Where do you get your news from?


New Member
May 31, 2005
Hefei PRC
Re: RE: Where do you get your

Twila said:
I frankly don't care what happens in Canada anymore

then why are you here at Canadian Content?

Just to read the comments posted here by average Canadians, and remind myself what kind of limited thinking exists in the Great White North. An informed individual doesn't have to care about the subject he reads about.

Living outside of Canada grants an expatriate a perspective of the nation and its people which those who never leave the country will never acquire. I see how ignorant, myopic, and delusional Canadians are about themselves, Canada, and the country's role on the world stage everytime I read something here.

I am glad I am not there anymore. Canadians who remain in Canada buy into the lies and propaganda of the government and media (regardless of political leaning) without any difficulty... "Canada is the best nation in the world according to the United Nations 100 years in a Row"... You've heard the lies. You still believe them. I don't anymore. There are better places in the world.

Now you all can do the Canadian thing...attack an unpopular opinion...it's in your brainwashed nature.


Electoral Member
May 27, 2005
Eastern Ontario
RE: Where do you get your

I honestly get my news from everywhere, I must say I find the cbc bias and usually missing out on lead stories however I read papers and get most news from internet, from ctv to cnn to MSN.


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
LaoWai wrote
[/quote]Just to read the comments posted here by average Canadians, and remind myself what kind of limited thinking exists in the Great White North. An informed individual doesn't have to care about the subject he reads about
Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black :roll: You sound real informed :p


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
LaoWai wrote

Just to read the comments posted here by average Canadians, and remind myself what kind of limited thinking exists in the Great White North. An informed individual doesn't have to care about the subject he reads about

Pot calling the kettle :roll: You sound real informed :p


New Member
May 31, 2005
Hefei PRC
mrmom2 said:
LaoWai wrote

Just to read the comments posted here by average Canadians, and remind myself what kind of limited thinking exists in the Great White North. An informed individual doesn't have to care about the subject he reads about

Pot calling the kettle :roll: You sound real informed :p

You provided the Typical idiotic Canadian Response..What your response was is called an Ad Hominem attack, by the way.

I predicted it would happen.

Canadian Assholes can't face the truth. Nor think outside their limited nationalistic box.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
RE: Where do you get your

Laiwai. Are you attempting to educate us and save us from ourselves with all the anti-canadian rhetoric you're spewing?

And are we all assholes according to you?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
LaoWai said:
Machjo said:
badboy said:
too funny i spent 3 months in your city. and CCTV is all you get(well all i got in the hotel), thank god for the KFC and McDonalds downtown or i would have starved to death.

:p Small world, innit?

Not really. You're in Hefei. So am I. We've never met. :?

老外好.你在合肥干什么? 我等英文和世界语教师. 明年有可能我去长春,吉林. 你呢? 和你会世界语吗?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
LaoWai said:
Machjo said:
badboy said:
too funny i spent 3 months in your city. and CCTV is all you get(well all i got in the hotel), thank god for the KFC and McDonalds downtown or i would have starved to death.

:p Small world, innit?

Not really. You're in Hefei. So am I. We've never met. :?

老外好.你在合肥干什么? 我等英文和世界语教师. 明年有可能我去长春,吉林. 你呢? 和你会世界语吗?