US Citizen Needs Edmonton Area Job Desperately!


New Member
Jul 9, 2007
I'm completely new to the area and the country. I am currently working on my permanent residence status but it will still be some time on that. In the meantime I'm trying to nail down a job in the area but due to immigration restrictions I have to have a Labour Market Opinion letter filled out by a potential employer to confirm a job offer. It's a simple two page letter (not a sponsorship) that just says a job was advertised for. Due to the influx of immigrants there is however a backlog of one to three months before it's approaved and thus I can't legally work until it gets back. Apparently these things are being filled out given the backlog and all but I have no clue who it is that is actually doing it. I've been to interview upon interview, been offered many jobs but no company is willing to fill out this simple form. They all have had the same job postings for the past several months but just won't do it. I've tried practically everything I can think of and have nothing left to try. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I've got two degrees and excellent references, just no clue where to turn from here.


New Member
Jul 9, 2007
I'm currently here under a visitors visa while I look around as most employers want to interview me first hand rather than over the phone ect. I've had several opportunities to get a job, even offered a 40k a year job from Telus but no one wanted to wait that time period or go through the hassle of a two page form. So, trying to get a job, otherwise I have to leave in 5 months.