'Magic' cancer drug being developed by University of Alberta


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
'Magic' cancer drug being developed by University of Alberta
Edmonton Sun
First posted: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 04:00 PM EDT | Updated: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 09:16 PM EDT
A “magic drug” to fight off cancer is being developed by leading University of Alberta research scientists.
Using small molecules aimed at specific targeted binding sites to jumpstart the body’s T cells to fight off cancer, researchers hope to reduce side effects for patients while decreasing the cost of treatment at the same time.
The interdisciplinary team, led by Khaled Barakat, research assistant professor in the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, includes world-renowned leaders in oncology, virology, immunology, chemistry, dentistry and pharmaceutical sciences.
“Our team is developing small molecules to replace the antibodies. These small molecules will be designed specifically and rationally to target specific binding sites on T cells and reactivate them and allow them to see and clear tumours,” said Barakat.
“These small molecules will have a shorter stay in the blood, allowing the immune system to not be over activated while reducing side effects. In addition, the small molecules will be cheaper to make, reducing costs for patients and health-care systems.”
The small molecules are being developed and tested through computer modelling, which allows the team to “simulate the T cell surface proteins and understand how they interact in humans.”
And the use of these small molecules is not specific to any type of cancer.
“The concept has been proven by antibodies in many cancer types including advanced melanoma, one of the hardest cancers to treat,” said Barakat.
The team plans to have a “lead structure”, an almost-ready drug that only needs small tweaking and optimization, in place by the end of the second year of the project. At that point, they will be seeking a pharmaceutical partner to develop this lead structure into a drug for human trials by 2020.
The research is in partnership with the Alberta Cancer Foundation, which is investing $2.4 million dollars, and the Li Ka Shing Applied Virology Institute, which is contributing an additional $3 million dollars.
“Our partnership with the University of Alberta and Li Ka Shing Institute will allow researchers to look at novel ways of treating cancer, where they target the immune system rather than the tumour itself,” said Alberta Cancer Foundation CEO, Myka Osinchuk.
“Immunotherapy has been described as a breakthrough for this disease so we are pleased to make this investment on behalf of our donors and are excited about its potential on Albertans facing cancer.”

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