Who Knew Congressman Foley Was A Closeted Democrat?

Johnny Utah

Council Member
Mar 11, 2006
Who Knew Congressman Foley Was A Closeted Democrat?.
October 4, 2006
At least liberals are finally exhibiting a moral compass about something. I am sure that they'd be equally outraged if Rep. Mark Foley were a Democrat.

The object lesson of Foley's inappropriate e-mails to male pages is that when a Republican congressman is caught in a sex scandal, he immediately resigns and crawls off into a hole in abject embarrassment. Democrats get snippy.

Foley didn't claim he was the victim of a “witch hunt.” He didn't whine that he was a put-upon “gay American.” He didn't stay in Congress and haughtily rebuke his critics. He didn't run for re-election. He certainly didn't claim he was “saving the Constitution.” (Although his recent discovery that he has a drinking problem has a certain Democratic ring to it.)

In 1983, Democratic congressman Gerry Studds was found to have sexually propositioned House pages and actually buggered a 17-year-old male page whom he took on a trip to Portugal. The 46-year-old Studds indignantly attacked those who criticized him for what he called a “mutually voluntary, private relationship between adults.”

When the House censured Studds for his sex romp with a male page, Studds — not one to be shy about presenting his backside to a large group of men — defiantly turned his back on the House during the vote. He ran for re-election and was happily returned to office SIX more times by liberal Democratic voters in his Martha's Vineyard district. (They really liked his campaign slogan: “It's the outfit, stupid.”)

Washington Post columnist Colman McCarthy referred to Studds' affair with a teenage page as “a brief consenting homosexual relationship” and denounced Studds' detractors for engaging in a “witch hunt” against gays: “New England witch trials belong to the past, or so it is thought. This summer on Cape Cod, the reputation of Rep Gerry Studds was burned at the stake by a large number of his constituents determined to torch the congressman for his private life.”

Meanwhile, Foley is hiding in a hole someplace.

No one demanded to know why the Democrat Speaker of the House, Thomas “Tip” O'Neill, took one full decade to figure out that Studds was propositioning male pages.

But now, the same Democrats who are incensed that Bush's National Security Agency was listening in on al-Qaida phone calls are incensed that Republicans were not reading a gay congressman's instant messages.

Let's run this past the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals: The suspect sent an inappropriately friendly e-mail to a teenager — oh also, we think he's gay. Can we spy on his instant messages? On a scale of 1 to 10, what are the odds that any court in the nation would have said: YOU BET! Put a tail on that guy — and a credit check, too!

When Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee found unprotected e-mails from the Democrats about their plan to oppose Miguel Estrada's judicial nomination because he was Hispanic, Democrats erupted in rage that their e-mails were being read. The Republican staffer responsible was forced to resign.

But Democrats are on their high horses because Republicans in the House did not immediately wiretap Foley's phones when they found out he was engaging in e-mail chitchat with a former page about what the kid wanted for his birthday.

The Democrats say the Republicans should have done all the things Democrats won't let us do to al Qaida — solely because Foley was rumored to be gay. Maybe we could get Democrats to support the NSA wiretapping program if we tell them the terrorists are gay.

On Fox News' “Hannity and Colmes” Monday night, Democrat Bob Beckel said a gay man should be kept away from male pages the same way Willie Sutton should have been kept away from banks. “If Willie Sutton is around some place where a bank is robbed,” Beckel said, “then you're probably going to say, 'Willie, stay away from the robbery.'"

Hmmmm, let's search the memory bank. In July 2000, the New York Times “ethicist” Randy Cohen advised a reader that pulling her son out of the Cub Scouts because they exclude gay scout masters was “the ethical thing to do.” The “ethicist” explained: “Just as one is honor bound to quit an organization that excludes African-Americans, so you should withdraw from scouting as long as it rejects homosexuals.”

We need to get a rulebook from the Democrats:
Boy Scouts — As gay as you want to be.
Priests — No gays!
Democrat politicians -Proud gay Americans.
Republican politicians - Presumed guilty.
White House Press Corps - No gays, unless they hate Bush.
Active Duty U.S. Military - As gay as possible.
Men Who Date Liza Minelli - Do I have to draw you a picture, Miss Thing?



Ann Coulter does it again exposing the clear hypocrisy by Democrats on the Foley Scandal. Of course when Conservatives call them on their hypocrisy Democrats accuse Conservatives of defending Foley, Democrats are so slow they can't even tell the difference between defending someone and exposing hypocrisy. Of course let us not forget Monica Lewinsky who was an Intern hit on by President Clinton he eventually had sexual relations with, funny how Democrats forget that too..
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Electoral Member
Sep 3, 2006
Monica Lewinsky was an adult.

As for hypocrisy, how about Mr.Foley for speaking out against gay rights while in congress. Or is that irony?


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
..or his work combatting people like himself on the internet.

Johnny Utah

Council Member
Mar 11, 2006
On Tuesday ABC news released a high-impact instant message exchange between Foley and, as ABC explained, a young man "under the age of 18."

ABC headlined the story: "New Foley Instant Messages; Had Internet Sex While Awaiting House Vote"

But upon reviewing the records, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned, the young man was in fact over the age of 18 at the time of the exchange.

A network source explains, messages with the young man and disgraced former Congressman Foley took place before and after the 18th birthday.


Hmmm, wonder if Democrats and the MSM will include this bit of info in their Witch Hunt..


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
It's all coming back to roost for the bedroom police. Ya live by the sword, ya die by the sword.

Johnny Utah

Council Member
Mar 11, 2006
Talk about splitting hairs. The man is a pervert no matter how you splice it.
No one can defend Rep Foley's actions nor should they. This has become more than about Rep Foley this is about Hypocrisy by the Democrats who are so desperate to win. Ann Coulter exposed their Hypocrisy cut and dry that is it..


Time Out
Jul 19, 2006
This isn't about being Democratic or Republican, it's about grown men chasing after children. In my opinion they should be castrated not sent to rehab. You can make it a political fiasco but its no more political than the priests being pedophiles is a religious matter. It's about morally bankrupt pedophiles in high places getting by with child molestation and rape.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
No, it looks like it once again about the smear and fear campaigners trying spin this into a democrat issue. It's no wonder the credibility of the right is non-existant. The whole agenda is biased scattology.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
The Coulter's and O'Reilly's of this world are a disgrace to journalism. They get pimped out by the republicans and make no attempt to hide it.

The real story here is Foley and his hypocritical and disgraceful actions. If the Coulter's of the world want to make fools out of themselves at the same time, that's their choice.


Electoral Member
Apr 8, 2005
I thought the Tony Blankley piece in the Washington Times was a good step in defining how Republicans should deal with this crisis.

The Ann Coulter stuff reminds me of a 5 year old being scolded and responding by telling everyone that there are other kids causing bigger problems and wait and until you hear about them. It's a totally irresponsible approach to accepting any sort of accountability.

Probably one needs to keep in mind that technology has changed and so correspondance can be much more easily monitored today than it was in the past. In the eighties Foley could have survived another couple of years. So Coulter's comparions really do not have any merit as they totally ignore context.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
Slightly off topic but screw the politicians, I am more concerned for the interns and pages...

My friend's daughter in her senior year of high school was accepted into the internship program for a local Congressman. She left us with stars in her eyes, unexpected in a teen when one would think a job in a film or recording studio in Southern California would be more fun. She had aspirations this gal and the smarts to go with it.

She came back quiet, self-reflective and depressed. More disturbing was her fear of getting help. Some
secret too large to unload has been eating her now for four years, while her loved ones wait hoping some day she will finally allow herself the relief of speaking out. She has finished college now and has no social life to speak of except organized political functions where she robots around with little enthusiasm.

I think of the interns/pages who learn more than how government "operates" for the people - the Sandry Levi's, the Monica Lewinsky's, the unnamed, unknown young people who are chewed up and spit out by the
sharks - a place unfit for the young amidst powerful monsters out of control - to whom we pay homage, admiration and benefits galore.

I am generalizing and I realize many politicians are good people, many more than we know about simply are not. I would like to see the internships/pageships abolished younger than the age of 21 however. A few more added years of maturation might jade the young and prepare them for the promises they will hear and never receive.

Foley is one of many who believe their royal "ride on the golden horse" buys them a ticket to
act out all their nasty subterfuges against the "lesser" staffers. For which we pay an impressive salary
while they make slaves of the young.

These are creatures we entrust with the laws and success of our nation?
And while political hacking is made abundant of this most recent incident, the powerful predatory preying remains an ugly side to the business of politics and is not a specialty of one party alone.

As to the openness of exposure, I would not have it any other way.
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what green dots?
Apr 5, 2006

and then they wonder why so many Canadians think that in the collective our good neigbhours to the South are nothing if not seriously ****ed up.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
Well the topic does give you guys an opportunity to find yet more fault.....on which you thrive, quite unkindly I might add. Not one word of empathy for the abused interns/pages either.

...I would be remiss if I passed over the opportunity to state if you think all your government officials are lily white regarding their staffers.....you would be wrong.

As I said the problems do not always lie in one political party, and I should have expanded to include other countries as well.

The topic was Foley however so I am limited to the U.S. government officials.
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Electoral Member
Apr 8, 2005

and then they wonder why so many Canadians think that in the collective our good neigbhours to the South are nothing if not seriously ****ed up.

You may want to check out what Canadians did to native children in the residential schools.


what green dots?
Apr 5, 2006
Well the topic does give you guys an opportunity to find yet more fault.....on which you thrive, quite unkindly I might add. Not one word of empathy for the abused interns either.

the pot calls the kettle black

empathy? I noticed that about Coultier's op-ed as well. kind of stock-in-trade for her.