Vietnam 2 Preflight check

Ten Packs

Council Member
Nov 21, 2004
Kamloops BC
Vietnam 2 Preflight check

1. Cabal of oldsters who won’t listen to outside advice? Check.

2. No understanding of ethnicities of the many locals? Check.

3. Imposing country boundaries drawn in Europe, not by the locals? Check.

4. Unshakeable faith in our superior technology? Check.

5. France secretly hoping we fall on our asses? Check.

6. Russia secretly hoping we fall on our asses? Check.

7. China secretly hoping we fall on our asses? Check.

8. Secretary of Defense pushing a conflict the Joint Chief of Staffs never wanted? Check.

9. Fear we’ll look bad if we back down now? Check.

10. Corrupt Texan in the WH? Check.

11. Land war in Asia? Check.

12. Right unhappy with outcome of previous war? Check.

13. Enemy easily moves in/out of neighboring countries? Check.

14. Soldiers about to be dosed with *our own* chemicals? Check.

15. Friendly fire problem ignored instead of solved? Check.

16. Anti-Americanism up sharply in Europe? Check.

17. B-52 bombers? Check.

18. Helicopters that clog up on the local dust? Check.

19. In-fighting among the branches of the military? Check.

20. Locals that cheer us by day, hate us by night? Check.

21. Local experts ignored? Check.

22. Local politicians ignored? Check.

23. Locals used to conflicts lasting longer than the USA has been a country? Check.

24. Against advice, Prez won’t raise taxes to pay for war? Check.

25. Blue water navy ships operating in brown water? Check.

26. Use of nukes hinted at if things don’t go our way? Check.

27. Unpopular war? Check.

28. Prez ratings sliding like a kid on a Krazee Karpet?. Check

Vietnam 2, you are cleared to taxi.....


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
Holy bigamus bejeeezus !!!

What a checklist !!!

Crap !!!

Is Vietnam 2 cleared for landing ?

Traffic Control tower: No. You are not. Repeat Not cleared for landing.

Vietnam 2: Roger that. Options ?

Traffic Control Tower: We have cleared you for Ankara Turkey.

Vietnam 2: Understood. But fuel is low. Can't do it.
Other options ?

Traffic Control Tower: No.

Vietnam 2: Then we are coming down.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Vietnam 2 Preflight c

I was looking at some of the daily devastation a little earlier and thinking of George Carlin's explanation for why the US stayed in Vietnam so long..."Pull out? Doesn't sound manly to me!"