Will Ballistic Missiles Fly Over Canada?
James Bredin
They claimed it was all for unity or didn’t your know?
The billions of Adscam and equalization dough,
That ransom money they moved and all paid to Quebec,
You can’t do anything about it and you can’t check.
And it’s all in Trudeau’s Charter – that and same-sex stuff too,
Globe trotting politicians make announcements on cue,
Say they don’t like the US ballistic missile defense,
They don’t like George Bush and they make no pretence.
Then they wonder why we’re having problems at the border,
In their party politics this is downright disorder,
But they’re busy on junkets in China, Turkey or Spain,
Not interested in nearby states like New York or Maine.
Forget this continent for rogues at the United Nations,
Forget the Americans and any close relations,
And the UN would love to command the human race,
International Criminal Court and Kyoto in your face.
The logic of not being involved defies common sense,
But Chretien/Martin types are known to sit on the fence,
They only have to make sure they cater to their party,
Stopped separatists with money and Act of Clarity.
Without referendums or recall we’re surely stuck,
Proportional representation ice with no puck,
Those missiles they believe will never never fly.
And no one absolutely no one has the guts to ask them why.
Friday, March 04, 2005

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