What Physicists Have Been Missing /BY SABINE HOSSENFELDER/


Dec 10, 2008
What Physicists Have Been Missing
An exciting new theory reconciles gravity and quantum physics. I think it’s wrong. But I may be too.
But today, the foundations of physics are a sleepy place. We’re still chewing on the same problems
that we had a century ago—and all that chewing hasn’t made them any more digestible.
What is dark matter? What does quantum mechanics really mean?
And why does gravity refuse to cooperate with quantum physics?
These are problems that, when I can’t sleep, I like to think have already kept Einstein up at night.
1- What is “quantum gravity"?
/Gravity is an extremely weak force on small scales compared to the EM forces./
2- What is an electron?
To a request to explain what an electron really is supposed to be we can only answer,
“It is part of the A B C of physics”.
/Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington/
3- Is it possible to cure “incurable infinities”?
'' So we really do not know exactly what it is that we are assuming that gives us the difficulty producing infinities.
A nice problem ! However, it turns out that it is possible to sweep the infinities under the rug ,
by a certain crude skill , and temporarily we are able to keep on calculating. ''
/ Richard Feynman/


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
What is dark matter? What does quantum mechanics really mean?
And why does gravity refuse to cooperate with quantum physics?
These are problems that, when I can’t sleep, I like to think have already kept Einstein up at night.
Einstein slept just fine. Why did he sleep just fine? He slept just fine because Einstein believed in a created Universe.


Dec 10, 2008
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which awards the Nobel, said at the time the standard
model of physics which underpins the scientific understanding of the universe
“rests on the existence of a special kind of particle: the Higgs particle.
This particle originates from an invisible field that fills up all space.

“Even when the universe seems empty this field is there.
Without it, we would not exist, because it is from contact with the field that particles acquire mass.
The theory proposed by Englert and Higgs describes this process.”
1- Book, "Fundamentals":
" The lifetime of a Higgs particle is about 10^-22 seconds,
or a tenth of trillionth of a billionth of a seconds."
/page 177, by Frank Wilczek/
Higgs bosons are unstable particles and therefore cannot be fundamental particles.
2- This "an invisible field that fills up all space." is cosmic vacuum.
“Even when the universe seems empty . . ." . . . "empty" is cosmic vacuum
3- The humble cosmic vacuum, the source of everything, have been missing by scientists.


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Dec 10, 2008
The Large Hadron Collider simulates the Cosmic Vacuum.
The LHC is a small copy of the Cosmic Vacuum.
The Large Hadron Collider can create new particle.
For this reason the LHC needs pure vacuum conditions. Without vacuum, LHC is useless machine.
But these pure vacuum conditions have the cosmic vacuum. The cosmic vacuum (itself) creates new particles.
And how the Cosmic Vacuum (by itself) creates new particles is an unknown process.
So, first we need to understand "what is cosmic vacuum?" Unfortunately we ignore this subject.
Book ''The Fermi Solution'': ''. . . : something seems wrong with our idea of the vacuum.
It is we who abhor a vacuum, who recoil from the stillness of the void as from an open grave.''
/page 37-38, by Hans Christian von Baeyer/
“Somehow, the energy is extracted from the vacuum and turned into particles...
Don't try it in your basement, but you can do it.”
/University of Chicago cosmologist Rocky Kolb/
‘'The problem of the exact description of vacuum, in my opinion,
is the basic problem now before physics.
Really, if you can’t correctly describe the vacuum, how it is possible to expect
a correct description of something more complex?''
/Paul Dirac/
Vacuum for physics research
11 Sep 2024 Sponsored by Agilent Technologies
Your research can’t happen without vacuum! If you’re pushing the boundaries of science
or technology, you know that creating a near-perfect empty space is crucial.
Whether you’re exploring the mysteries of subatomic particles,
simulating the harsh conditions of outer space, or developing advanced materials,
mastering ultra-high (UHV) and extreme-high vacuum (XHV) is necessary.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The Large Hadron Collider simulates the Cosmic Vacuum.
The LHC is a small copy of the Cosmic Vacuum.
The Large Hadron Collider can create new particle.
For this reason the LHC needs pure vacuum conditions. Without vacuum, LHC is useless machine.
But these pure vacuum conditions have the cosmic vacuum. The cosmic vacuum (itself) creates new particles.
And how the Cosmic Vacuum (by itself) creates new particles is an unknown process.
So, first we need to understand "what is cosmic vacuum?" Unfortunately we ignore this subject.
Book ''The Fermi Solution'': ''. . . : something seems wrong with our idea of the vacuum.
It is we who abhor a vacuum, who recoil from the stillness of the void as from an open grave.''
/page 37-38, by Hans Christian von Baeyer/
“Somehow, the energy is extracted from the vacuum and turned into particles...
Don't try it in your basement, but you can do it.”
/University of Chicago cosmologist Rocky Kolb/
‘'The problem of the exact description of vacuum, in my opinion,
is the basic problem now before physics.
Really, if you can’t correctly describe the vacuum, how it is possible to expect
a correct description of something more complex?''
/Paul Dirac/
Vacuum for physics research
11 Sep 2024 Sponsored by Agilent Technologies
Your research can’t happen without vacuum! If you’re pushing the boundaries of science
or technology, you know that creating a near-perfect empty space is crucial.
Whether you’re exploring the mysteries of subatomic particles,
simulating the harsh conditions of outer space, or developing advanced materials,
mastering ultra-high (UHV) and extreme-high vacuum (XHV) is necessary.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. What's gravity's evil twin?


Dec 10, 2008
September 9, 2024. A New Quantum Cheshire Cat Thought Experiment Is Out of the Box
The spin of a particle seems to detach and move without a body—
a strange experimental observation that’s stirring up debate
/By Manon Bischoff/
The Cat is a photon, while the grin is its circular polarization.”
“It seems a bit bold to me to talk about disembodied transmission,” says physicist Holger Hofmann
of Hiroshima University in Japan. “Instead we should revise our idea of particles.”
A Grin without a Cat
“Nobody understands quantum mechanics. It’s so counterintuitive. We know its laws,
but we are always surprised,” says Sandu Popescu, a physicist at the University of Bristol in England,
. . . they claimed the property of the particle could be measured on one path even though
the particle itself took the other—as if the grin and the cat had come apart.
“Ultimately, the paradoxical behaviors are related to the wave-particle duality,” Saldanha says.
But in the papers that report evidence of the quantum Cheshire cat, he asserts,
the findings “are processed in a sophisticated way that obscures this simpler interpretation.”
“You think the particle has a spin and the spin should stay with the particle.
But the spin crosses the box without the particle.”
A quantum 'spin' is impulse without a body.
A quantum particle has no geometric shape, and so when physicists use the name
"spin" (integer h or half-integer h*), they are talking about the smile of the cat in Wonderland,
not about the cat itself. To understand reality, a "cat" must have some geometric shape.


Dec 10, 2008
Before observation, the Quantum Cat can be in any place (superposition),
and at the moment of measurement (according to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle
(Δx Δp ≈ h/4π, ΔEΔt ≈ h/4π) it simultaneously changes its position.
This is life in Quantum Wonderland.