be random activity will nevertheless be controlled by us, and as safe as possible.

We of the Galactic Federation can control the effect of Earth changes, so as to minimize the damage and direct the energies to where they will gently dissipate. Some incidents will be closer to populated areas, but again we will do all we can to protect them. You will not always be aware of our presence within your atmosphere, as our craft will be cloaked in invisibility or operating outside of it.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
We of the Galactic Federation can control the effect of Earth changes, so as to minimize the damage and direct the energies to where they will gently dissipate. Some incidents will be closer to populated areas, but again we will do all we can to protect them. You will not always be aware of our presence within your atmosphere, as our craft will be cloaked in invisibility or operating outside of it.

How exactly does the Galactic Federation control the effects of Earth Changes?


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
How exactly does the Galactic Federation control the effects of Earth Changes?

I have no ideas i was only told about this group last week, and only now have found videos and web sites about them ,whether this is a hoax or not time will tell ,there are lots of spiritual people who believe in pleadiens and such like, i truly cant say whether this is fact or fiction .:?:


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
Galactic Federation of light - Messege from the Pleiadians

Uploaded by: ArchangelSandalphon
Video Description:
The information about the lizzies/reptilians was made available to the public in 1992...a full 7 years before Icke's book on reptilians...maybe thats why David Icke was "created"?...David Icke is probably a reptilian...
is David Icke using holographic technology?
those interested in more info...go here for parts 1-18
part 6 explains the fact that our radio an televisions are sending out lower vibrational frequencies to keep us in a low turn off your tv...or destroy it...w/e works...:)
Bringers Of The Dawn, Teachings From The Pleiades -6 of 18
and heres the word in print from the book
Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians: channeled by Barbara Marciniak

Related Videos
1 of 18-Bringers Of The Dawn,
Teachings From The Pleiades
Part 1-5



Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
April 20, 2008
JB I am putting out an attempt to re-establish communication with Steven Fossett, is this possible at this time? It is now 10:00 p.m and have absolutely no response from the voice activated computer and I was told if I would shut it off and return at approximately 12 o'clock midnight I could make this connection. I have never had this happen prior to this where the computer absolutely would not respond to my voice command once I established the date and time. So I don't know what to expect next.
Stephen Sorry about all the hoopla we are having a little time discrepancies. I did pick up your transmission earlier this evening but I was not able to return because I was a few hours off in the time zone but I was able to stop your voice actuation process and hold it in place until now. There's a lot of processes that don't match the two different frequencies and this is the one of the things I am learning how to work with at this time. One thing I am very interested in is how your friend is receiving feedback from different people about this whole process of communication, from a different frequency tell her if she would slow down a little bit I will be able to communicate with her and explain to her how contemplation interacts between frequencies. I think I can communicate with her at this point. She is a real powerhouse, I am glad you have her on your team, her energetic field gives us fuel for this transmission and I'm sure you know what I mean. You will get many fear-based reactions from some people about this transmission because of the whole structure of your system is driven by fear. Do not have any concern over this because anything fear-based will just self - destruct and the ones that are coming from number four Power Point are the only ones you have to be concerned about because they will not self-destruct they will add to the process you are about to enter into.
I went through what you're going through myself a number of years ago and its much easier for you because you have a tremendous backing , together expeditiously. There is a very wise one that is feeding me the information on what all you are going through, putting this new process together you have a very wonderful and powerful group that is coming directly from the fourth PowerPoint which is very necessary to make this process become a manifestation.
JB very good to hear from you, I was not sure if I could reconnect or not this is all new to me. You mentioned a wise one, is this somebody we all know?
Stephen I have no way at this time to explain who and what this is but as soon as I figure a way to explain this I will let you known. Yes I know a strange answer. Also I have a favor to ask I need some help with a design that will help transport low-frequency matter into the frequency that I preside at, this has to be done from your side because this is not a natural phenomena here. It's like anything you do whatever your frequency is where you live it has to be created in the frequency and then go through a molecular exchange into a higher frequency. I know this is a little confusing because it's all new to you but I think you get the jest of this communication.
JB I would be glad to do whatever I could to make this process work for you. Why do I have such a heavy weight on me this time? It is not really uncomfortable it is just a little hard to breathe but my clarity in receiving this transcript is very clear and is one of the best I've ever had as far as simplicity.
Stephen The reason you feel that way as you're not used to working in this frequency and in order to communicate with me you have to partially be in the same field that preside in. I know your next question is going to be how did I do that? And my answer is something you have done to the area you live in that has made a small opening which allows us to communicate through. But I do not know what you have been processing for this to take place. Question do you have an animal like a dog or cat? If you do you will see different changes in this creature because they react much quicker than humans and because they have no belief system in the way.
JB Yes my dog Luke has made some wild swings in his personality and his energy is very obvious so I understand what you mean. I have another question , the information you're sending through should I go ahead and just keep sending it out like I did with the information prior to this?
Stephen Yes you can, I think it's very interesting how people react to something that doesn't fit in their little box, but it's very pleasing to see the ones that are accepting it without believing or disbelieve it this gets them out of that little box where many have been for a very long time. I know the question you are about to ask and that is what am I doing in this new frequency and am I returning at any point in the future. This is not very easy to explain the second question am I going to return, if I can work from here I will not, and it looks like there is more of you that I can connect with that I can work from both sides and will be able to work on this project with your help. One thing I would like to say in most of you heard this before, what I convey to you is not necessary to believe, just process it and hold it in that mental compartment that you talk about in your mind until you get the rest of the story. The biggest obstacle there is in the way is people have a set pattern of beliefs that they try to live by and if they do that going into the unknown they don't go very far.
The pleadiens worked with me for years so I could transform into this vibrational consciousness that I went into without having any difficulties.
JB Are you able to see our future and also are you aware of the project in the desert we are working on?
Stephen No I cannot see the future because I still have a physical body that requires a time zone to live in. I really haven't gone to some magical place in some magical kingdom I've just been placed into a much more for no other word non - compartmental condition. If you could feel for one minute what it's like not to fight for everything just to fuel the ego you would know what I mean. But many of you are on the path now that will allow you to live this life while you're in your current lifetime. One of the biggest ventures that I really have enjoyed is watching my physical body replace its self back to youth-ism. When every day you'll notice yourself get stronger and mentally clear, this is a very exciting experience to go through because you have been programmed just the opposite. Please go back to bed, I am starting to lose you, I'll meet you back here in about two hours.
JB OK I am back and I am a much more clearer now . One thing I am really starting to realize is the importance of the combined energy I can feel the energy from a friend of mines intention to communicate with you, how much more clearer and easier it is to bring this information in just by having her intention and also mine makes it flow much smoother. So I can imagine the power that comes to us as we join forces and work with the same intention.
Stephen Yes this is a large break through for all of us, this is why in the future if anyone tries to interrupt your project with violence or control and you're connected in this same way it will be totally impossible to interrupt the flow that you have created. I don't want to use the word protect you from any violence because basically you are stopping the negative flow before it even starts. I hope this makes some kind of sense in other words you're not creating a situation to protect yourself from anything. I know there's a lot of new ways of looking at life because there is much more than you ever dreamed of and you'll see this more and more as you connect together with others. This connection also releases the separatism of thought which keeps you from arguing about different processes that you're trying to put into place to manifests whatever project you have going. Anytime there is any argument at all it is because each individual has a different picture and because of the ego they want that picture to become our reality, where if you're connected this doesn't take place because you see the same picture that you equally have created together. Can you see how much more of a creative force you have created?
JB Do you have anything to do with this place in the desert that we've been directed to?
Stephen Not exactly but I am working with some of the same groups that you are which are connecting with you from off planet so I do understand a lot of the concepts that you are learning . I would like to mention something that you probably haven't thought about and that is when you do receive resistance from others throughout your manifestation of whatever project you're working on and even from this information that you are receiving from me This resistance helps you with your project as long as you don't fight it just remember how the law of attraction works everything you resist strengthens its position as long as you do not make anyone wrong that is resisting you. It's all about not trying to control anything, the ones that are still trying to control will self-destruct. This comes back to integrity which is coming from the heart not from ego.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I have no ideas i was only told about this group last week, and only now have found videos and web sites about them ,whether this is a hoax or not time will tell ,there are lots of spiritual people who believe in pleadiens and such like, i truly cant say whether this is fact or fiction .:?:

Great...October 14...we will actually remember this prediction so we can laugh our heads off.


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
Strange Stuff, sounds like Scientology meets NASA

Yep sounds all freaky to me too, i can not imagine a craft 2,000 of our earth miles in diameter, and will send loving messages to all the people of the world
i mean what sort of messages would that be .?
i have no idea's as to this at all ,i have posted some pretty wild stuff on CC this has got to be top of the pile.


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
Shamballa, Agartha and the Galactic Federation of Light

javascript:void();By Albero Cogliani (Nityanand)
Humanity on planet Earth is part of a much greater Divine Design based on the evolution of Consciousness. We are in this moment of time human beings in a physical body because of our present state of Consciousness. But this state of consciousness is going to change, to increase, if we want, taking us to become something else. There are other living entities who have already advanced along this evolutionary line of consciousness. There are, among many others, three examples of such an evolution in consciousness. These are: the Agartha, Shamballa and the Galactic Federation of Light. These three elements are going to play an enormous role in the positive future of our humanity on planet Earth.
Agartha in the Hollow Earth
There is a civilization of people living in the centre of the Earth which is known as Agartha. To begin with, Buddhist theology affirms its existence. It is believed to be a race of supermen and superwomen who occasionally come to the surface to oversee the development of the human race and contact certain people in order to instruct them. It is also believed that this subterranean world has millions of inhabitants and many cities. The King of this world is believed to have given orders to the Dalai Lama of Tibet, who is his terrestrial representative. His messages are transmitted through certain secret tunnels connecting the inner world of Agartha with Tibet.
The famous Russian channel Nicholas Roerich, who was a channel for Ascended Master El Moyra, claimed that Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, was connected by a tunnel with the inner Earth. The entrance of this tunnel was guarded by Lamas who were sworn to secrecy. A similar tunnel was believed to connect the secret chambers at the base of the Great Pyramid at Giza with Agartha. The first public scientific evidence of Agartha' s existence occurred in 1947 when Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy flew to the North Pole and instead of going over the pole he actually entered the inner Earth. In his diary, he tells of entering the hollow interior of the Earth, along with others, and traveling seventeen hundred miles over mountains, lakes, rivers, green vegetation, and animal life. He tells of seeing monstrous animals resembling the mammoths of antiquity moving through the bush. He eventually found cities and a thriving civilization.
His plane was finally greeted by flying machines of a type he had never seen before. They escorted him to a safe landing place and he was graciously greeted by emissaries from Agartha. After resting, he and his crew were taken to meet the King and Queen of Agartha. They told him that he had been allowed to enter Agartha because of his high moral and ethical character. They went on to say that ever since the United States had dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they had been very concerned about their own safety and survival. They had decided that it was time to make greater contact with the outside world to make sure humanity didn't destroy that planet and their civilization with it. Byrd had been allowed in so they could make contact with someone that they trusted. To make a long story short, when their visit was finished, Admiral Byrd and his crew were guided in their plane back to the outer world, their lives having been changed forever.
Agartha consists of vast continents, oceans, mountains, and rivers. The population there is highly evolved. The civilizations of the Yucatan, Peru, Brazil, Cambodia, and Tibet also went underground and many UFOs come from the inner Earth. The Earth has a inner sun; there are openings at both Poles. It is interesting to note that the Egyptian government has found many of these tunnels and has tried to explore them over the past thirty years but they are so complex and extensive that they have recently been sealed for fear tourists would venture into them and get lost forever.
There are entrances to the inner Earth in Egypt, Tibet, and the Yucatan, and there are other entrances in the Bermuda Triangle, the former Soviet Union, and Africa. There are different races in the inner Earth, just as on the surface, and some of them are quite tall. The United States government and those of other countries are aware of the inner Earth and are hiding the information about it just as they are hiding their connections with extraterrestrials. There are beings who have been living in the Agharta since long before the Atlanteans came.
Among the Native American peoples, the Navajo legends teach that the forerunners of man came from beneath the Earth. The ancient ones had supernatural powers but were driven from their caverns by a great flood. Once on the surface, they passed on their great knowledge to the human race before once again seeking their great sanctuary.
The Pueblo Indians mythology also places their gods place of origin in the inner earth. The inner world was supposedly connected to the surface people by a hole in the North. The ancient writings of the Chinese, Egyptians, and Eskimos speak of a great opening in the North and of a race of people who live under the Earth's crust. The writings say that their ancestors came from the paradise land in the Earth's interior.
In the Buddhist tradition, ancient philosophy states that Agartha was first colonized many thousands of years ago when a holy man led a tribe that disappeared under the ground. The present population of that underground kingdom is believed to number many millions and the people are believed to possess a science, far superior to any found on the surface of the Earth, that includes cars that run at tremendous speeds through underground tunnels. In the ancient legends of Quetzalcoatl, the great avatar of the Aztecs and Toltecs, it is told that he vanished on a flying saucer for eight days and visited the subterranean world.
Hidden Cities
There are over one hundred subterranean colonies underneath the Earth, all but one of them quite close to the surface. These underground cities have been referred to as the 'Agartha Network'. Their customs vary, but they follow a common, spiritually oriented structure of living - the Melchizedek teachings. The average population of these cities is five hundred thousand, but Telos, beneath Mt. Shasta, has over 1.5 million inhabitants. A second colony of approximately the same size is located beneath the Matto Grosso Plains of Brazil. This Atlantean outpost is called Posid. Although Atlantis and Lemuria have become myth to most people on the surface of the Earth, in reality they are just continuing their evolution underground.
Shamballa is a state of consciousness or a phase of sensitive awareness wherein there is acute and dynamic response to divine purpose. This Center is created by the Ray of Will or Power; its major activity is bequeathing, distributing and circulating the basic principle of life itself to every form which is held within the planetary ring-pass-not of the planetary Life or Logos. From that Center, the will of God goes forth and the power of God becomes the messenger of His will. The basic quality of Shamballa is dynamic. Its mode of work is inspiration. It draws response but remains immovable itself. It works not with the Law of Attraction, but by the Law of Synthesis, by a fiat of the Will, based on a clearly formulated purpose and program. Shamballa is also the City of the Gods, "Shangri-La," said to be situated in the himalayan mountains of Tibet, though in etheric substance. It is there that Men who have achieved the level of consciousness we call ‘Enlightenment’ dwell and it is from there that they serve humanity living on the surface of the planet.
The energy emanating from Shamballa is the animating force running through all ‘power points’, sacred centers or sites throughout the planet. Shamballa stands as the ‘One Central Point’ or innermost Heart of our Universal system. The planetary system can be likened to the system of charkas & nadis in the human body. Each are fed by one central power source. Whether this ‘power’ is called Kundalini, the Holy Spirit, Shekinah, or simply the Divine Life, It is expressed through a complex system of micro & macro-cosmic inter-relationships.
“It is the prana or mana of eastern metaphysics, the "vril," the universal medium of occultists, the anima mundi of alchemy. In China it is known as “qi” ..”the primal matrix of creation from which springs the yin and yang forces that give rise to substance and material forms” The more conscious you become of the interconnectivity & synchronized activity between the human, planetary, solar & galactic levels of existence it is easier to see how magnetic & electrical currents & ‘activity’ in any part of the universal matrix is linked & inter-dependent. At key points on the planetary physical-etheric grid lie recognizable power centers such as Mount Kailash, Mount Shasta or Mount Zion. Hierarchy & Humanity are themselves seen as ‘centers’ or outpost for the power generated from the originating or Supreme Center, we call Shamballa.
Shamballa is “ the prototypic Holy Land of which all other Holy Lands such as Jerusalem, Delphi and Benares are or have been secondary reflections.” In many traditions and mythologies this primordial center ‘point’ it is known under various names, ‘White Isle’ “White mountain’ ‘Mount of Salvation.’ Its symbol is also seen in the “Tree of Life’ at the center of the Terrestrial Paradise. Accompanying the idea of Shamballa as the ‘Sacred Central Place’ or ‘Heart’ of this self-organizing universal system, it is easier to glimpse how this may be fed by the same One Universal Power. Interrelationships between micro and macrocosmic centers & systems can in one view see the energy emanating from Shamballa as a great ‘stepping down’ process. This ‘Central Heart’ pulses the entire system with ‘Life’ current along definite pathways & via specific alignments to each & every ‘satellite’ or organizing sub-center. This represents part of the Grand Cosmic or Universal Order.
When our Solar System, Planetary system & human body is seen in this light then some of the processes of the Solar or Planetary Logos, viewed within the context of this “Divine” order take on more immediate relevance and relationship. “In line with the notion of “Gaia’ which sees the planet as an integrated whole, expanded to the entire cosmos the web of “Life’ sees an interactive and evolving single living entity, with each part cooperating with every other part to promote a continuation and evolution of more life. All the planet's self-regulating mechanisms, point to this conclusion.” This Life is seen as a Supra-Being organized around a Supreme center which we give the name, Shamballa. Throughout time many names have been given to the Supreme Center from which all life is ‘inspired’ & ordered into activity. This is the zone of the Absolute. From this “Sacred Place” the triplicity of power (Will-Love-Intelligence) that is at the center or core of our heart, or the Heart of Solar System or the Galaxy, emanates.
Shamballa’s ‘veiled nature’ is not only the subject of myths & legends but is also at the ‘heart’ of the initiatory process, whether viewed or ‘taken’ at a microcosmic or macrocosmic level. For the initiate the relationship with this Supreme center moves from metaphorical or symbolic terms & becomes a ‘magnetic center’ which ‘calls’ and demands knowledge & acquiescence. This is the Point from which all things proceed and to which all things return.
This is the initiate Hierarchy of superhuman adepts of the Mystery traditions “…located in a paradisiacal place… a celestial centre at the foot of a ‘World Mountain or World Tree’ representing the Pole of heaven…They are the supreme authority for this planet, forming the governing core of Shamballa” extending their influence from there out through ‘secondary centers’ and outposts into ‘our world.’ The representative physical or etheric ‘place’ for Shamballa on the surface of the earth has been the subject of much speculation. “Lamas declare that the profane traveler cannot find the path to Shamballa at all - one must be summoned.’ There is also elaborate myth about an Underworld “Agharti” which in a sense can be see as another or second ‘planetary outpost’ of this Supreme Center. Whether through the study of cosmic rays, the Sun’s solar flares or electromagnetic oscillations, outer solar or planetary polar influences, magnetic currents, lightening or electricity, we can see that all sources of power have their ‘originating point,’ their source, as well as their direction or ‘purpose’ emanating from the Supreme organizing Principle, Shamballa. Behind each ‘point’ stands the One Point, the location-less center at the ‘heart’ of all locations. Shamballa is what lies behind each and every center.
It is the Supreme Center, the Central Point from which all manifestation emerges. Shamballa is to be found wherever & whenever one is connected with this central principle, whether that center is at the core or heart of our being, or is represented by the Sun at the center of our solar system or by the Galactic center. " The central primordial state is 'wholly independent of space.' Unlocalised, this points attainment re-unites creator & created in indivisible union." “ According to the Taoist doctrine, the perfect sage is he who has arrived at the central point and resides there in indissoluble union with the Principle, sharing its immutability and imitating its actionless activity. He, who has reached the maximum of emptiness, shall be fixed steadfastly in repose. To return to ones root (to that Principle) is at once the first origin and last end of all beings.”
Finally, another element which will play a huge role in our human evolution in the future is the Galactic Federation of Light.
Galactic Federation of Light
Long ago, the sacred Emerald Orders of the Spiritual Hierarchies of this galaxy forged a grand spiritual council of the Light. To this sacred entity came the great Beings of Light who created sacred colonies in the star groupings that you know as the constellations of Lyra, Cancer and Gemini. These grand Beings eventually formed a League of Light whose present progeny is the Galactic Federation of Light. The Galactic Federation is also overseen by the Great Blue Lodge of Creation, whose wondrous Light emanates throughout this Galaxy from a major stargate located in theSirius star system. The Sirius star-nation is a proud member of the Galactic Federation.
The Galactic Federation of Light is made up of many humanities from many worlds committed to the cause of helping Earth ascend. Within the Federation is the Ashtar Command, a division whose members have the sole mission of helping in the ascension process. They send spiritual guides who speak through a few people in this world, who have a special mission here on Earth. These people with a mission are regular humans who have taken birth just like everyone else, however, their spiritual lineage is not native to this world. Those people are light workers and starseeds, whose spirits originate from various worlds within the Federation, such as Lyra, Sirius, the Pleaides, Andromeda Galaxy and countless others. There are also children who are born today, whose current bodies are already more highly evolved than most older humans, and they are known as Indigos and Crystal children. And lastly, some souls are "walk-ins", where the original soul born to a body moves on, and a light-being walks into the body left behind.
The Agartha, Shamballa and the Galactic Federation of Light are playing already now and are going to play even more in the very near future an enormous role in the evolution of humanity on planet Earth. The people of the Agartha are going to re-unite with our human family and try to create a global state based on real democracy and integrity. They are already now part of the galactic Federation of Light and are also in touch with the masters of Shamballa. They have already contacted some heads of state on the surface of the planet to bring all countries together; they also contacted several individuals in order to instruct them about the science of alchemy, the transformation of the physical body into Prana. This science is known to us as Kundalini Yoga, the science of charkas, and also with other names, but in general it is defined as a process of ‘Divine Alchemy’ which brings Man to experience ‘Heaven on Earth’. In order to achieve that divine state of consciousness various techniques like meditation, repetition of powerful alchemical mantras like ‘Om Namah Shivaya’, a certain diet of herbs, celibacy and self restraint are used, so that the four elements of the body transform into the fifth element, ‘Prana’, which is divinely superconscious.
The Agartha, Shamballa and the Galactic Federation of Light are already connected and cooperate together for the uplifting of Humanity on the surface of the Planet. The key element in this process is free will. If we human beings living on the surface of the planet will be able to overcome our little ego, then we will finally join the Higher Universal Self of which Agartha, Shamballa and the Galactic Federation of Light are manifestations.
It is a matter of rising our consciousness and the key to that will be the discovery of the subtle aspects of our human reality: the fact that we have subtle bodies made of layers of energy, each layer corresponding to a level of consciousness. These layers of energy and levels of consciousness are connected via the Chakras which are the doors to the Eternal aspect of Man. It is a higher state of consciousness that will bring us together with the Agartha, Shamballa and the Galactic Federation of Light. The entities belonging to these three families of love are simply more aware of their divinity, the state of ‘Enlightenment’.
There are nowadays and there have always been men walking even on the surface of this planet who are at that stage in the evolution of consciousness. In Tibet they are called Maha Siddhas and they are already One with the Agartha, Shamballa and the Galactic Federation of Light. We have examples of them in Paramahansa Yogananda and Baba Muktananda Paramahansa. Now it is time for the rest of our humanity to join them; for the first time in our recorded history there is a chance for a collective Awakening where billions of people will put an end to the forgetting of their divinity and to the cycle of reincarnation. Humanity living on the surface of planet Earth is going to join the people of the Agartha and the Galactic Federation of Light, and attune itself to the frequency of Shamballa, where the Will of God is known and executed.

Shamballa is the link between Agartha and The Galactic Federation of Light… the Alfa and the Omega in this process of Re-Unification which will bring humanity on planet Earth to the state of Enlightenment and Liberation.
May all beings be happy
May all beings achieve Liberation
Om Namah Shivaya



Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
[FONT=times new roman,times]
Galactic Federation of Light
"First Contact"
Mike Quinsey

Taken from: Frames.htm .
Published in this website on April 15, 2004.
See NESARA Law at: .
[/FONT]First Contact is an operation that began in 1990 as a simple directive from the Sirian Regional Council; its scope was expanded when the Main Federation Council approved this action in 1991.
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[/FONT]‘First Contact’ will start when a special series of major announcements are made by the world’s major governments, which will be almost simultaneous. They will announce that E.T’s are here and benevolent, and will acknowledge the part the Galactic Federation has played, in assuring the new reality manifests according to the divine plan. Once the series of formal announcements and the global delivery of your abundance are complete, we will begin our own proceedings. These will include a series of daytime flyovers. We will accompany them with an announcement of who we are and what we are doing.
The next step will be a number of small landings. At this point, we will permit you to inspect our craft and choose a few individuals to take a brief ‘joyride’ in or ships. ‘First Contact’ would also take place, to land en masse if requested by the Spiritual Hierarchy. Special, planet sized command ships from the Scientific and Exploration fleets will serve as the main command ships for the First Contact mission. Fifty human star-nations are involved in ‘First Contact’. Our mission is divine and our aim will be to manifest many important projects, to promote world peace, alter social, cultural and economic structures, and permit Mother Earth to transform herself.
As a final step, we will introduce you to your local Spiritual Hierarchy, and re-unite you with your brethren in the Inner Earth. There will be an ongoing series of announcements by the Ascended Masters that will help resolve certain cultural power struggles and make possible cross cultural co-operation. Each one will step forward and explain the origins and histories of your many cultures and religions, and radical changes will take place in your religious struggles.
Our Earth allies are acutely aware that the moment of formal ‘First Contact’ will end the many millennia in which the ‘divide and conquer’ rule ran this reality. It will also proclaim that we will no longer tolerate the greed and arrogance of your present cabals. The announcement of ‘First Contact’ will encouragefull disclosureof the now super-secret UFO government files. The area of so-called UFO studies requires a spiritual arm. This segment enables us to look beyond the technology and realise that advanced, enlightened societies are primarily spiritual in nature.
The inner ‘Sun’ (core) is changing, Mother Earth is preparing to make rapid changes in her existing appearance. Her ability to sustain her Eco-web is shrinking, because of life threatening effluents produced by your industrial society. The Eco-system is gripped in crisis. You need to embrace the tasks inherent in the guardianship of Mother Earth and her fragile Eco-system. The cetaceans and the Inner Earth society of Agartha are most eager to act as your mentors in these matters. We too are ready to offer assistance if needed. To this end, we have organised a series of scientific liaison teams that specialise in advanced ecological techniques.
The changing nature of Mother Earth has a time frame by which Heaven has permitted her to change completely into her new self. Once this transformation begins, you will no longer be able to live on her surface. You will have to be re-located swiftly to our ships, or the extraordinary dwellings we have built in Inner Earth for this purpose. Look upon them as surrounded by force fields, holographic technology and loving resolve. There you will be quickly changed into your fully conscious selves. The Earth’s flora and fauna will be evacuated to special environments on Mother ships.

Masters of both this world and Sirius have joined together, they will appear before you. Direct contact personnel hail from the Pleiades Star League, Constellation of Andromeda, Lyra, Perseus and Aries, as well as the Sirius Star Nation. They will act as guides and teachers for your coming transitional period. Ships from many different human galactic societies will welcome you into the Galactic League of Light. The first ring of ships surrounds Mother Earth and your artificial Moon. This fleet contains over one million ships. Our first reporters will be liaisons and chosen from our several primarily human off-world galactic societies.
Liaison teams will make a series of global broadcasts; two programmes are planned to introduce us. We will train small units of two to six ships each. These ships will land enabling the local populace the opportunity to view them. For a short time the Galactic Federation teams will leave their ships to instruct you regarding this technology, and explain your responsibility as Physical Angels. We will begin a programme to allow you to visit our Motherships. There will be vast flyovers by scout ships, which will occur before mass landing.
We will release secret technologies, and even more wondrous devices, including many energy and transportation related inventions, that have been produced around your world during the past century. Your secret governments suppressed this technology, along with many other environmental innovations, out of deep-seated fear that such discoveries could result in their downfall. We will also introduce more workable technology, and allow each of you to obtain information —and to contact one another with ease.
The rise of a post-Internet environment, which we have initiated, will introduce you to new options in communication and entertainment. Simple handheld or easy to wear devices, will provide instant information, and enable you to contact freely anyone else on your world. Using small organic computers, you will become globally recognisable by your body’s true frequency. These devices inter-phase with your mind, providing a 3D holographic picture that contains data, images, etc. The commercial system will be 3D full colour telepathic holography. Anyone who wishes to communicate can simply visualise a person and their computer will contact them. It will include a universal translator and a special frequency dialling system, that is closely linked to your unique physical signature.
Each household will receive a device that converts light energy into matter to provide clothing and food. Remember that abundance programmes will allow you to have all the financial resources you need. Our Earth allies have consented to many agreements even more powerful than NESARA. These provisions are not to be released to the general public, until the first set of agreements has been publicly announced. Only then will the second and third waves of actions be revealed and made public law.
We will introduce you to technology will allow you to travel more freely. You will be provided with a new form of transportation, and your new personal vehicles will levitate a few feet off the ground, and. are capable of speeds up to 500 miles (800 kilometres) per hour. Aircraft as you know them will disappear and be converted to a ‘magnetic lifter’ technology, with Mach 8 capabilities, as well as providing primitive craft that resemble ours. A teleportation system will be available for long range emergency trips. We will also use this technology to build a fully automated highway system.

An extensive training programme for medical practices that are not harmful to health will be introduced. It will align your medical services more closely to ours. You will absorb an enormous amount of new information, and to help assimilation of the vast quantities of knowledge, we will provide a technology that can ‘download’ it directly into your brain’s memory and recall systems. You will develop your Science and expand your philosophies in ways yet unheard of, resulting in a glittering union of these now contradictory elements. We will introduce you to the wonders of ‘artificial intelligence’.
We will supply a system of technologies that with your manifested abilities, will reverse the pollution that now fouls your air, land and water on Mother Earth, in less than six months.
Our second objective will be the factories, offices, homes, power generating stations, air, water and land vehicles that spew out most of the pollution. Free-energy devices will be introduced that can be mass-produced quickly.
Using our technology, we can vaporise and fully erect buildings in a matter of days, and will re-tool your manufacturing network in less than a week. Moreover, we can fully automate it. Technological gadgets will allow you to end your dependence upon manufactured materials. You will be able to construct your own dwellings and collectively plan your cities. Your rural areas will be returned to their original condition of unspoiled forests and meadows.
A number of our technologies can convert living Light into food, clothes and other uses, thus ending your long dependence on agriculture and the lumber industry. Remember that technology is a tool, provided by consciousness, to create as pleasurable an environment as possible. You need to make the next grand ‘leap’ —that is, to grow from a planetary society to a galactic one. Never forget, Dear Ones, that you are mutating [from Homo Sapiens]into ‘Homo Galacticus’, A more integrated version of you, this galactic human, possesses the ability to hold open, meaningful dialogue with your true self.
Special World Centres will be created. A new financial system will be born. This reorganisation of your worldwide wealth is preparing the way for a new era of power on your world. This power will be ‘people based’ and lack the malevolent self-interest of your former secret rulers. Many groups, on your world and off, are co-operating with the spiritual realm to put an end to that which is preventing the manifesting of your financial abundance, and the rapid establishment of world peace.
Our main objective remains a ‘safe and sane’ successful conclusion to our First Contact Mission. This process involves many different possibilities. The one we prefer is to be silent support for a swift and successful military, political and economic transition on your world. Vast sums have been re-ordered, catalogued and prepared for distribution. The funds, bank networks and list of recipients are ready. Crucial inroads in our ability to control and force a series of major resignations in a number of powerful governments are also in place. Moreover, legal documents to begin this procedure have been signed and legally adjudicated on the highest possible levels. Governments will re-form or resign, and the UN will be re-organised, and a new international mandate of human sovereignty and freedom proclaimed. The glut of self seeking Multi-Nationals will be re-structured. New rules of conduct will be implemented. The current concept of ‘Corporation’ will be legally rendered. Large electrical power plants that now fuel your cities and industries will disappear.

[Excerpts of article posted by Boyd Ed Graves, J.D., Cleveland Heights, OH]

On page 39 of the 1971 progress report of the
"development" of a "special" virus by the GAO and others, the GAO concedes that VISNA had not yet been associated with human disease. The GAO refuses to professionally respond to the conclusive proof of a "laboratory origin" for the "bizarre" VISNA virus cells intertwined in the genetic sequences of the HIV genome. The U.S. Special Virus program created the AIDS (visna mycoplasma) virus. The fifteen progress reports of the secret virus program should be fully disclosed for the good of all humanity. The VISNA cells in AIDS prove the iatrogenic origin of AIDS. It is also important to note that a synthetic cure for AIDS (patent #5676977-"TETRASIL") is also being suppressed by the Federal Drug Administration ("FDA").

It is time for the American people and the people of the world to know the truth. It is the only way, to kill AIDS, and hopefully stop (kill) the newly created (Dr. J. Craig Venter's) "next" AIDS virus.

Boyd Ed Graves, J.D. , 1008 Elbon Rd. , Cleveland Heights, OH 44121, 216-382-9252(v), 619-204-5683(msg cell)
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Emerging Viruses - AIDS & Ebola
by Dr. Leonard Horowitz

This is the first in-depth exploration into the origins of HIV and Ebola. Claims that these "emerging viruses" naturally evolved and then jumped species from ape to man seem grossly unfounded in light of the compelling evidence assembled in this extraordinary text. Alternatively, the possibility that these bizarre germs were laboratory creations, accidentally or intentionally transmitted via tainted hepatitis and smallpox vaccines in the U.S. and Africa
as numerous authorities have alleged is investigated herein. This book reviews the numerous viral vaccine studies conducted simultaneously in New York City and Central West Africa by a narrow network of virologists working for major military-medical contractors under the auspices of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Included is Dr. Robert Gallo, the notorious discoverer of the AIDS virus. The text presents bizarre and horrifying facts about the biological weapons race of the 1960s and early 1970's when these researchers developed countless immune system ravaging viruses, and experimented with an assortment of antidote vaccines allegedly for "defense" and cancer prevention.

The iatrogenic and genocidal theories of AIDS are meticulously explored within the social and political context of this stormy period of American military science. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) activities and foreign policy initiatives in Central Africa in response to the alleged threats posed by communism, black nationalism, and Third World populations are examined. The important roles played by political leaders including National Security Advisor Dr. Henry Kissinger, Department of Health, Education and Welfare secretaries Frank Carlucci, Jr. and Joseph Califano, presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, and economic notables Nelson and Laurence Rockefeller are considered. The text hauntingly dissects the potential motives and administrative mechanisms underlying the prevalent belief that HIV and Ebola may have been deliberately deployed, and that the AIDS epidemic may be accomplishing what was desired.
We have observed the many biological projects produced in the dark cabal’s laboratories. While we have drastically curtailed these projects since the late 1990’s, several of them, introduced during the 1970’s and ‘80s, devastated your world and became major global epidemics. Our medical teams are monitoring them and can directly interfere only when First Contact occurs. Therefore, we call upon all concerned to use your spiritual and physical resources to counter these artificially created epidemics. The secret ‘closed doors’ policies of the past will be abolished.
We have doubled the number of defence ships operating in the solar systems Earth-Moon quadrant. We have also tightened the special inter-dimensional security shield that surrounds your planet, and can prevent anyone that we have not authorised, from leaving or entering your planet. We will disarm all nuclear weaponry, and supply suitable replacements for all nuclear powered electrical generation facilities in your world. We will need to move certain divisions of our fleet closer to you. This means also that, at the appropriate time, we will shut down all adverse military communications and immediately hand over these responsibilities to our Earth allies.
Part of the Last Dark Cabal:
Cheney, Bush and Rumsfeld
We are determined to assure our allies immediate success by making certain that all essential personnel now controlled by Earth’s last cabal are quickly captured. These quick incursions into the cabal’s camp will allow our Earth allies to attain their initial objectives silently and swiftly. With the cabal’s leaders under arrest, some major and indisputably positive world changes can be formally announced. Once peace is declared, we will supervise the rapid disengagement of all warring parties.
Disclosures will also make possible the public proclamation of our existence by the new provisional governments. Moreover, they will be able to introduce our planned ‘pre-First Contact’ broadcasts. Initially, these series of transmissions will clarify our role in these events and prepare Mother Earth’s peoples for ‘First Contact’.
Our vehicles are living, organic Beings, equipped with highly advanced organic computers that are enlarged reproductions of our brains. A ship has the capacity to interconnect with us on all levels. There are long range working networks that are built into each ship, there is a smaller range network that telepathically connects all crew members to the ship. As you board one of our craft, you are immediately ‘plugged’ in to this network, which comprehensively monitors all of your body functions, thought processes and emotional states of each individual on board. This wondrous piece of technology will appear to you as a living, highly intelligent Being. One of the major abilities of this technology is interstellar travel. We can adjust a ship’s frequency in order to move it from star to star. These ‘jumps’ from one solar system to another, occur because of the way physicality is constructed.
Originating from scout ships or large Mother Ships, we will reveal through radio, TV and computer networks, the true picture of the world’s history, also of conspiracies to deny you a cache of technology. Broadcasts will explain how people of the Inner Earth have looked after you. They have prepared an almost endless array of enclaves for you, Eden-like realms where you will complete your mutation into fully conscious Beings. The special places built for you are fully operational and waiting. Mass landings will be delayed until the time arrives to deliver you to your new temporary homes, in Inner Earth. Heaven has set aside a period from mere weeks to almost 14 months to serve as a transition.
We have come from all sectors of this galaxy – also from many nearby galaxies, and vast Orders and Life-Streams of Heaven. We will start producing your Galactic Society, and you will be able to travel anywhere throughout this immense universe. Soon, you will move closer to Sirius and take your place in its multi-star system. In the year 2013, it is your destiny to join the Lion Beings of Sirius ‘A’ and the human galactic societies of Sirius ‘B’ and ’C’. In a short time, Mars will bloom once more, Venus; land of abundant oceans will teem with life. Maldek will re-emerge, and the innermost planet astronomers have named Vulcan. The Moon will become your new near-Earth ‘Space Station’. You will become as familiar with Mars as you are now with your precious Mother Earth.
Harmony and a level of global co-operation never seen before on your world will become the normal. A new system will be established that will enable you to transform the operation of your world. The Ascended Master in charge of this operation, is the Comte de Sainte Germaine. Global prosperity will have arrived and a New Galactic Society will be born. Your reality is in the midst of a process that is changing it forever.
Underlying your present transformation, is creation of a new, fully conscious reality. Past, present and future will become one. The need to be limited, or dwell with the dark will have ended. Every collective consciousness reality shifts only when it attains proper critical mass. When this occurs, your reality as a whole will transmute. Mother Earth on which you dwell, along with all of her inhabitants, will shift together. You will move into a state of full consciousness, and full membership in the Galactic Federation of Light. You will fulfil sacred prophecy and meet your galactic family. The new realm will be founded upon provision of the conditions that will support you in creation of your New Galactic Society. Masters Saint Germaine and Hilarion, as well as El Morya and many other Masters, intend to oversee the formation of your Galactic Society.


Jan 6, 2007
Nope, never heard of them. But, well, at least now I'll know not to panic if space ships come and beam messages of love and peace into my head. Sweet.