US Newspapers Biased Against Republicans


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
New York Times? Washington Post?

All that those idiots did was to stir up war hysteria by repeatedly pretending that Saddam had WMD. It took forever for those traitors to finally relent and to admit that their lies were baseless.

Their treason shows reich wing media bias.

Logic 7

Council Member
Jul 17, 2006
Gonzo said:
I always found that funny about your country. Bill Clinton was a bad husband and they try to impeach him because he lied about a personal matter. Yet George Bush is a bad President and nothing happens. Bush lies about everything and that’s okay. Yeah, the media in the States is biased all right, against the democrats.

I guess it is about freedom :wink: , you know, just the fact that US officials invest more money in a blow job( monica lewinsky affair) than 9-11,that gives you idea of US Priority, and at the same time, stupidity.


Nominee Member
Aug 22, 2006
gopher said:
Oh yeah, the news media is so terribly biased, yeah right. All it did was to attack Clinton like friggin hell for his one personal indiscretion which hurt nobody. But that same media is ever so forgiving and so willing to look the other way rather than to criticize Bush for his endless lies. Clinton's lie hurt nobody - Bush's lies killed thousands of Americans.
The media almost completely avoids mention of Iraqi deaths, or at least the estimated body count.

The Project Man

Liquer'd Up & Lash'n Out!
Aug 22, 2006
I would have to agree with Gonzo. Who owns the papers. When the US media gets the interview, it is all fluff questions.
1) "Hows the wife?"
Ans: " She's, She's doing well, working with people and for the people when she get a chance. She's a great humanitarian and mother!

2) "Do you feel you have accomplished your goals?"
Ans: "Of F'n course you a-hole, thanks now I have to go pick bird-shot out of Chaney's Lawyer friends face, what's his name?"

thank you,